A manual trigger link for Apollo Client
Manual Trigger Link for Apollo GraphQL Client
An ApolloLink to trigger data coming manually.
To have a simulation of GraphQL Subscription events in client-side mocks, runnable from your browser console.
yarn add @quiqup/manual-trigger-link
Peer dependencies
NB! See also:
1. Use it in your mock client
You it in your mock client and pass a setTrigger
const link = ApolloLink.split(
ApolloLink.from([new ManualTriggerLink({ setTriggers }), schemaLink]),
const cache = new InMemoryCache()
return new ApolloClient({ cache, link })
function can be called several times during execution and will receive one parameter - an object with the following shape:
_all, // Triggers updates on all subscriptions
_inspect, // Returns an object with all current subscriptions
[operationName], // A set of functions to trigger updates based on operationName (e.g. `task` for gql`subscription task {...}`)
Example of setTriggers
func implementation:
const setTriggers = triggers => {
if (!window.mocks) window.mocks = {}
window.mocks.triggers = triggers
2. Setup your mock client
Set up your mock client by setting SchemaLink parameters, like rootValue
or mocks
Operation triggers can accept a context object which will be passed to your resolvers. In this example we can configure whether we want a normal task or an empty update (say, the task is unassigned from COR):
// This root value will be passed to SchemaLink
const rootValue = {
task: (root, variables, context) => {
const { empty } = context || {}
return empty ? null : mockTaskObject
3. User your mock client in your app
We recommend putting all mocking stuff under a dynamic import and not using it in production.
For example, in dev environment there's a function like that, assigned to a window
mocksOn = async () => {
const mockClientModule = await import('./get-mock-client')
const client = await mockClientModule.default(getClientOptions(), triggers => {
window.mocks.triggers = triggers
4. Call mocks from dev console
So now you can call your mocks from browser's dev console:
mock.triggers.new() // for normal task mock
mock.triggers.new({ empty: true }) // to get an update with `null` as data
NB! There's an issue with apollo-link-state
: it doesn't work with subscriptions. Inside, it closes all internal Observers' subscriptions objects, so you can't get new data. That's why for mock-client
you should have apollo-link-state
only for normal queries and mutations. This means that for now you can't use client resolvers for subscriptions.
Please see this issue: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-link-state/issues/138
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