PubSweet job component for running XSweet
XSweet job component
WARNING: This is an early version, please test and report any issues.
This is a component that uses PubSweet's internal job queue to provide XSweet conversions to PubSweet applications.
Once specified in your app's components config by adding '@pubsweet/job-xsweet' adds:
A /convertDocxToHTML
That takes a docx
file formdata input, with e.g. something like a
curl -X POST \
'http://localhost:3000/convertDocxToHTML?=' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
-F docx=@/home/pubsweet/components/server/job-xsweet/src/test.docx
This publishes a job that the job runner (a Docker container) picks up.
Docker container
Run it with: docker run -e POSTGRES_HOST=yourdbhost -e POSTGRES_PORT=yourdbport -e POSTGRES_DB=yourdatabasename -e POSTGRES_USER=yourdbusername -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=yourdbpassword pubsweet/job-xsweet:latest
The environment variables are needed so that the Docker container knows how to connect to your database.
After the Docker container starts up, jobs from the endpoint will start to be processed.
Testing has to be done semi-automatically for now, as GitLab CI does not allow for service-2-service communication yet (https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/merge_requests/1041), by running:
cd components/server/job-xsweet && yarn test --testRegex test/standaloneXsweetTest.js
And in a separate window, building and starting the job-xsweet
container like so:
docker build -t pubsweet/job-xsweet components/server/job-xsweet
docker run -e DATABASE_URL="postgres://[email protected]/test" pubsweet/job-xsweet
This will test both the GraphQL subscription and the classic long-running HTTP request path.