Node.js API client for switchmail.com, enables sending and tracking physical mails / letters. Uses axios client, exposes typescript definitions.
Node.js API Client for Switchmail.com
This is a Node.js TypeScript package that provides an API client for Switchmail.com. It enables you to send and track physical mails / letters through the Switchmail.com platform.
To install this package, you can use npm:
npm install @quadient/switchmail-api-client
To use this API client, you need to have a Switchmail.com account and API key. You can sign up for an account at https://switchmail.com/.
Below is a TypeScript example of how to use this package (e.g. via npx ts-node example-code.ts
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as path from "path";
import axios from "axios";
import { SwitchmailApi, Types } from '@quadient/switchmail-api-client';
const email = "YOUR_EMAIL";
const apiMasterKey = "YOUR_API_MASTER_KEY";
const baseURL = "https://api-test.switchmail.com"; // test environment / sandbox
// const baseURL = "https://api.switchmail.com"; // production
const documentFile = path.join(__dirname, "YOUR_FILE.pdf");
async function run() {
const switchmailApi = new SwitchmailApi({ baseURL });
console.log("- getting authorization token via API master key");
const tokenResponse = await switchmailApi.auth.tokenCreate({ email }, { headers: { "x-api-key": apiMasterKey } });
console.log("- creating document entry in AWS bucket");
const uniqueDocumentName = `document-${new Date().getTime()}.pdf`;
const documentsResponse = await switchmailApi.documents.documentsCreate(
{ documents: [{ fileName: uniqueDocumentName, fileType: "application/pdf" }] },
{ headers: { Authorization: tokenResponse.authorization } }
const documentEntry = (documentsResponse.documents as any as Types.DocumentForm[])[0];
console.log("- uploading document content from file");
await axios.postForm(documentEntry.form.url, {
file: fs.readFileSync(documentFile),
console.log("- creating letter(s) batch");
const lettersResponse = await switchmailApi.letters.lettersCreate(
printing: { printColor: false, duplex: true, envelopSize: "Autoselect" } satisfies Types.PrintingOption,
delivery: { emailService: "FIRSTCLASS", eReceipt: email } satisfies Types.DeliveryOption,
sender: {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "DC",
postalAddress: { address1: "RM-2244", city: "West Lake Hills", state: "TX", postcode: "78746" },
} satisfies Types.Sender,
recipients: [
documents: [{ documentId: documentEntry.documentId }],
firstName: "Roger",
lastName: "Fox",
postalAddress: { address1: "47 Northside Ave", city: "Albany", postcode: "12084", state: "NY" },
] satisfies Types.Recipient[],
{ headers: { Authorization: tokenResponse.authorization, "X-Invocation-Type": "RequestResponse" } }
console.log("- confirming letter(s) batch sending");
const { id, trackingId, transaction } = lettersResponse;
await switchmailApi.letters.confirmCreate(
{ id, trackingId, transaction },
{ headers: { Authorization: tokenResponse.authorization, "X-Invocation-Type": "RequestResponse" } }
Pure JavaScript / Node.js execution can be performed by removing the types and modifying the imports in following manner.
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const axios = require("axios");
const SwitchmailApi = require("@quadient/switchmail-api-client").SwitchmailApi;
// ... rest of the example code
This package provides the API methods which are described in more details on the following pages:
- https://apidocs.switchmail.com/ (general overview and concepts)
- https://developer.switchmail.com/apidoc/index.html (API reference)
- https://developer.switchmail.com/apidoc/swagger.json (Swagger/OpenAPI specification)
This client is mainly generated using the https://github.com/acacode/swagger-typescript-api, called via:
npm run generateApi
Feel free to customize and/or generate your own API client.
Licensed under the MIT License.