A react native module for the Spotify SDK
A react native module for the Spotify SDK
To add react-native-spotify to your project, cd into your project directory and run the following commands:
npm install --save https://github.com/lufinkey/react-native-spotify
react-native link react-native-spotify
Next, do the manual setup for each platform:
Manually add the Frameworks from node_modules/react-native-spotify/ios/external/SpotifySDK
to Embedded Binaries in your project settings. Then add ../node_modules/react-native-spotify/ios/external/SpotifySDK
to Framework Search Paths in your project settings.
Edit android/build.gradle
and add flatDir
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
// All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries) is installed from npm
url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android"
flatDir {
dirs project(':react-native-spotify').file('libs'), 'libs'
Edit android/app/build.gradle
and add packagingOptions
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled enableProguardInReleaseBuilds
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt"), "proguard-rules.pro"
packagingOptions {
pickFirst 'lib/armeabi-v7a/libgnustl_shared.so'
pickFirst 'lib/x86/libgnustl_shared.so'
If you have issues linking the module, please check that gradle is updated to the latest version and that your project is synced.
import Spotify from 'react-native-spotify';
Contains information about authentication data
- accessToken - A token used to communicate with the Spotify API
- refreshToken - An encrypted token used to get a new access token when it expires. This should be encrypted by your token swap service, as per OAuth standards.
- expireTime - The time that the access token expires, in milliseconds from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC
Contains information about the current state of the player
- playing - boolean indicating whether the player is playing
- repeating - boolean indicating whether the player is repeating
- shuffling - boolean indicating whether the player is shuffling
- activeDevice - boolean indicating whether the current device is the one playing
- position - the position of the player in the current track, in seconds
Contains information about a track in the playback queue
- name - The title of the track
- uri - The uri of the track
- contextName - The name of the playlist or album that the track is being played from
- contextUri - The uri of the playlist or album that the track is being played from
- artistName - The name of the track's artist
- artistUri - The uri of the track's artist
- albumName - The name of the album that the track belongs to
- albumUri - The uri of the album that the track belongs to
- albumCoverArtURL - A URL for the album art image
- indexInContext - The track index in the playlist or album that the track is being played from
Contains information about the previous, current, and next tracks in the player
- prevTrack - A PlaybackTrack with information about the previous track
- currentTrack - A PlaybackTrack with information about the current track
- nextTrack - A PlaybackTrack with information about the next track
Passed to callback functions to indicate something went wrong during the function call. Right now, there are some uniformity issues between iOS and Android on the errors that get returned, but for now, use the message attribute to display a message to the user.
- domain - A string indicating what part of the system the error belongs to
- code - An integer containing the actual error code of the error
- message - A string containing a user-readable description of the error
Initialization/Authorization Methods
initialize( options, ( loggedIn, error? ) => {} )
Initializes the Spotify module and resumes a logged in session if there is one. This must be the first method you call when using this module.
- Parameters
options - an object with options to pass to the Spotify Module
- clientID - Your spotify application's ClientID that you registered with spotify here
- redirectURL - The redirect URL to use when you've finished logging in. You NEED to set this URL for your application here, otherwise the login screen will not close
- sessionUserDefaultsKey - The preference key to use to store session data for this module
- scopes - An array of scopes to use in the application. A list of scopes can be found here
- tokenSwapURL - The URL to use to swap an authentication code for an access token (see Token swap and refresh section for more info)
- tokenRefreshURL - The URL to use to get a new access token from a refresh token
loggedIn - A boolean indicating whether or not a session was automatically logged back in
error - An error that occurred during initialization, or null if no error occurred
- Parameters
Checks if the Spotify module has been initialized yet.
- true if the Spotify module has been initialized
- false if the Spotify module has not been initialized
isInitializedAsync( ( initialized ) => {} )
Checks if the Spotify module has been initialized yet, but passes the result to a callback rather than returning it.
- initialized - A boolean indicating whether or not the Spotify module has been initialized
login( ( loggedIn, error? ) => {} )
Opens a UI to log into Spotify.
loggedIn - A boolean indicating whether or not the client was logged in
error - An error that occurred during login, or null if no error occurred
Checks if the client is logged in.
- true if the client is logged in
- false if the client is not logged in
isLoggedInAsync( ( loggedIn ) => {} )
Checks if the client is logged in, but passes the result to a callback rather than returning it.
- loggedIn - A boolean indicating whether or not the client is logged in
logout( ( error? ) => {} )
Logs out of Spotify.
- error - An error that occurred during logout, or null if no error occurred
Gives information about authentication data.
- An Auth object, or null if not logged in
getAuthAsync( ( auth? ) => {} )
Gives information about authentication data, but passes the result to a callback rather than returning it.
- auth - An Auth object, or null if not logged in
Playback Methods
playURI( spotifyURI, startIndex, startPosition, ( error? ) => {} )
Play a Spotify URI.
spotifyURI - The Spotify URI to play
startIndex - The index of an item that should be played first, e.g. 0 - for the very first track in the playlist or a single track
startPosition - starting position for playback in seconds
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
queueURI( spotifyURI, ( error? ) => {} )
Queue a Spotify URI.
spotifyURI - The Spotify URI to queue
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
setPlaying( playing, ( error? ) => {} )
Set the “playing” status of the player.
playing - pass true to resume playback, or false to pause it
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
Gives the player's current state.
- A PlaybackState object, or null if the player has not been initialized
getPlaybackStateAsync( ( playbackState? ) => {} )
Gives the player's current state, but passes the result to a callback rather than returning it.
- playbackState - A PlaybackState object, or null if the player has not been initialized
Gives information about the previous, current, and next tracks in the player
- A PlaybackMetadata object, or null if the player has not been initialized
getPlaybackMetadataAsync( ( playbackMetadata? ) => {} )
Gives information about the previous, current, and next tracks in the player, but passes the result to a callback rather than returning it.
- playbackMetadata - A PlaybackMetadata object, or null if the player has not been initialized
skipToNext( ( error? ) => {} )
Skips to the next track.
- error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
skipToPrevious( ( error? ) => {} )
Skips to the previous track.
- error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
setShuffling( shuffling, ( error? ) => {] )
Enables or disables shuffling on the player.
shuffling - true to enable shuffle, false to disable it
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
setRepeating( repeating, ( error? ) => {} )
Enables or disables repeating on the player.
repeating - true to enable repeat, false to disable it
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
Metadata Methods
sendRequest( endpoint, method, params, isJSONBody, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Sends a general request to the spotify api.
endpoint - the api endpoint, without a leading slash, e.g.
method - the HTTP method to use
params - the request parameters
isJSONBody - whether or not to send the parameters as json in the body of the request
result - the request result object
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getMe( ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Retrieves information about the logged in Spotify user.
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
search( query, types, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Sends a search request to spotify.
query - The search query string. Same as the q parameter on the search endpoint
types - An array of item types to search for. Valid types are:
, andtrack
.options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The search result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getAlbum( albumID, options?, ( result?. error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information for a single album.
albumID - The Spotify ID for the album
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getAlbums( albumIDs, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information for multiple albums identified by their Spotify IDs.
albumIDs - An array of the Spotify IDs for the albums
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getAlbumTracks( albumID, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information about an album’s tracks.
albumID - The Spotify ID for the album
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getArtist( artistID, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information for a single artist.
artistID - The Spotify ID for the artist
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getArtists( artistIDs, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information for several artists based on their Spotify IDs.
artistIDs - An array of the Spotify IDs for the artists
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getArtistAlbums( artistID, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information about an artist’s albums.
artistID - The Spotify ID for the artist
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getArtistTopTracks( artistID, country, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information about an artist’s top tracks by country.
artistID - The Spotify ID for the artist
country - The country: an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getArtistRelatedArtists( artistID, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information about artists similar to a given artist.
artistID - The Spotify ID for the artist
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getTrack( trackID, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID.
trackID - The Spotify ID for the track
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getTracks( trackIDs, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets Spotify catalog information for multiple tracks based on their Spotify IDs.
trackIDs - An array of the Spotify IDs for the tracks
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getTrackAudioAnalysis( trackID, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets a detailed audio analysis for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID.
trackID - The Spotify ID for the track
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getTrackAudioFeatures( trackID, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets audio feature information for a single track identified by its unique Spotify ID.
trackID - The Spotify ID for the track
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
getTracksAudioFeatures( trackIDs, options?, ( result?, error? ) => {} )
Gets audio features for multiple tracks based on their Spotify IDs.
trackIDs - An array of the Spotify IDs for the tracks
options - A map of other optional parameters to specify for the query
result - The request result object. An example response can be seen here
error - An error object if an error occurred, or null if no error occurred
Token swap and refresh
Token swap URL is used to swap authentication code provided by Spotify API for access and refresh tokens.
Token refresh URL is used to get new access tokens for the user using existing refresh token.
Both URLs are queried using POST methods with parameters sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
You can find the example server implementation in example-server
Refresh tokens are part of OAuth standard. If you are not familiar with them, Understanding Refresh Tokens can give you a basic idea on how they work.
Contributing / Opening Issues
If you would like to make a pull request, fork from and merge into the dev branch only.
Please do not open issues about getting the module to work unless you have tried using both the example app and the example token swap server.