Provides intelligence to CodeMirror editors
Provides intelligence to CodeMirror editors.
is an abstraction to allow CodeMirror editors to use Language Servers.
Usage Example
import { Workspace } from "@qualified/codemirror-workspace";
const workspace = new Workspace({
// Project root. Required.
rootUri: "file:///workspace/",
// Provide language associaton (language id and server ids) for URI. Required.
getLanguageAssociation: (uri: string) => {
// javascript, javascriptreact, typescript, typescriptreact
if (/\.(?:[jt]sx?)$/.test(uri)) {
const languageId = /\.tsx?$/.test(uri) ? "typescript" : "javascript";
return {
languageId: languageId + (uri.endsWith("x") ? "react" : ""),
languageServerIds: ["typescript-language-server"],
const styles = uri.match(/\.(css|less|s[ac]ss)$/);
if (styles !== null) {
return {
languageId: styles[1],
languageServerIds: ["css-language-server"],
if (uri.endsWith(".html")) {
return {
languageId: "html",
languageServerIds: ["html-language-server"],
if (uri.endsWith(".json")) {
return {
languageId: "json",
languageServerIds: ["json-worker"],
// Return null to let the workspace ignore this file.
return null;
// Provide the server's connection string. Required.
// The returned string can be a URI of WebSocket proxy or
// a location of Worker script to start Language Server.
getConnectionString: async (langserverId: string) => {
switch (langserverId) {
case "typescript-language-server":
// Use some API to start remote Language Server and return a string.
const res = await fetch("/start", { method: "POST" });
return res.json().uri;
case "css-language-server":
// Return an endpoint of already running proxy.
return "ws://localhost:9991";
case "html-language-server":
return "ws://localhost:9992";
case "json-worker":
// Return a location of a script to start Language Server in Web Worker.
return "js/json-worker.js";
return "";
// Optional function to return HTML string from Markdown.
renderMarkdown: (markdown: string): string => markdown,
// Open text document in workspace to enable code intelligence.
// `cm` is CodeMirror.Editor instance with contents of the file.
workspace.openTextDocument("example.js", cm);