This is the quest SDK
QuestSdk is a javascript development kit which utilizes the quest protocol core apis and provide simple and easy to use methods.
If this is a brand new project, make sure to create a package.json
first with
the npm init
Installation is done using the
npm install
$ npm install @questlabs/core
Once the package is installed, you can import the sdk using import
or require
Using the import approach for web or mobile projects:
import QuestSdk from "@questlabs/core";
Using the require approach for node.js projects:
const QuestSdk = require("@questlabs/core").default;
Initialization in production environment
// types
interface IConstructor {
apiKey: string;
apiSecret: string;
stagingEnvironment?: boolean;
userAgent?: UserAgent;
entityAuthenticationToken?: string;
entityId?: string;
platform?: string;
export type UserAgent = "MOBILE" | "BROWSER" | "SERVER";
// example usage
const questSdk = new QuestSdk({
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
apiSecret: "YOUR_API_SECRET",
entityId: "YOUR_ENTITY_ID",
Initialization in staging environment
const questSdk = new QuestSdk({
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
apiSecret: "YOUR_API_SECRET",
entityId: "YOUR_ENTITY_ID",
stagingEnvironment: true,
Base class getters and setters
QuestSdk.setEntityId({ entityId }: ISetEntity): void
QuestSdk.getEntityId(): string | undefined
QuestSdk.setUser({ userId, token }: ISetUser): void
QuestSdk.getUser(): {
userId: string | undefined;
token: string | undefined;
QuestSdk.setEnvironment({ stagingEnvironment }: ISetEnvironment): void
QuestSdk.getEnvironment(): {
stagingEnvironment: boolean;
QuestSdk.isStagingEnvironment(): boolean
QuestSdk.setUserAgent({ userAgent }: ISetUserAgent): void
QuestSdk.getUserAgent(): UserAgent
QuestSdk.setEntityAuthenticationToken({ token }: ISetEntityAuthenticationToken): void
QuestSdk.getEntityAuthenticationToken(): string | undefined
QuestSdk.setApiKeys({ apiKey, apiSecret }: ISetApiKeys): void
QuestSdk.getApiKeys(): {
apiKey: string;
apiSecret: string;
QuestSdk.getBaseUrl(): string
Core Modules
Entity, User, Badge, DappMetric, DynamicNFT, EntityTag, MembershipTier, Skill, Quest, EntityCreditTier, EntityAuthenticationToken New, EntityDataContract New, EntityFeatureFlag New, EntityPrompt New, GPT New.
Social Modules
Twitter, Discord, Instagram New
Abstract Modules
Xp New, EligibilityCriteria, Reward
import { Entity } from "@questlabs/core/modules/core";
// OR
import { Core } from "@questlabs/core";
const entity = new Entity(questSdk);
// OR
const entity = new Core.Entity(questSdk);
Create new entity
Used to create a new entity with various details such as name, contracts, description, social media handles, website, and images.
const { entityId, success, error } = await entity.createNewEntity({ name: "Acme Corporation", contracts: ["0xContract123", "0xContract456"], openseaSlug: "acme-corp", description: "A leading technology company.", chainSource: "ON_CHAIN", isPrivate: false, decreaseCreditsAt: 50, decreaseCreditsFrom: "User567", website: "https://www.acmecorp.com", imageUrl: "https://www.acmecorp.com/logo.png", bannerUrl: "https://www.acmecorp.com/banner.png", entityURLAlias: "acme", parentEntityId: "ParentEntity789", category: "Technology", });
Add new custom entity ID
Adds a new custom entity ID by an admin.
const { success, error } = await entity.addNewCustomEntityId({ customPlatformName: "Twitter", customPlatformId: "123456789", entityId: "Entity123", name: "John Doe", username: "johndoe", link: "https://twitter.com/johndoe", accessToken: "your-access-token", refreshToken: "your-refresh-token", expiresIn: "3600", });
Get all entities
Returns all entities.
const { data, success, error } = await entity.getAllEntities({ page: 1, limit: 10, });
Get entity information
Used to fetch information about a specific entity based on its ID.
const { data, success, error } = await entity.getEntityInfo({ entityId: "entity-123", });
Get entity ID for alias:
Retrieves the entity ID for the given alias.
const { data, success, error } = entity.getEntityIdForAlias({ alias: "alias-123", });
Get entity ID for custom ID:
Retrieves the entity ID for the given custom ID, platform, and record type.
const { data, success, error } = entity.getEntityIdForCustomId({ customId: "c-123", platform: "twitter", recordType: "TWITTER", });
Update entity
Used to update an existing entity with new information such as name, description, social media handles, website, and images.
const { success, error } = await entity.updateEntity({ entityId: "Entity123", name: "Updated Entity Name", description: "This is the updated description for the entity.", isPrivate: "false", decreaseCreditsAt: "50", decreaseCreditsFrom: "User567", website: "https://updated-entity.com", imageUrl: "https://updated-entity.com/image.png", bannerUrl: "https://updated-entity.com/banner.png", entityURLAlias: "updated-entity", });
Update Entity theme
Updates the current theme of an entity.
const { success, message, error } = await entity.updateEntityTheme({ theme: { backgroundColor: "blue", fontFamily: "Hanken Grotesk", accentColor: "sky-blue", }, entityId: "e-123", });
Get Entity theme
Retrieves the current theme of an entity.
const { theme, success, error } = await entity.getEntityTheme({ entityId: "e-123", });
Update Entity plan
Updates the current plan of an entity.
const { success, error } = await entity.updateEntityPlan({ entityId: "e-123", product: { name: "FREE", }, });
Get users of an entity
Retrieves the users associated with a specific entity for a given user.
const { users, success, error } = await entity.getUsersForEntityForUser({ entityId: "entity-123", });
Get all admins
Retrieves all the admins of an entity.
const { data, message, success, error } = await entity.getAllAdmins({ entityId: "e-123", });
Remove admin
Removes admin of an entity.
const { message, success, error } = await entity.removeAdmin({ userId: "u-123", entityId: "e-123", });
Add or update social tokens
This function adds or updates social tokens for a specified entity using provided authentication and API credentials.
const { message, success, error } = await entity.addOrUpdateSocialTokens({ recordType: EntityTokenRecordType.TWITTER, entityId: "Entity123", authClientId: "your-auth-client-id", authClientSecret: "your-auth-client-secret", apiKey: "your-api-key", apiSecret: "your-api-secret", authorizationToken: "your-authorization-token", apiHost: "api.twitter.com", });
Get social tokens
This async function retrieves the social tokens of a particulay record type for an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entity.getSocialTokens({ recordType: "TWITTER", entityId: "e-1234", });
Approve entity creation
Approves the creation of an entity with the specified entity data. Only admins can perform this action.
const { success, error } = await entity.approveEntityCreation({ entityId: "entity-123", baseName: "Mybase", baseSymbol: "MEN", });
Get all pending entities
Retrieves all pending entities that are yet to be created. Only admins can perform this action.
const { data, success, error } = await entity.getAllPendingEntities();
Add admin
Adds admin for an entity.
const { message, success, error } = await entity.addAdminToEntity({ email: "[email protected]", role: "ADMIN", name: "Jonny", entityId: "e-1212", });
Get api keys
Get or generate new api and secret keys for an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entity.getOrGenerateNewAPIKey({ entityId: "e-123", });
Manually add users to entity
Adds users to an entity.
const { success, error } = await entity.manuallyAddUsersToEntity({ entityId: "entity-123", userIds: ["user-456", "user-789"], });
Get users of an entity
Get users of an entity
const { users, success, error } = await entity.getUsersOfEntity({ entityId: "e-1212" });
Delete Entity
Allows to delete an entity, can only be performed by the owner.
const response = await entity.deleteEntity({ userId: "u-123", token: "login-token", entityId: "e-123", });
Here are the methods of User module and their use cases:
Login with wallet
Logs in the user or creates one if it doesn't exist using wallet information.
const { userId, token, newUser, success, error } = await user.loginWithWallet({ entityId: "entity-123", walletAddress: "0x1234567890abcdef", signature: "0xabcdef1234567890", token: "Super secret message", });
Login with Google
Logs in the user or creates one if it doesn't exist using Google authentication.
const { userId, token, newUser, success, error } = await user.loginWithGoogle({ code: "google-auth-code", redirectUri: "https://example.com/callback", entityId: "entity-123", });
Get user details for a given user ID:
Retrieves user details for a given user ID.
const { data, isAdmin, success, error } = await user.getUserDetailsForUserId({ forUserId: "user-123", });
Set user information
updates user information for a given user ID.
const { success, error } = await user.setUserInfo({ name: "John Doe", imageUrl: "https://example.com/johndoe.jpg", bannerUrl: "https://example.com/johndoe-banner.jpg", location: "New York City, NY", expertise: "Web Development", goals: ["Become a Full Stack Developer", "Learn Machine Learning"], interests: ["Programming", "Gaming", "Travel"], about: "I'm a passionate web developer with a love for coding and technology.", currentWork: "Software Engineer at XYZ Inc.", funFacts: ["I can solve a Rubik's Cube in under a minute!", "I've visited 10 countries so far."], role: "Software Engineer", sector: "Technology", });
Create new custom user.
Creates a new custom user with custom user information.
const { userId, newUser, success, error } = await user.createNewCustomUser({ customUserId: "custom-123", customPlatform: "MyCustomPlatform", entityId: "entity-123", });
Get user details for a given email
Retrieves user details for a given email address.
const { data, isAdmin, success, error } = await user.getUserDetailsForEmail({ email: "[email protected]", });
Get user details for a given wallet address
Retrieves user details for a given wallet address.
const { data, isAdmin, success, error } = await user.getUserDetailsForWalletAddress({ walletAddress: "0x1234567890abcdef", });
Get user's connected socials:
Retrieves social connections for a given user.
const { data, success, error } = await user.getConnectedUserSocials({ entityId: "entity-123", });
Get entities for a user
Retrieves entities associated with a given user.
const { success, error, data, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await user.entitesForUser({ page: 1, limit: 10, });
Get admin entities for a user
Retrieves admin entities associated with a given user.
const { data, success, errror } = await user.getAdminEntitiesForUser();
Set selected admin entity
Updates current admin entity.
const { success, error } = await user.setSelectedAdminEntityId({ entityId: "entity-123", });
Send OTP email
Sends an OTP to a given email for login to a particular entity
const { data, success, error } = await user.sendOtpEmail({ email: "[email protected]", entity: "e-12123", });
Verify OTP email
Verifies the OTP sent to an email for login to a particular entity
const { userId, token, newUser , success, error } = await user.verifyOtpEmail({ email: "[email protected]", entity: "e-12123" otp: 112435, name: "Jon Doe", });
Connect wallet
Connects a user's wallet address
const {} = await user.connectWallet({ entityId: "e-1212", walletAddress: "0x1212331211", signature: "12121bax1243", token: "secret message", userId: "u-121243", });
Here are the methods of Badge module and their use cases:
Retrieve all badges for a given user
Retrieves all badges for a given user.
const { data, success, error } = await badge.getAllBadgesForUser();
Get all badges of an entity
Retrieves all badges of a specific entity.
const { data, success, error } = await badge.getAllBadgesForEntity({ entityId: "entity-123", });
Get badge information of an entity
Retrieve the badge information for a specific badge associated with an entity.
const { success, error, data, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await badge.getBadgeInfoForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", badgeId: "badge123", });
Update badge for a specific entity
Update badge for a specific entity.
const { success, error } = await badge.updateBadgesForEntity({ name: "Achievement Badge", imageIPFS: "ipfs://your-badge-image-hash", description: "This badge signifies a major achievement.", entityId: "Entity123", skills: "Programming", userIds: "User456", endsAt: "2023-12-31", xp: 100, airdropEnabled: false, typeData: "Some type data", type: "Achievement", totalCount: "1", visibility: "Public", proofType: "Evidence", });
Claim a badge for an entity
Claim a badge for an entity.
const { success, error, calculatedDynamicNFT, nftMinted, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await badge.claimBadgeForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", badgeId: "badge123", addToDynamicNFT: true, });
Add users to a badge
Add users to a badge.
const { success, error } = await badge.addUsersToBadge({ entityId: "entity123", badgeId: "badge123", userIds: ["user456", "user789"], });
Get my created badges
Retrieve the badges created by a specific user
const createdBadges = await badge.getMyCreatedBadges({ userId: "user123", token: "login-token", });
Get user created badges
Get badges created by the user
const { data, success, error } = await badge.getUserCreatedBadges();
Add badge for entity
Add badge for a specific entity
const { success, error, badgeId, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await badge.addBadgeForEntity({ name: "Achievement Badge", imageIPFS: "ipfs://your-badge-image-hash", description: "This badge signifies a major achievement.", entityId: "Entity123", skills: "Programming", userIds: "User456", endsAt: "2023-12-31", xp: 100, airdropEnabled: false, typeData: "Some type data", type: "Achievement", totalCount: "1", visibility: "Public", proofType: "Evidence", });
Get number of badges earned
Get the number of badges a user ha earned for an entity
const { success, error, data, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await badge.getNumberOfBadgesEarned();
Get user earned badges
Get the badges a user has earned for an entity
const { success, error, data, page, totalCount, totalPages, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await badge.getUserEarnedBadgesForEntity();
Add users to badge
Add users to badge
const { success, error, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await badge.addUsersToBadge({ badgeId: "b-59f3a52d-92ee-4dae-944e-b271d6135b91", userIds: ["u-cfd286e2-6bd3-4c8b-a404-ef8b0f5cbc8e"], });
Here are the methods of DappMetric module and their use cases:
Get all dapp metrics
Retrieve all Dapp metrics for a specific entity.
const allDappMetrics = await SDK.meta.dappMetric.getAllDappMetrics({ entityId: "entity123", userId: "user123", token: "login-token", });
Get dapp metric for a user
Retrieves a specific Dapp metric for a user of an entity.
const dappMetric = await SDK.meta.dappMetric.getDappMetricForUser({ entityId: "entity123", userId: "user123", metricId: "metric123", adminId: "admin123", token: "login-token", });
Increment dapp metric for a user
Increment the value of a specific Dapp metric for a user of an entity.
const incrementedMetric = await SDK.meta.dappMetric.incrementDappMetricForUser({ entityId: "entity123", userId: "user123", metricId: "metric123", count: 5, adminId: "admin123", token: "login-token", });
Get all dapp metrics of a user
Retrieve all Dapp metrics for a user of an entity.
const allUserDappMetrics = await SDK.meta.dappMetric.getAllDappMetricsForUser( entityId: "entity123", userId: "user123", adminId: "admin123", token: "login-token", );
Increment multiple dapp metrics for a user
Increment multiple Dapp metrics for a user of an entity.
const incrementedMetrics = await SDK.meta.dappMetric.incrementMultipleMetricsForUser({ entityId: "entity123", userId: "user123", metrics: [ { metricId: "metric1", count: 2 }, { metricId: "metric2", count: 3 }, ], adminId: "admin123", token: "login-token", });
Here are the methods of DynamicNFT module and their use cases:
Mint dynamic NFT
Mint a dynamic NFT for a specific user of an entity
const { data, success, error } = await dynamicNFT.mintDynamicNFT({ entityId: "entity123", type: "type1", forUserId: "forUser123", });
Add running xp for a user
Add running XP to the dynamic NFT created for the user of a specific entity
const { success, error, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await dynamicNft.addRunningXP({ xp: 10000, title: "TITLE_FOR_INCREMENTING", });
Get my dynamic NFTs
Retrieve the dynamic NFTs owned by a user
const { data, success, error } = await dynamicNFT.getMyDynamicNFTs();
Get my dynamic NFT details for an entity
Retrieve the dynamic NFT details for a specific entity owned by a user.
const { data, entity_data, success, error } = await dynamicNFT.getMyDynamicNFTDetailsForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", });
Get XP for user
Get XP for a user of an entity
const { data, success, error } = await dynamicNft.getXpForUser({ entityId: "e-1212", userId: "u-12121" });
Get XP for users
Get XP for multiple users of an entity
const { data, success, error } = await dynamicNft.getXpForUsers({ entityId: "e-1212", userIds: ["u-12121", "u-9090"], });
Get XP for entity
Get XP for an entity
const { data, success, error } = await dynamicNft.getXpForEntity({ entityId: "e-1212", });
Get XP for entities
Get XP for multiple entities
const { data, success, error } = await dynamicNft.getXpForEntities({ entityIds: ["e-1212", "e-9090"], });
Recalculate user's dynamic NFT
Recalculate the dynamic NFT for a specific entity owned by a user.
const { data, success, error } = await dynamicNFT.recalculateUsersDynamicNFT({ entityId: "entity123", userId: "user123", });
Get all themes for an entity
Retrieve all themes for a specific entity.
const { data, success, error } = await dynamicNFT.getAllThemesForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", });
Add new dynamic theme for an entity
Add a new dynamic theme for a specific entity.
const { themeId, success, error } = await dynamicNFT.addNewThemeForEntity({ membershipTier: 2, title: "Gold Membership", price: "49.99 USD", entityId: "Entity123", backgroundImageIPFS: "your-background-image-hash", horizontalLogoImageIPFS: "your-horizontal-logo-image-hash", squareLogoImageIPFS: "your-square-logo-image-hash", backgroundColor: "#F0F0F0", accentColor1: "#FFA500", accentColor2: "#008000", metadataIPFS: "your-metadata-hash", });
Get theme details for an entity
Retrieve the details of a specific theme for a given entity.
const { data, success, error } = await dynamicNFT.getThemeDetailsForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", themeId: "theme123", });
Update theme for an entity
Update the details of a specific theme for a given entity.
const { success, error } = await dynamicNFT.updateThemeForEntity({ themeId: "t-1212", membershipTier: 2, title: "Gold Membership", price: "49.99 USD", entityId: "Entity123", backgroundImageIPFS: "your-background-image-hash", horizontalLogoImageIPFS: "your-horizontal-logo-image-hash", squareLogoImageIPFS: "your-square-logo-image-hash", backgroundColor: "#F0F0F0", accentColor1: "#FFA500", accentColor2: "#008000", metadataIPFS: "your-metadata-hash", });
Delete theme for an entity
Delete a specific theme for a given entity.
const { success, error } = await dynamicNFT.deleteThemeForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", themeId: "theme123", });
Set default theme for an entity
Set the default theme for a given entity.
const { success, error } = await dynamicNFT.setDefaultThemeForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", themeId: "theme123", });
Get user user xp leaderboard rank
Retrives the user's rank from the xp leaderboard
const { success, error, data, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await dynamicNft.getUserXpLeaderboardRank();
Get user user xp leaderboard
Retrives the xp leaderboard
const { success, error, data, page ,totalCount, totalPages, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await dynamicNft.getUserXpLeaderboard();
Get user user xp history
Retrives the history of xp increments for a user
const { success, error, data, page, totalCount, totalPages, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await dynamicNft.getUserXpHistory();
Here are the methods of EntityTag module and their use cases:
Get all tags for an entity
Retrieve all tags for a specific entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityTag.getAllTagsForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", });
Add tag for an entity
Add a tag for a specific entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityTag.addTagForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", tagName: "Tag 1", description: "This is tag 1", });
Update tag of an entity
Update a tag for a specific entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityTag.updateTagForEntity({ tagId: "tag123", tagName: "Updated Tag 1", description: "This is the updated tag 1", entityId: "entity123", });
Delete tag of an entity
Delete a tag for a specific entity.
const { success, error } = await entityTag.deleteTagForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", tagId: "tag123", });
Get entity tags for a user
Retrieve tags associated with a specific entity for a given user, on behalf of another user.
const { data, success, error } = await entityTag.getEntityTagsForUser({ entityId: "entity123", forUserId: "forUser123", });
Add entity tag for a user
Add a user to an entity tag.
const { data, success, error } = await entityTag.addEntityTagForUser({ entityId: "entity123", forUserId: "forUser123", tagId: "tag123", });
Remove entity tag for a user
Remove a user from an array of users associated with an entity tag.
const { success, error } = await entityTag.removeEntityTagForUser({ entityId: "entity123", tagId: "tag123", forUserId: "forUser123", });
Here are the methods of MembershipTier module and their use cases:
Get all membership tiers of entity
Retrieve all membership tiers of an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await membershipTier.getAllMembershipTiersOfEntity({ entityId: "entity123", page: 1, limit: 10, });
Get membership tier details for an entity
Retrieve membership tier details of an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await membershipTier.getMembershipTierDetailsForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", memberhipTier: 1, });
Add new membership tier for an entity
Add a new membership tier for an entity.
const { success, error } = await membershipTier.addNewMembershipTierForEntity({ xpThreshold: 5000, membershipTier: 2, imageIPFS: "your-membership-tier-image-hash", description: "Unlock exclusive benefits with our Gold Membership.", entityId: "Entity123", });
Update membership tier for an entity
Update the xpThreshold requirements of a specific membership tier for an entity.
const { success, error } = await membershipTier.updateMembershipTierForEntity({ membershipTier: 2, xpThreshold: 1000, entityId: "Entity123", });
Delete membership tier for entity
Delete a specific membership tier for an entity.
const { success, error } = await membershipTier.deleteMembershipTierForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", membershipTier: 1, });
Here are the methods of Skill module and their use cases:
Get all skills
Retrieve all skills associated with an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await skill.getAllSkills({ entityId: "entity123", });
Get skill details
Retrieve the details of a specific skill.
const { data, success, error } = await skill.getSkillDetails({ skillId: "skill123", });
Add new skill
Add a new skill for an entity.
const { skillId, success, error } = await skill.addNewSkill({ name: "New Skill", description: "This is a new skill", entityId: "entity123", });
Add multiple new skills
Add multiple new skills for an entity.
const { skillIds, success, error } = await skill.addMultipleNewSkills({ skills: [ { name: "Skill 1", description: "This is skill 1" }, { name: "Skill 2", description: "This is skill 2" }, ], entityId: "entity123", });
Here are the methods of Quest module and their use cases:
Get all Quests
Fetches all the quests with optional params for pagination.
const { data, success, error } = await quest.getAllQuests({ page: 1, limit: 10, });
Get all quests of an entity
Fetches all the quests of a specific entity with optional pagination.
const { data, success, error } = await quest.getAllQuestsForEntity({ entityId: "e-101", page: 1, limit: 10, });
Get quest details.
Fetches the details of a quest with stats of the user retrieving it, userId is optional.
const { success, error, data, allCriteriasCompleted, claimStatus, completedCriteriasPercentage, eligibilityData, rewards, session, totalCriteriasCompleted, referralCode, totalClaimed, loginAgain, userTokenExpired, } = await quest.getQuestDetails({ entityId: "e-010", questId: "q-202", });
Create Quest.
Creates a quest for users of an entity to complete and get rewards.
const eligibilityCirterias: ICreateQuestEligibilityCriteria = []; eligibilityCirterias.push(eligibilityCriteria.createUserInputText({ title: "ENter your name", xp: 10, frequency: EligibilityCriteriaFrequencyConst.ONCE, effort: EligibilityCriteriaEffortConst.E1, importance: EligibilityCriteriaImportanceConst.I1, })); const rewards: ICreateQuestReward = []; rewards.push(reward.createXp({ xp: 10, })) const { id, success, error, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await quest.createQuest({ title: "Epic Adventure Quest", entityId: "Entity123", description: "Embark on a journey filled with challenges and rewards!", imageURL: "https://example.com/quest-image.jpg", endsAt: new Date("2023-12-31T23:59:59Z"), hasReferral: true, referralXP: 50, theme: { background: "#F0F0F0", textColor: "#333333" }, isPrivate: false eligibilityCirterias: eligibilityCirterias, rewards: rewards, });
Update Quest
Updates a quest of an entity.
const { success, error } = await quest.updateQuest({ entityId: "e-123", questId: "q-123", title: "Updated quest title", });
Delete quest
Deletes a quest.
const { success, error, message } = await quest.deleteQuest({ entityId: "e-123", questId: "q-123", });
Verify quest criteria for user
Verifies a criteria for a user whether they have completed or not.
const { success, error, loginAgin, status } = await quest.verifyQuestCriteriaForAUser({ entityId: "e-123", questId: "q-123", criteriaId: "c-1212", answer: ["My name is Jon"], });
Verify multiple quest criterias for user
Verifies multiple criteria for a user whether they have completed or not.
const { success, error, loginAgin, status } = await quest.verifyMultipleQuestCriteriaForAUser({ entityId: "e-123", questId: "q-123", criterias: [ { criteriaId: "c-1212", answer: ["My name is Jon"], }, { criteriaId: "c-090", answer: [20], }, ], });
Claim quest rewards
Allows user to claim the rewards of a quest if they have completed all the eligibility criterias.
const { success, error } = await quest.claimQuestRewards({ questId: "q-123", entityId: "e-123", });
Get Quest Summary
Get quest summary details.
const { summary, success, error } = await quest.getQuestSummary({ entityId: "e-123", questId: "q-123", });
Get referral code of user for quest.
Get referral code for the user for a particular quest, which can be used to share with others.
const { referralCode, success, error } = await quest.getOrSetNewReferralCodeForQuestAndUser({ entityId: "e-123", questId: "q-123", });
Get referral leaderboard.
Get leaderboard for all the referrals.
const { data, success, error } = await quest.getReferralLeaderboard({ entityId: "e-123", questId: "q-123", });
Get quest submissions
Get quest user submission details with referrals
const { data, success, error } = await quest.getQuestSubmissions({ questId: "q-121", entityId: "e-1212" });
Create metric quest
Create metric quest which doesn't have any criterias other than metric
const { success, error, questId, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await quest.createMetricQuest({ metric: { metricId: "daily_login", metricType: "threshold", threshold: 30 }, autoClaimRewards: true, repeatRewardsBasedOnMetricCount: false, title: "30 days login", rewards: [ { type: "REWARD_XP", xp: 10, } ], description: "Login for 30 days", });
Get metric quest details
Get metric quest details
const { success, error, data, loginAgain, userTokenExpired } = await quest.getMetricQuestDetails({ questId: "q-893aa9ae-d479-4e89-80f0-7a99a8c50b96", entityId: "e-9946bedf-3c65-4111-b296-ca6fd2a3a738" });
Here are the methods of EntityCreditTier module and their use cases:
Add Credit Tier for Entity
Add a new credit tier for an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityCreditTier.addCreditTierForEntity({ creditsTierId: "tier123", creditsTierName: "New Tier", price: 10, creditsAmount: 100, extraCreditsAmount: 50, recurringTimePeriod: "MONTHLY", entityId: "entity123", });
Update Credit Tier for Entity
Update an existing credit tier for an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityCreditTier.updateCreditTierForEntity({ creditsTierId: "tier123", price: 15, entityId: "entity123", });
Get credit tiers for entity
Fetches the credit tiers info of an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityCreditTier.getCreditTiersForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", });
Get credit info for a user
Fetches the credit info for a user of an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityCreditTier.getCreditInfoForUser({ entityId: "entity123", forUserId: "user123", });
Buy credit for entity
Purchase credits for an entity.
const { success, error } = await entityCreditTier.buyCreditsForEntity({ creditsTierId: "tier123", intentId: "intent123", entityId: "entity123", });
Buy Credits for User
Purchase credits for a user.
const { success, error } = await entityCreditTier.buyCreditsForUser({ creditsTierId: "tier123", intentId: "intent123", entityId: "entity123", forUserId: "user123", });
Decrement credits for a user
Decrements credits of a user.
const { success, error } = await entityCreditTier.decrementCreditsForUser({ creditsAmount: 50, entityId: "entity123", forUserId: "user123", });
Decrement credits for a Entity
Decrements credits of a Entity.
const { success, error } = await entityCreditTier.decrementCreditsForEntity({ creditsAmount: 50, entityId: "entity123", });
Create Payment Intent for Entity
Create a payment intent for an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityCreditTier.createPaymentIntentForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", cardData: { email: "[email protected]", name: "John Doe", address: { country: "US", postal_code: 12345, city: "New York", state: "NY", line1: "123 Main St", line2: "Apt 4B", }, }, intentData: { paymentMethodId: "paymentMethod123", amount: 100, currency: "USD", }, });
Approve payment for entity
Approves a stripe payment using intentId created by createPaymentIntentForEntity
const { sucess, error } = await entityCreditTier.approvePaymentForEntity({ entityId: "e-121", intentId: "e-121iklj", });
Here are the methods of EntityAuthenticationToken module and their use cases:
Create Token
Create a new authentication token for a user associated with an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityAuthenticationToken.createToken({ entityId: "entity123", });
Update Token
Update the authentication token for a user associated with an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityAuthenticationToken.updateToken({ entityId: "entity123", expiry: "2023-12-31T23:59:59Z", });
Refresh Token
Refresh the authentication token for a user associated with an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityAuthenticationToken.refreshToken({ entityId: "entity123", authenticationToken: "your_existing_token_here", });
Delete Token
Delete the authentication token for a user associated with an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityAuthenticationToken.deleteToken({ entityId: "entity123", });
Get Token
Get the authentication token for a user associated with an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityAuthenticationToken.getToken({ entityId: "entity123", requestOrigin: "https://yourapp.com", });
Here are the methods of Twitter module and their use cases:
Add new data contract for entity
Add a new data contract for an entity.
const { datasetId, success, error } = await entityDataContract.addNewDataContractForEntity({ name: "New Data Contract", description: "This is a new data contract", entityId: "entity123", source: "Source Name", fields: [ { name: "Field 1", description: "Description for Field 1", validationRules: { type: "string", required: true, minLength: 2, maxLength: 50, }, }, ], tags: ["tag1", "tag2"], });
Get data contract by ID
Get a data contract by ID for an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityDataContract.getDataContractByIdForAnEntity({ entityId: "entity123", dataContractId: "dataContract123", });
Get all data contracts for an entity
Get all data contracts associated with an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityDataContract.getAllDataContractsForAnEntity({ entityId: "entity123", });
Update data contract for an entity
Update a data contract for an entity.
const { success, error } = await entityDataContract.updateDataContractForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", name: "Updated Data Contract", description: "This is an updated data contract", source: "Updated Source", });
Delete data contract for entity
Delete a data contract for an entity.
const { success, error } = await entityDataContract.deleteDataContractForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", dataContractId: "dataContract123", });
Chat with data contract
Chat with a data contract for an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityDataContract.chatWithDataContractForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", dataContractId: "dataContract123", userInput: "User input text", isInternal: true, });
Fetch fields from google sheets
Fetch fields from a Google Sheets link for a data contract.
const { datasetId, success, error } = await entityDataContract.fetchFieldsFromGoogleSheets({ entityId: "entity123", googleSheetLink: "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/your-sheet-id", });
Auto generate description
Auto-generate a description for a data contract based on fields.
const { res, success, error } = await entityDataContract.autoGenerateDescription({ entityId: "entity123", dataContractId: "dataContract123", fields: [ { name: "Field 1", description: "Description for Field 1", validationRules: { type: "string", required: true, }, }, ], });
Here are the methods of EntityFeatureFlags module and their use cases:
Get all feature flags for an entity
Retrieve all feature flags associated with an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await entityFeatureFlag.getAllFeatureFlagsForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", });
Add new feature flag for entity
Add a new feature flag for an entity.
const { success, error } = await entityFeatureFlag.addNewFeatureFlagForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", flagName: "NewFeatureFlag", description: "This is a new feature flag", isEnabled: true, });
Toggle feature flag for entity
Toggle the status of a feature flag for an entity.
const { success, error } = await entityFeatureFlag.toggleFeatureFlagForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", flagName: "FeatureFlagName", });
Terminate feature flag
Terminate a feature flag for an entity.
const { success, error } = await entityFeatureFlag.terminateFeatureFlagForEntity({ entityId: "entity123", flagName: "FeatureFlagName", });
Get all feature flags stream
Get a stream of all feature flags for an entity.
const eventSource = entityFeatureFlag.getAllFeatureFlagsStream({ entityId: "entity123", });
Here are the methods of EntityPrompt module and their use cases:
Add entity prompt
Add a new entity prompt for a specific use case.
const { success, error, usecase } = await entityPrompt.addEntityPrompt({ entityId: "entity123", usecase: "Usecase1", actualPrompt: "Please provide your name.", });
Generate prompt response by usecase
Generate a prompt response for a specific use case.
const { success, error, data } = await entityPrompt.generatePromptResponseByUsecase({ entityId: "entity123", usecase: "Usecase1", message: "John Doe", });
Update entity prompt
Update an existing entity prompt for a specific use case.
const { success, error, usecase } = await entityPrompt.updateEntityPrompt({ entityId: "entity123", usecase: "Usecase1", actualPrompt: "Please provide your updated name.", });
Here are the methods of GPT module and their use cases:
Create Text Embedding for Entity
Create text embeddings for an entity.
const { embedding, success, error } = await gpt.createTextEmbeddingForEntity({ embeddingText: "This is a sample text for embedding", entityId: "entity123", });
Make Prompt Request with Embedding
Make a prompt request with text embedding for an entity.
const { data, success, error } = await gpt.makePromptRequestWithEmbedding({ input: "Generate a response based on this input.", entityId: "entity123", });
Here are the methods of Twitter module and their use cases:
Connect twitter
Allows a user to connect their twitter account to an entity.
const response = await SDK.social.twitter.connect({ twitterRedirectCode: "redirect-code-124", redirectUri: "http://localhost:3000/profile/twitter", entityId: "e-123", userId: "u-124", token: "login-token-123", });
Disconnect twitter
Disconnects the user's twitter account from an entity.
const response = await SDK.social.twitter.disconnect("e-123", "u-124", "login-token-123");
Here are the methods of Discord module and their use cases:
Connect discord
Allows a user to connect their discord account to an entity.
const response = await SDK.social.discord.connect({ discordRedirectCode: "redirect-code-124", redirectUri: "http://localhost:3000/profile/discord", entityId: "e-123", userId: "u-124", token: "login-token-123", });
Disconnect discord
Disconnects the user's discord account from an entity.
const response = await SDK.social.discord.disconnect("e-123", "u-124", "login-token-123");
Fetch my guilds
Fetches all the guilds/servers the user is a part of.
const response = await SDK.social.discord.fetchMyGuilds({ entityId: "e-123", userId: "u-124", token: "login-token-123", });