CLI chatbot
Chat with your computer.
chat [...OPTIONS] [input]
Provides a CLI interface to have a conversational chat with your computer.
Supports persisting a conversation to disk and resuming it later.
chat understands each input to be a prompt, a command, a redirection, a file
path, directory, or a glob. Please refer to the examples.
input Optional initial input [string]
Control Flow:
-i, --interactive [boolean]
-c, --continue Resume conversation from recovery file (default: true).
File System:
-r, --read Resume conversation from file. [string]
-w, --write Stream conversation to file, overwriting contents.
-a, --append Stream conversation to file, appending contents. [string]
--recovery-path Output conversation recovery path. [boolean]
--clean-all Clean up all recovery files. [boolean]
--clean Clean up recovery file for current shell. [boolean]
-p, --prune Prune 400 tokens (approximately one page) of the
conversation or specify a number of tokens to prune
(default: 400). [number]
--tokens Maximum number of tokens to sample. 400 tokens is approximately
one page of text. You can also configure tokens by setting the
environment variable CHAT_MAX_TOKENS. (default: 200000, max:
200000) [number]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
chat -i Hi Strike up a friendly conversation.
chat "Explain the singularity" Prompt once.
chat --interactive Start in interactive mode.
chat -i src/commands/default.ts Load contents of file into chat.
chat -i ./src Load contents of files in src.
chat -i "./src/**/*" Load contents of files matching glob.
chat --read convo.md Summarize Summarize existing conversation.
chat -i -r convo.md -a convo.md Resume persisted conversation.
chat -i -ra convo.md Shorthand for resume conversation.
--interactive mode
:ls . Execute ls and print output.
::ls . Execute ls and summarize output.
> time.md Write conversation to file in -i mode.
>> time.md Append conversation to file in -i mode.
./src Load contents of files in src.
./src/**/* Load contents of files matching glob.
Why is the sky blue? Prompt without quotes.
npm i -g @prmichaelsen/chat
Initial Setup
is built on AWS Bedrock Claude Anthropic v2 and it requires CLI authentication with an AWS profile
authorized to call Bedrock in order to work. See the AWS docs on CLI authentication.
aws sso login --profile my-profile