The web component package for the sunbird pdf player
This version of the angular library is compatilbe with angular version 15 and may not work with older versions of the angular 15 Apps.
The PDF player for the Sunbird!
The PDF player library is powered by Angular. This player is primarily designed to be used on Sunbird consumption platforms (mobile app, web portal, offline desktop app) to drive reusability and maintainability, hence reducing the redundant development effort significantly, and it can be integrated with any platform irrespective of the platforms and the frontend frameworks. It is exported not only as an angular library but also as a web component.
Getting started with integration steps
The pdf player can be integrated as a web component and also as an angular library in angular application projects and it can also be integrated into any mobile framework as a web component.
Use as web components
Any web based application can use this library as a web component. It accepts couple of inputs and triggers player and telemetry events back to the application.
Follow below-mentioned steps to use it in plain javascript project:
Insert library as below:
<script type="text/javascript" src="sunbird-pdf-player.js"></script>
Get sample playerConfig from here: playerConfig
Create a custom html element:
const pdfElement = document.createElement('sunbird-pdf-player');
Pass data using
pdfElement.setAttribute('player-config', JSON.stringify(playerConfig));
Note: Attribute name should be in kebab-case regardless of the actual Attribute name used in the Angular app. The value of the attribute should be in string type, as web-component does not accept any objects or arrays.
Listen for the output events: playerEvent and telemetryEvent
pdfElement.addEventListener('playerEvent', (event) => { console.log("On playerEvent", event); }); pdfElement.addEventListener('telemetryEvent', (event) => { console.log("On telemetryEvent", event); });
Append this element to existing element
const myPlayer = document.getElementById("my-player"); myPlayer.appendChild(pdfPlayerElement);
Refer demo example
To run the demo project, use the following commands:
cd web-component-demo npx http-server --cors .
open Note: Due to cors errors when you open the index.html from demo folder as file, it is recomanded to run a static server in it like http-server.
Use as Web component in the Angular app
Run command
npm i @project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-web-component npm i reflect-metadata
Add these entries in angular json file inside assets, scripts and styles like below
"assets": [ "src/favicon.ico", "src/assets", { "glob": "**/*.*", "input": "./node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-web-component/assets", "output": "/assets/" } ], "styles": [ "src/styles.scss", "node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-web-component/styles.css" ], "scripts": [ "node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js", "node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-web-component/sunbird-pdf-player.js" ]
Import CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA in app module and add it to the NgModule as part of schemas like below
... import { CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core'; ... @NgModule({ ... schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA], ... })
Integrating sunbird-pdf-player web component in angular component
Create a viewChild in html template of the angular component like
<div #pdf></div>
Refer the viewChild in ts file of the component and create the pdf player using document.createElement, then attach the player config and listen to the player and telemetry events like below and since we are rendering using viewChild these steps should be under ngAfterViewInit hook of the angular component.
@ViewChild('pdf') pdf: ElementRef;
ngAfterViewInit() {
const playerConfig = <Config need be added>;
const pdfElement = document.createElement('sunbird-pdf-player');
pdfElement.setAttribute('player-config', JSON.stringify(playerConfig));
pdfElement.addEventListener('playerEvent', (event) => {
console.log("On playerEvent", event);
pdfElement.addEventListener('telemetryEvent', (event) => {
console.log("On telemetryEvent", event);
Note: : Click to see the mock - playerConfig and send input config as string
Use as Angular library in angular app
For help getting started with a new Angular app, check out the Angular CLI. If you have an Angular ≥ 9 CLI project, you could simply use our schematics to add sunbird-pdf-player library to it.
Step 1: Installation
Just run the following:
ng add @project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9
It will install sunbird-pdf-player for the default application specified in your angular.json
. If you have multiple projects and you want to target a specific application, you could specify the --project
ng add @project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9 --project myProject
Manual installation
If you prefer not to use schematics or want to add sunbird-pdf-player-v9
to an older project, you'll need to do the following:
1. Install the packages:
npm install @project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9 --save
npm install @project-sunbird/sb-styles --save
npm install @project-sunbird/client-services --save
2. Include the sb-styles and assets in angular.json configuration:
Add following under architect.build.assets and styles
"build": {
"builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser",
"options": {
"assets": [
+ {
+ "glob": "**/*.*",
+ "input": "./node_modules/@project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9/lib/assets/",
+ "output": "/assets/"
+ }
"styles": [
+ "./node_modules/@project-sunbird/sb-styles/assets/_styles.scss"
3. Import the modules and components:
Import the NgModule where you want to use:
+ import { SunbirdPdfPlayerModule } from '@project-sunbird/sunbird-pdf-player-v9';
+ imports: [SunbirdPdfPlayerModule],
export class YourAppModule { }
Step 2: Send input to render PDF player
Use the mock config in your component to send input to PDF player Click to see the mock - playerConfig
Player config
var playerConfig = {
"context": {
"mode": "play", // To identify preview used by the user to play/edit/preview
"authToken": "", // Auth key to make api calls
"sid": "7283cf2e-d215-9944-b0c5-269489c6fa56", // User sessionid on portal or mobile
"did": "3c0a3724311fe944dec5df559cc4e006", // Unique id to identify the device or browser
"uid": "anonymous", // Current logged in user id
"channel": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d", // Unique id of the channel(Channel ID)
"pdata": {
"id": "sunbird.portal", // Producer ID. For ex: For sunbird it would be "portal" or "genie"
"ver": "3.2.12", // Version of the App
"pid": "sunbird-portal.contentplayer" // Optional. In case the component is distributed, then which instance of that component
"contextRollup": { // Defines the content roll up data
"l1": "505c7c48ac6dc1edc9b08f21db5a571d"
"tags": [ // Defines the tags data
"cdata": [], // Defines correlation data
"timeDiff": 0, // Defines the time difference
"objectRollup": {}, // Defines the object roll up data
"host": "", // Defines the from which domain content should be load
"endpoint": "", // Defines the end point
"userData": { // Defines the user data firstname & lastname
"firstName": "",
"lastName": ""
"config": {
"sideMenu": {
"showShare": true, // show/hide share button in side menu. default value is true
"showDownload": true, // show/hide download button in side menu. default value is true
"showReplay": true, // show/hide replay button in side menu. default value is true
"showExit": false, // show/hide exit button in side menu. default value is false
"showPrint": true // show/hide print button in side menu. default value is true
"metadata": {}, // Content metadata json object (from API response take -> response.result.content)
Metadata Mandatory property description
Metadata gives complete information about the content.
Sample metadata object interface:
"metadata": {
identifier: string;
name: string;
artifactUrl: string;
streamingUrl?: string;
compatibilityLevel?: number;
pkgVersion?: number;
isAvailableLocally?: boolean;
basePath?: string;
baseDir?: string;
In metadata, the following properties are mandatory to play the content.
|Property Name| Description| Mandatory/Optional| Without field | Comment
|--|----------------------|--| --| --|
| identifier
| It is string
of unique content id | Mandatory | Unable to load the content error | Its a unique content id so Its a required to log the telemetry and other data against content|
| name
| It is string
to represent the name of the content or pdf | Mandatory | Unable to load the content error | Its a required to show the name of the pdf while loading the pdf|
| artifactUrl
| It is string
url to load the pdf from artifact url | Mandatory | Unable to load the content error | It is required to load the pdf file|
| streamingUrl
| It is string
url to load the pdf from streaming url | Optional | Unable to load the content error | This is required if you want to load the streaming pdf URL|
| isAvailableLocally
| It is a boolean
value which indicate the content is locally available | Optional | Content will not load offline | It is required to know - the content is downloaded and can be played offline|
| basePath
| It is string
to represent the base path of the pdf file | Optional | Content will not load offline | It is required to load the pdf file in offline use case|
| baseDir
| It is string
to represent the base path of the pdf file | Optional | Content will not load offline | It is required to load the pdf file in offline use case |
| compatibilityLevel
| It is number
to represent the compatibility level | Optional | Default compatibilityLevel 4 will be set | It's an optional field
| pkgVersion
| It is number
to represent the version of the current packages | Optional | Default compatibilityLevel 1.0
will be set | it's an optional field
Sample config for mandatory fields
var playerConfig = {
"metadata": {
identifier: 'do_31291455031832576019477',
artifactUrl: 'https://ntpproductionall.blob.core.windows.net/ntp-content-production/content/assets/do_31291458881611366418883/b331332333_std_5_mathssciencesocial_tm_term-1_opt.pdf'
Telemetry property description
|Property Name| Description| Default Value | Mandatory/Optional|
| channel
| It is string
which defines a channel identifier to know which channel is currently being used.| in.sunbird
| env
| It is an string containing Unique environment where the event has occurred | "contentplayer"
| pdata
| It is an object
which defines the producer information. it should have an identifier and version and canvas will log in the telemetry| {'id':'in.sunbird', 'ver':'1.0'}
| mode
| It is a string
to identify preview used by the user to play/edit/preview | play
| sid
| It is a string
containing user session id. | sid = uid
| did
| It is a string
containing unique device id.| fingerPrintjs2
| uid
|It is a string
containing the user id.| actor.id = did ? did : "anonymous"
| authToken
| It is a string
to send telemetry to given endpoint (API uses for authentication) | ''
| contextRollup
| It is an object
which defines content roll up data | {}
| objectRollup
| It is an object
which defines object rollup data | {}
| tags
| It is an array
. It can be used to tag devices so that summaries or metrics can be derived via specific tags. Helpful during analysis | []
| cdata
| It is an array
Correlation data. Can be used to correlate multiple events. Generally used to track user flow | []
| host
| It is a string
which defines the from which domain content should be load|window.location.origin
| userData
| It is an object
which defines user data | Anonymous
Config property description
|Property Name| Description| Default Value | Mandatory/Optional
|--|----------------------|--| --|
| config
| It is an object
it contains the sideMenu
. These will be used to configure the canvas | { sideMenu: {"showShare": true, "showDownload": true, "showReplay": true, "showExit": false,"showPrint": true}}
| Optional |
| config.sideMenu.showShare
| It is boolean
to show/hide share button in side menu| true
| Optional |
| config.sideMenu.showDownload
| It is boolean
to show/hide download button in side menu| true
| Optional |
| config.sideMenu.showReplay
| It is boolean
to show/hide replay button in side menu| true
| Optional |
| config.sideMenu.showExit
| It is boolean
to show/hide exit button in side menu| false
| Optional |
| config.sideMenu.showPrint
| It is boolean
to show/hide print button in side menu| true
| Optional |
Available components
|Feature| Notes| Selector|Code|Input|Output
| PDF Player | Can be used to render pdf | sunbird-pdf-player| <sunbird-pdf-player [playerConfig]="playerConfig"><sunbird-pdf-player>
|playerConfig|playerEvent, telemetryEvent|
Use as Web component in Mobile app
For existing apps, follow these steps steps to begin using.
Use as Angular library in Mobile app
For existing apps, follow these steps to begin using.
Step 1: Install the packages
Click to see the steps - InstallPackages
Step 2: Include the sb-styles and assets in angular.json
Click to see the steps - IncludeStyles
Step 3: Import the modules and components
Click to see the steps - Import
Step 4: Import in component
<sunbird-video-player [playerConfig]="playerConfig" (playerEvent)="playerEvents($event)"
Step 5: Send input to render PDF player
Click to see the input data - playerConfig
Use as Web component in React app
For existing apps, follow these steps steps to begin using.
Use as Web component in Flutter app
For existing apps, follow these steps steps to begin using.
Use as Web component in React native app(Android)
For existing apps, follow these steps steps to begin using.
Sample code
Click to see the sample code - sampleCode