Compute the MD5 signature of a file. If the file is larger than 40MB, only the first and last 10MB, as well as the middle 10MB, are read to calculate the MD5. Therefore, even when computing large files, the process will be extremely fast.
htmlInput file md5 calculate
Compute the MD5 signature of a file. If the file is larger than 40MB, only the first and last 10MB, as well as the middle 10MB, are read to calculate the MD5. Therefore, even when computing large files, the process will be extremely fast.
npm add @quansitech/file-md5-wasm
use in ES6
import init, {calc_file_hash} from '@quansitech/file-md5-wasm';
const upload = async (file: File) => {
await init();
const hashId = await calc_file_hash(file);
use in browser
Download the contents of the 'dist' folder. When loading 'index.js' on the webpage, the 'calc_file_hash' function will be automatically added to 'window' object.
<input type="file" id="fileInput" />
<button onclick="handleFile()">上传文件</button>
<div id="result"></div>
<script src="./index.js"></script>
function handleFile() {
const fileInput = document.getElementById("fileInput");
const start = new Date().getTime();
const end = new Date().getTime();
console.log(`文件Md5: ${res}`);
console.log(`耗时: ${end - start}ms`);
how to build
wasm-pack build --target web
publish to npm
cd pkg
npm publish
build index.js for browser
npm run build