This project is a _minimal_ example demonstrating how to include the Prosopo Procaptcha bundle in a client app.
Getting Started with the Client Bundle Example
This project is a minimal example demonstrating how to include the Prosopo Procaptcha bundle in a client app.
How to run locally
1. Build & Deploy
Run these commands from the root of the captcha repo:
cp dev/scripts/env.development dev/scripts/.env.development && \
cp dev/scripts/env.development packages/procaptcha-bundle/.env.development && \
docker compose --file ./docker/docker-compose.development.yml up -d && \
npm i && \
npm run build:all && \
npm run setup:all && \
NODE_ENV=development npm -w @prosopo/procaptcha-bundle run bundle && \
npm run start:all
2. Visit the App
The app is now running in development mode. Open http://localhost:9232 to view it in the browser.