The Ultimate Customizable QR Code JavaScript Library
Qr Grid Core
This package serves as the foundational component for encoding QR codes, utilized by all other qrgrid packages. For maximum customization and full control over QR code generation, it is recommended to use this core package directly.
[!NOTE] For complete documentation visit: qrgrid.dev
All the qrgrid packages are available through npm
# npm
npm i @qrgrid/core
The QR constructor expects two parameters:
- inputData (string): The input string to encode in the QR code.
- options (QrOptions): Optional settings for QR code generation.
inputData: string,
options?: QrOptions,
// where QrOptions is:
type QrOptions = {errorCorrection?: keyof typeof ErrorCorrectionLevel};
// where ErrorCorrectionLevel is:
enum ErrorCorrectionLevel {
L = "L",
M = "M",
Q = "Q",
H = "H",
The QR class has the following public properties
// QR Properties
inputData: string; // input data passed in the constructor
segments: Segments; // segments of the input data to make the qr
data: Uint8Array; // qr data in 1's and 0's representing the dark and light module of qr
gridSize: number; // modules in qr ex: 21 represents 21 x 21 for version 1
version: number; // qr version
errorCorrection: ErrorCorrectionLevel; // errorCorrection used
reservedBits: { [key: number]: { type: ReservedBits; dark: boolean } }; // reserved bits used
maskPattern: number; // mask pattern used
// where
type Segments = Array<{ value: string; mode: Mode }>;
enum Mode {
Numeric = "Numeric",
AlphaNumeric = "AlphaNumeric",
Byte = "Byte",
Kanji = "Kanji",
Implementing in a web project using canvas
import { QR } from "@qrgrid/core";
const qr = new QR("Hello World!")
// get the canvas element
const canvas = document.getElementById("defaultQrCanvas") as HTMLCanvasElement;
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")!;
const canvasSize = 400;
// calculate module size and adjusting canvas to height and wight
let size = Math.floor(canvasSize / (qr.gridSize + 1.5));
const border = Math.ceil(size * qr.gridSize - canvasSize) + size * 2;
canvas.height = canvasSize + border;
canvas.width = canvasSize + border;
// module color
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
// placing each modules in x,y position in the canvas using fillRect
let x = size;
let y = size;
for (let i = 0; i < qr.data.length; i++) {
const bit = qr.data[i];
if (bit) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y, size, size);
x += size;
if (i % qr.gridSize === qr.gridSize - 1) {
x = size;
y += size;
// background color (optional)
ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-over";
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvasSize + border, canvasSize + border);