i18n formatting library
i18n formatting library
Before implementing the Globalization Toolkit (GTK), please review the Globalization Toolkit Adoption Diagram to determine the best implementation strategy for you. Continue reading for instructions on direct usage of the GTK.
Engineering Documentation
The engineering documentation contains technical documentation for the GTK repo. It details classes, types, interfaces, and features. Continue reading for install and usage instructions. Further reading on the GTK:
$ npm i --save @procore/globalization-toolkit
$ yarn add @procore/globalization-toolkit
The GTK has 3 available classes: NumberFormatter
, DateTimeFormatter
, CurrencyFormatter
. The structure of the GTK Library allows for instantiation of a formatting class with defined options. The instantiated class gives access to related functions. In addition, the GTK makes the class functions available as stand-alone functions. Below are examples of GTK usage with class formatter and with stand-alone functions.
Sanitizing Locales
The GTK supports industry standard locale codes, which means some locales used in the Procore app will not work with the GTK or may not work as expected. For example, the GTK does NOT support Procore Custom Locales. When implementing the GTK, please sanitize the locale to follow industry standard of <language>-<region>
like en-US
Suggested sanitizations:
| User Locale | Locale Passed to GTK | Reason |
| en-international
| en-GB
| Custom locales are not supported |
| en-owner
| en-US
| Custom locales are not supported |
| en-owner-beta
| en-US
| Custom locales are not supported |
| en-specialty-contractor
| en-US
| Custom locales are not supported |
| en
| en-US
| en
will work as expected, but prefer <language>-<region>
format |
| es
| es-419
| es
is used for Latin America in the monolith but will format numbers like es-ES
in the GTK if the region is not specified |
NumberFormatter Class
The GTK NumberFormatter
class has the ability to format numbers for a given locale. The NumberFormatter class is instantiated with NumberOptions and has 4 available functions:
formatNumber(value: number)
,formatNumberToParts(value: number)
,parseNumber(value: string)
, andgetNumberSeparators(locale: string)
The NumberOptions are summarized below:
: stringmaximumFractionDigits?
: numberminimumFractionDigits?
: numberpercent?
: 'standard', 'decimal'
Below code blocks display usage of the NumberFormatter class and available functions.
formatNumber() & formatNumberToParts()
import { NumberFormatter } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
const value = 1234;
const numberOptions = { locale: "en-US", minimumFractionDigits: 3 };
const formatter = new NumberFormatter(numberOptions);
console.log(formatter.formatNumber(value)) // expected output: '1,234.000'
* expected output is an array of objects representing the parts of the formatted number:
* [
* { type: "integer", value: "1", },
* { type: "group", value: ",", },
* { type: "integer", value: "234", },
* { type: "decimal", value: ".", },
* { type: "fraction", value: "000", },
* ];
import { NumberFormatter } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
const value = "123 456 789,12";
const numberOptions = { locale: "fr-FR" };
const formatter = new NumberFormatter(numberOptions);
console.log(formatter.parseNumber(value)); // expected output: '123456789.12'
console.log(formatter.parseNumber("Abcd")); // expected output: NaN
import { NumberFormatter } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
const germanNumberOptions = { locale: "de-DE" };
const germanFormatter = new NumberFormatter(germanNumberOptions);
console.log(germanFormatter.getSeparators()); // expected output: { decimal: ",", group: "." }
const usNumberOptions = { locale: 'en-US' };
const formatter = new NumberFormatter(usNumberOptions);
console.log(formatter.getSeparators()); // expected output: { decimal: ".", group: "," }
NumberFormatter Functions
The functions used on the NumberFormatter class are also available as stand alone functions. Read more information about each function in the GTK Documentation.
The example below shows usage of the stand alone function: formatNumber()
import { formatNumber } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
const value = 1234;
const numberOptions = { locale: "en-US", minimumFractionDigits: 3 };
console.log(formatNumber(value, numberOptions)) // expected output: '1,234.000'
CurrencyFormatter class
The GTK CurrencyFormatter class has the ability to format a number with given options. The CurrencyFormatter class is instantiated with CurrencyOptions. The CurrencyFormatter has 5 available functions:
formatCurrency(value: number)
,formatCurrencyToParts(value: number)
parseCurrency(value: string)
The CurrencyOptions are summarized below:
: string (acceptable ISO codes)locale
: stringcurrencySign?
: 'accounting', 'standard'currencyDisplay?
: 'code', 'name', 'narrowSymbol', 'symbol'maximumFractionDigits?
: numberminimumFractionDigits?
: number
Below code blocks display usage of the CurrencyFormatter class and available functions.
const value = 1234;
const currencyOptions = { locale: "en-US", currencyIsoCode: "USD" };
const formatter = new CurrencyFormatter(currencyOptions);
console.log(formatter.formatCurrency(value)) // expected outcome: '$1,234.00'
Usage with currencyDisplay option
import { CurrencyFormatter } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
const value = 1234.567;
const currencyOptions: CurrencyOptions = {
locale: "de-DE",
currencyIsoCode: "USD",
currencyDisplay: "name",
const formatter = new CurrencyFormatter(currencyOptions);
console.log(formatter.formatCurrency(value)); // expected outcome: '1.234,57 US-Dollar'
Usage with minimumFractionDigits and currencyDisplay
const value = 1234.567;
const currencyOptions = {
locale: "ja-JP",
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
currencyIsoCode: "JPY",
const formatter = new CurrencyFormatter(currencyOptions);
console.log(formatter.formatCurrency(value)); // expected outcome: '¥1,234.57'
import { CurrencyFormatter } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
const value = -1234.56;
const currencyOptions: CurrencyOptions = {
locale: "en-US",
currencyIsoCode: "CAD",
currencySign: "accounting",
const formatter = new CurrencyFormatter(currencyOptions);
/** expected output:
* [
* { type: "literal", value: "(", },
* { type: "currency", value: "CA$", },
* { type: "integer", value: "1", },
* { type: "group", value: ",", },
* { type: "integer", value: "234", },
* { type: "decimal", value: ".", },
* { type: "fraction", value: "56", },
* { type: "literal", value: ")", },
* ]
const value = "(1 234 567,56 €)";
const currencyOptions: CurrencyOptions = {
locale: "fr-FR",
currencyIsoCode: "EUR",
currencySign: "accounting",
const formatter = new CurrencyFormatter(currencyOptions);
console.log(formatter.parseCurrency(value)); // expected outcome: -1234567.56
const currencyOptions = { locale: "de-DE", currencyIsoCode: "EUR" };
const formatter = new CurrencyFormatter(currencyOptions);
console.log(formatter.getCurrencySeparators()) // expected outcome: { decimal: ",", group: "." }
const currencyOptions = { locale: "es-MX", currencyIsoCode: MXN" }
const formatter = new CurrencyFormatter(currencyOption)
/** expected outcome
* [
* "AED",
* "AFN",
* "ALL",
* ...
* ...
* "ZWL"
* ]
CurrencyFormatter Functions
The functions used on the CurrencyFormatter class are also available as stand alone functions. Read more information about each function in the GTK Documentation.
The example below shows usage of the stand alone function: formatCurrency(value, options)
import { formatCurrency, getCurrencySeparators } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
const value = 1234;
const currencyOptions = { locale: 'en-US', currencyIsoCode: 'USD' };
console.log(formatCurrency(value, currencyOptions)) // expected output: '$1,234.00'
console.log(getCurrencySeparators(currencyOptions)) // expected output: { decimal: ".", group: "," }
The GTK DateTimeFormatter class has the ability to format date and time for the correct timezone. The DateTimeFormatter class is instantiated with DateTimeOptions. The DateTimeFormatter has 3 available functions:
formatDateTime(value: Date)
,formatDateTimeToParts(value: Date)
, andgetStartDayOfTheWeek()
The DateTimeOptions can be used in two ways, but the two options cannot be combined. This follows the pattern of Intl.DateTimeFormat.
- Style Options:
- timeStyle: 'short', 'medium', 'long', 'full'
- dateStyle: 'short', 'medium', 'long', 'full'
- Component Options
- weekday: 'long', 'short', 'narrow'
- year: 'numeric', '2-digit'
- month: numeric', '2-digit', 'long', 'short', 'narrow'
- day: 'numeric', '2-digit'
- hour: 'numeric', '2-digit'
- minute: 'numeric', '2-digit'
- second: 'numeric', '2-digit'
Below code blocks display usage of the DateTimeFormatter class and available functions. formatDateTime(value: Date) SIMPLE OPTIONS
import { DateTimeFormatter } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
const value = new Date(1445419756738);
const dateTimeOptions = {
locale: 'en-US',
timeZone: 'UTC',
dateStyle: 'full',
timeStyle: 'long',
const formatter = new DateTimeFormatter(dateTimeOptions);
// expected output: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 9:29:16 AM UTC
const value = new Date(Date.UTC(1885, 8, 1, 12, 0, 16, 738));
const dateTimeOptions = {
locale: 'en-US',
timeZone: 'UTC',
weekday: 'long',
year: 'numeric',
month: '2-digit',
day: '2-digit',
hour: 'numeric',
minute: '2-digit',
second: '2-digit',
const formatter = new DateTimeFormatter(dateTimeOptions);
// expected output: "Tuesday, 09/01/1885, 12:00:16 PM";
formatDateTimeToParts(value: Date)
const value = new Date(Date.UTC(1955, 10, 5, 6, 0, 16, 738));
const dateTimeOptions = {
locale: "en-GB",
timeZone: "UTC",
dateStyle: DateStyle.FULL,
timeStyle: TimeStyle.SHORT,
const formatter = new DateTimeFormatter(dateTimeOptions);
/** expected output:
* [ { type: "weekday", value: "Saturday", },
* { type: "literal", value: ", ", },
* { type: "day", value: "5", },
* { type: "literal", value: " ", },
* { type: "month", value: "November", },
* { type: "literal", value: " ", },
* { type: "year", value: "1955", },
* { type: "literal", value: " at ",},
* { type: "hour", value: "06",},
* { type: "literal", value: ":",},
* { type: "minute", value: "00",}, ];
[formatDateTimeToLocalISOString(value: Date)] This function returns a local ISO 8601 string. This method was designed only for internal purposes. Must not be used to display dates in the Procore UI.
const value = new Date(Date.UTC(1955, 10, 5, 6, 0, 16, 738));
const dateTimeOptions = {
locale: "en-GB",
timeZone: "UTC",
dateStyle: DateStyle.FULL,
timeStyle: TimeStyle.SHORT,
const formatter = new DateTimeFormatter(dateTimeOptions);
// expected output: "1955-11-05";
getStartDayOfTheWeek() This function returns an index value representing the start day of the week on the locale's calendar { Sunday: 0, Monday: 1 ...etc }
const dateTimeOptions = { locale: 'en-US' };
const formatter = new DateTimeFormatter(dateTimeOptions);
console.log(formatter.startDayOfTheWeek()); // expected output: 0
DateTimeFormatter Functions
The functions used on the DateTimeFormatter class are also available as stand alone functions. Read more information about each function in the GTK Documentation.
The example below shows usage of the stand alone function: formatDateTime()
import { formatDateTime } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
const value = new Date(Date.UTC(1955, 10, 5, 6, 0, 16, 738));
const dateTimeOptions = { locale: "en-US", timeZone: "UTC" };
console.log(formatDateTime(value, dateTimeOptions)) // expected output: 11/5/1955
The formatRelativeTime function allows you to format a time difference as a localized, human-readable string, based on the provided locale and relative time options. This is useful for displaying time differences like "2 hours ago" or "in 3 days" in a format that is appropriate for the user's language and region.
The example below shows usage of the stand alone function : formatRelativeTime()
import { formatRelativeTime} from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
import formatRelativeTime from
const result1 = formatRelativeTime('en-US', { value: 1, unit: 'hour' });
// Output: "in 1 hour"
const result2 = formatRelativeTime('es-ES', { value: -1, unit: 'hour' });
// Output: "hace 1 hora"
const result3 = formatRelativeTime('en-GB', { value: new Date(Date.now() - 3600 * 1000) });
// Output: "1 hour ago"
GetOverrideLocale Function
The getOverrideLocale function returns a mapped locale based on predefined settings. If the environment locale isn't directly supported, it provides a fallback from the predefined mappings.
Note: This override locale is meant for translation and should not be used directly with GTK formatting functions. For formatting, refer to the Sanitizing Locales section.
Here is an example of how to use the getOverrideLocale function:
import { getOverrideLocale } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
// Example 1: Known supported locale
const locale1 = getOverrideLocale('ja-JP');
console.log(locale1); // Output: ja-JP
// Example 2: Fallback locale
const locale2 = getOverrideLocale('en-AE');
console.log(locale2); // Output: en-GB
// Example 3: Unknown locale
const locale3 = getOverrideLocale('unknown');
console.log(locale3); // Output: en
The getFallbackLocaleList
function returns a list of locales which should have translation files loaded in the client, including fallbacks when available in addition to the English source.
If the environment locale is not supported directly, it overrides the locale according to predefined mappings.
Important This method should be only used by clients that don't support custom locales.
The example below shows usage of the standalone function: getFallbackLocaleList()
import { getFallbackLocaleList } from '@procore/globalization-toolkit';
// Example 1: Known supported locale
const locale1 = getFallbackLocaleList('ja-JP');
console.log(locale1); // Output: ['ja-JP', 'en']
// Example 2: Known supported locale with fallback available
const locale2 = getOverrideLocale('es-ES');
console.log(locale2); // Output: ['es-ES', 'es', 'en']
// Example 3: Unsupported locale
const locale3 = getOverrideLocale('en-AE');
console.log(locale3); // Output: ['en-GB', 'en']
// Example 4: Unknown/Custom locale (eg. en-owner)
const locale4 = getOverrideLocale('unknown');
console.log(locale4); // Output: ['en']
The getTranslationsFromLocale function is a utility designed to load and merge translations for a given locale and its fallback locales. It is part of the @procore/globalization-toolkit and provides a robust way to handle multiple languages in your application.
import { getTranslationsFromLocale } from "@procore/globalization-toolkit"
// Example locale loader function
async function loadLocale(lang: string): Promise<{ default: Translations }> {
return import(`../locales/${lang}.json`)
// Example usage of getTranslationsFromLocale
const envLocale = "en"
const translations = await getTranslationsFromLocale(envLocale, loadLocale)
The GTK implementation relies heavily on Intl functionality. This is generally well-supported by browsers, but depending on the browser versions you intend to support and GTK features you plan to use, it may require polyfills. In particular, consumers have seen issues with Safari versions <14.1. If you intend to support older browser versions, we recommend using the Format.JS polyfills, of which NumberFormat
, PluralRules
, Locale
, GetCanonicalLocales
, and supportedValuesOf
are the ones relevant to GTK. Please reach out if you have questions.
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Prepare project:
$ npm run prepare
Compile Typescript:
$ npm run build
(Delete build npm run clean
$ npm run test
If adding a new supported export (or removing one in a breaking change), update the snapshot test output and commit the change.
$ npm run test -- -u
To check formatting run npm run lint:check
and npm run format:check
To check dependencies run
$ npm run depcheck
We auto-generate documentation on what the Globalization Toolkit offers by utilizing Typedoc
Once you generate the updated documentation, you can navigate it locally by opening 'docs/index.html'.
To generate updated documentation run:
$ npm run typedoc
Versioning and Publishing
We use changesets
to manage releases, and encourage you to include a changeset with each commit or pull request.
To create a changeset run npm run changeset
and follow the prompt instructions.
To publish a release with changes:
- Create new branch (e.g.,
git checkout -b chore/release
). - Run
npm run changeset version
to create a release containing all changes. This command will update the version of GTK, as well update theCHANGELOG.md
file. - Commit the changes (e.g.,
git commit -m "chore: release"
). - Create a pull request.
git push -u origin HEAD
, and then create pull request in the web UI. - Once the pull request is merged to
the updated packages will be published to npm once the CI pipeline is completed.
The package is available under the Procore Developers License
About Procore
Procore - building the software that builds the world.
Learn more about the #1 most widely used construction management software at procore.com