Get Push Notifications directly in your MetaMask wallet!
Push Protocol Snap
A MetaMask Snap for delivering channel notifications and chat notifications right in your metamask wallet
Run Locally
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/ethereum-push-notification-service/push-protocol-snaps
Go to the snap directory
cd snap
Install dependencies
yarn install
Start the server
yarn start
Go to the dapp directory
cd push-snap-site
Install dependencies
npm i
Start the server
npm run dev
Using the npm package
Make the following changes in the dapp
- Change all occurrences of
in the push-snap-site codebase
Permissions asked by the Snap
- Local-storage : To store the addresses to send notifications and pgp private key to send PUSH Chat notifications
- Periodic actions (Cron job) : This include sending notifications every minute to the wallet
- Dialog Boxes : This includes Popups for showing notifications on screen and initial screen
- Internet Access : The snap has internet access and can make api calls using fetch()
- Ethereum Provider : This allows the snap to access the first connected account in metamask (🚨 This doesn’t not have access to your funds neither can do transaction on your behalf)