Google OAuth plugin for the auth protocol
Core utilities and helpers for Protocol projects.
Install the package using your preferred package manager:
bun add @protoxyz/orm-core
# or
pnpm add @protoxyz/orm-core
# or
npm install @protoxyz/orm-core
This package provides various utility functions and types for use in Protocol projects. Here are some examples:
Minimal Table Setup
import { createEnhancedTable } from '@protoxyz/orm-core';
import { pgTable, text, timestamp, varchar } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/node-postgres';
import { Pool } from 'pg';
// Define your table
const posts = pgTable('posts', {
id: varchar('id').primaryKey(),
title: text('title').notNull(),
content: text('content').notNull(),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').notNull().defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at').notNull().defaultNow(),
// Create a database connection
const pool = new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
const db = drizzle(pool);
// Create an enhanced table
const enhancedPosts = createEnhancedTable({
table: posts,
createdAtColumn: posts.createdAt,
updatedAtColumn: posts.updatedAt,
// Usage example
async function getPosts() {
const result = await enhancedPosts.paginateWithCursor(db, {
limit: 10,
sort: { column: 'createdAt', order: 'desc' },
Kitchen Sink Example
import { createEnhancedTable, createPaginateParamsCache, parseAsDateRange, parseAsClampedInteger } from '@protoxyz/orm-core';
import { pgTable, text, timestamp, varchar, pgEnum } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/node-postgres';
import { Pool } from 'pg';
import { eq } from 'drizzle-orm';
// Define an enum for post status
const postStatusEnum = pgEnum('post_status', ['draft', 'published', 'archived']);
// Define a more complex table
const posts = pgTable('posts', {
id: varchar('id').primaryKey(),
title: text('title').notNull(),
content: text('content').notNull(),
slug: text('slug').notNull().unique(),
status: postStatusEnum('status').notNull().default('draft'),
createdAt: timestamp('created_at').notNull().defaultNow(),
updatedAt: timestamp('updated_at').notNull().defaultNow(),
deletedAt: timestamp('deleted_at'),
// Create a database connection
const pool = new Pool({
connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
const db = drizzle(pool);
// Create an enhanced table with more options
const enhancedPosts = createEnhancedTable({
table: posts,
slugColumn: posts.slug,
createdAtColumn: posts.createdAt,
updatedAtColumn: posts.updatedAt,
deletedAtColumn: posts.deletedAt,
searchColumns: [posts.title, posts.content],
defaultSort: { column: 'createdAt', order: 'desc' },
logger: console.log,
// Create a pagination params cache
const paginationCache = createPaginateParamsCache({
status: postStatusEnum,
createdAt: parseAsDateRange,
limit: parseAsClampedInteger(1, 100),
// Usage examples
async function createPost(title: string, content: string, status: 'draft' | 'published' | 'archived' = 'draft') {
const result = await enhancedPosts.create(db, { title, content, status });
console.log('Created post:', result);
async function getPosts(searchParams: URLSearchParams) {
const { cursor, limit, search, status, createdAt, sort } = paginationCache.parse(searchParams);
const result = await enhancedPosts.paginateWithCursor(db, {
filters: {
status: status || undefined,
createdAt: createdAt || undefined,
console.log('Posts:', result.items);
console.log('Pagination meta:', result.meta);
async function updatePost(id: string, data: Partial<typeof posts.$inferInsert>) {
const result = await enhancedPosts.update(db, id, data);
console.log('Updated post:', result);
async function deletePost(id: string) {
const result = await enhancedPosts.delete(db, id);
console.log('Deleted post:', result);
// Example usage
async function main() {
await createPost('Hello, World!', 'This is my first post.', 'published');
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({
limit: '20',
status: 'published',
createdAt: JSON.stringify({ from: '2023-01-01', to: '2023-12-31' }),
search: 'Hello',
sort: 'createdAt:desc',
await getPosts(searchParams);
await updatePost('some-id', { title: 'Updated Title' });
await deletePost('some-id');
Working with Cursors
import { encodeCursor, decodeCursor } from '@protoxyz/orm-core';
const cursor = 'some-data';
const encoded = encodeCursor(cursor);
console.log(encoded); // Outputs base64url encoded string
const decoded = decodeCursor(encoded);
console.log(decoded); // Outputs 'some-data'
API Documentation
Enhanced Table
createEnhancedTable<T extends PgTableWithColumns<any>>(options: EnhancedTableOptions<T>)
: Creates an enhanced table with additional functionality for pagination, filtering, and sorting.
generateUniqueString(length: number): string
: Generates a random string of specified length.encodeCursor(cursor: string): string
: Encodes a cursor string to base64url format.decodeCursor(encodedCursor: string): string
: Decodes a base64url encoded cursor.findColumn(table: Table, dbColumnName: string): keyof typeof table
: Finds a column in a Drizzle ORM table by its database column name.slugify(nameOrSlug: string): string
: Converts a string into a URL-friendly slug.
: Parser for sorting and ordering parameters.parseAsDateRange
: Parser for date range parameters.parseAsClampedInteger(min: number, max: number): ParserBuilder<number>
: Creates a parser for integer values within a specified range.createPaginateParamsCache<Parsers extends PaginateParamParsers>(parsers: Omit<Parsers, "page" | "limit" | "sort" | "search">)
: Creates a cache for pagination parameters.
: Represents a generic PostgreSQL database instance.EnhancedMetricsOptions<T extends Table>
: Options for enhancing metrics functionality for a database table.EnhancedTableOptions<T extends Table>
: Extended options for enhancing table operations and queries.SortOrder
: Defines possible sort orders for query results.SortOption<T extends Table>
: Represents a sorting option for a table.EnhancedTableMeta<T extends Table>
: Metadata for paginated and sorted table queries.DateRange
: Represents a date range for filtering queries.
This package doesn't require any specific configuration. It's designed to work out of the box with Protocol projects.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
- Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
- Submit a pull request
Please ensure your code adheres to the existing style and passes all tests.
To run the tests, use the following command:
bun test
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.