library for plain-english access to page object
@qavajs library provides the ability to create hierarchical page objects and access elements using plain-english selectors. Works on top of Playwright.
npm install @qavajs/po-playwright
Lib provides getElement method that resolves plain-english selector and return playwright locator.
const { po } = require('@qavajs/po-playwright');
When(/^click '(.+)'$/, async function (alias) {
const element = await po.getElement(alias);
await element.click();
When click '#1 of Multiple Component > Child Item'
Lib provides capability to get single element from collection by index (#index of Collection) or inner text (#text in Collection).
Create page object
Lib provides two methods $ and $$ that allow registering elements and collections. An element can be defined in form of webdriverIO selector or as an instance of the component class.
Each not top-level component should have selector element in form of webdriverIO selector.
const { $, $$ } = require('@qavajs/po-playwright');
class MultipleComponent {
selector = '.list-components li';
ChildItem = $('div');
class SingleComponent {
selector = '.container';
ChildItem = $('.child-item');
class App {
SingleElement = $('.single-element');
List = $$('.list li');
SingleComponent = $(new SingleComponent());
MultipleComponents = $$(new MultipleComponent());
module.exports = new App();
Register PO
Before using po object need to be initiated and hierarchy of elements needs to be registered The best place to do it is cucumber-js Before hook
const { po } = require('@qavajs/po-playwright');
const pos = require('./app.js');
Before(async function() {
po.init(page, { timeout: 10000 }); // page is an instance of playwright page
po.register(pos); // pos is page object hierarchy
Ignore hierarchy
In case if child element and parent component doesn't have hierarchy dependency it's possible to pass extra parameter ignoreHierarchy parameter to start traverse from root
class ComponentThatDescribesNotWellDesignedDOMTree {
selector = '.container';
//ignoreHierarchy will ignore component selector .container and start traverse from root
ChildItem = $('.child-item', { ignoreHierarchy: true });
Optional selector property
If selector property is not provided for Component then parent element will be returned
class ParentComponent {
selector = '.container';
ChildComponent = $(new ChildComponent());
class ChildComponent {
//Element will be searched in parent .container element
Element = $('.someElement');
Dynamic selectors
In case you need to generate selector based on some data you can use dynamic selectors
const { Selector } = require('@qavajs/po-playwright');
class Component {
selector = '.container';
Element = $(Selector((index => `div:nth-child(${index})`))); // function should return valid selector
Then you can pass parameter to this function from Gherkin file
When I click 'Component > Element (2)'
Native framework selectors
It is also possible to use driver-built capabilities to return element. You can pass handler that has access to
current page
and current locator.
const { NativeSelector } = require('@qavajs/po-playwright');
class Component {
selector = '.container';
Element = $(NativeSelector(page => page.getByText(`some text`)));
IFrame = $(NativeSelector((_, parent) => parent.frameLocator('#iframe').getByText(`some text`)));