Bravo WebAssembly SDK
White Labeled
npm install @privateid/bravo-web-sdk
Copy the necessary dependencies to the public folder of your app.
"prestart": "cp -R ./node_modules/@privateid/bravo-web-sdk/wasm public/&& cp -R ./node_modules/@privateid/bravo-web-sdk/workers public/",
"prebuild": "cp -R ./node_modules/@privateid/bravo-web-sdk/wasm public/ && cp -R ./node_modules/@privateid/bravo-web-sdk/workers public/"
Add the necessary environment variables on the .env file in the root of your project
Optional environment variable
REACT_APP_SET_CACHE= true | false (Used for predict caching)
Load the WASM Module
The first step is to load and initialize the wasm module.
import { loadPrivIdModule } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
const isSupported = await loadPrivIdModule();
In case of .env file (evironment variable) does not work for you we have added a support to set the variables on load.
import { loadPrivIdModule } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
const isSupported =await loadPrivIdModule(
| Status | Description | |---------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | api_url | Equivalent to env variable REACT_APP_API_URL | | api_key | Equivalent to env variable REACT_APP_API_KEY | | api_orchestration_url | Equivalent to env variable REACT_APP_API_ORCHESTRATION_URL | | wasm_url | Please set it the same with api_url or REACT_APP_API_URL |
The loadPrivIdModule() function returns an object to check if the device is supporting WASM and WebRTC.
support: boolean,
message: string,
Open or switch camera or close camera
The first step is to load and initialize the wasm module.
Open the camera
To open user camera use the openCamera function with element id of the video tag in the DOM
import { openCamera } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
const { devices, faceMode } = await openCamera(element);
it returns list of the available video devices.
Switch to another camera
To switch to another media device use the switchCamera function with the ID of the device to be used
import { switchCamera } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
for the mobile phone we can select whether it's front or back camera for this we pass 'front' or 'back' to the switch function
import { switchCamera } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
Close the camera
To close user camera use the closeCamera function with element id of the video tag in the DOM.
import { closeCamera } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
closeCamera(element); // Will specifically look for the element id and will close that camera
closeCamera(); // By default will close opened camera using openCamera
Live demo: [https://age.devel.private.id]
isValid only exercises the is_valid()
call and does not find identity. The function detects if there is a valid face in the camera view or in an ImageData Array.
isValid accepts three parameters.
- callback: callback function to perform actions.
- imageData: imageData to perform the face captcha on (optional)
- config: internal configurable settings (optional)
import { isValid } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
await isValid(callback, imageData, config);
Face CAPTCHA returns 26 possible coded results.
| Property | Description | |----------|----------------------------| | -100 | Internal error | | -1 | Invalid image | | 0 | Valid face | | 1 | Image spoof | | 2 | Video spoof | | 3 | Too close | | 4 | Too far | | 5 | Close to right edge | | 6 | Close to left edge | | 7 | Close to top edge | | 8 | Close to bottom edge | | 9 | Too blurry | | 10 | Eye glasses detected | | 11 | Facemask detected | | 12 | Chin too far left | | 13 | Chin too far right | | 14 | Chin too far up | | 15 | Chin too far down | | 16 | Image too dim | | 17 | Image too bright | | 18 | Face low confidence value | | 19 | Invalid face background | | 20 | Eyes closed | | 21 | Mouth open | | 22 | Face tilted right | | 23 | Face tilted left |
Liveness check 7 possible coded results: | Property | Description | |----------|----------------------------| | -100 | Invalid Image | | -4 | Invalid Face | | -3 | Face Too Close To Edge | | -2 | Mobile Phone Detected | | -1 | No Face Detected | | 0 | Real | | 1 | Spoof Detected |
Predict Age
Perform an age estimation using predictAge
function on all detected faces from image or camera.
The function takes 4 parameters | Property | Description | |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | callback | The callback function to handle predictAge results. | | config | Internal configurable settings (optional) | | element | The element ID of the video to be used. (optional) | | imageData | ImageData to perform the agePrediction on (optional) |
import { predictAge } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
await predictAge(predictAgeCallback);
Perform a new enrollment (register a new user) using the enroll1FA
The function will need 10 concecutive valid faces to be able to enroll.
We would need to pass the same enroll_token
on success using configuration.
If enroll_token
changes that means we had an invalid image for enroll and started again from the beginning. (Note: Concecutive 10 face needed.)
When enrollment is successful after 10 concecutive valid faces, enroll1FA
is returning one enrollment image that can be use for document mugshot comparison, etc.
The function takes 3 parameters | Property | Description | |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | callback | The callback function to handle enroll results. | | config | Internal configurable settings (optional) | | element | The element ID of the video to be used. (optional) |
import { enroll1FA } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
const image: ImageData | null = enroll1FA(callback, {enroll_token:"token"});
Perform predict (authenticate a user) using the predict1FA
The function takes 3 parameters | Property | Description | |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | callback | The callback function to handle enroll results. | | config | Internal configurable settings (optional) | | element | The element ID of the video to be used. (optional) |
import { predict1FA } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
await predict1FA(callback)
Face Login
Perform Face Login (authenticate a user) using the faceLogin
Face login performs a more restrictive prediction of face.
The function takes 3 parameters | Property | Description | |---------------|--------------------------------------------------------------| | callback | The callback function to handle enroll results. | | config | Internal configurable settings (optional) | | element | The element ID of the video to be used. (optional) |
import { faceLogin } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
await faceLogin(callback)
Continuous Authentication
Perform continuous user prediction (authentication) using the continuousAuthentication
function. This provides the same status updates as Predict.
import { continuousAuthentication } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
continuousAuthentication(callback, configuration, element)
The continuousAuthentication function takes 4 parameters
| Property | Description | |----------|--------------------------------------------| | callback | The callback to be executed on each status | | configuration | Please use recommended: { input_image_format: "rgba" } | | element | (Optional) Element ID of the video tag where the camera is open. |
This function finds, crops, align and validate, front and back of the photoID, and returns back a valid cropped and aligned image of the photoID
import { isValidPhotoID } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
//Front of DL scan
const { imageData, croppedDocument, croppedMugshot } = isValidPhotoID("PHOTO_ID_FRONT", documentCallback);
// Back of DL barcode scan
const { croppedBarcode, croppedDocument } = isValidPhotoID("PHOTO_ID_BACK", callback)
The isValidPhotoID function takes 3 parameters
| Property | Description | | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | docType | it can be either PHOTO_ID_BACK (back of the photo ID) or PHOTO_ID_FRONT (front of the photo ID) | | callback | returns the uuid of the portrait on the Front of the Photo ID |
The function returns:
Front Document Scan (PHOTO_ID_FRONT) imageData: ImageData datatype of the input image croppedDocument: Uint8ClampedArray convertable to base64String of the cropped document. If document scan is unsuccessful, this will return null croppedMugshot: Uint8ClampedArray convertable to base64String of the cropped face. If document scan is unsuccessful, this will return null (Note: Please use utilty function below for converting images to base64 string.)
Front DL Callback Data returns:
"error": number,
"payload_type": "face_id",
"image_width": number,
"image_height": number,
"doc_center_x": number,
"doc_center_y": number,
"doc_x1": number,
"doc_y1": number,
"doc_x2": number,
"doc_y2": number,
"doc_x3": number,
"doc_y3": number,
"doc_x4": number,
"doc_y4": number,
"conf_level": number,
"cropped_doc_width": number,
"cropped_doc_height": number,
"cropped_doc_channels": number,
"doc_validation_status": number,
"op_message": string,
"predict_status": number,
"face_valid": number,
"op_status": number,
"cropped_face_width": number,
"cropped_face_height": number,
"cropped_face_size": number,
"cropped_face_channels": number,
"status_message": string
Front DL Callback Op Status equivalent: | Property | Description | |----------|---------------------------------------| | -2 | SYSTEM ERROR. Please try again later. | | -1 | MOVE CLOSER | | 0 | Success | | 3 | ALMOST DONE . . . | | 4 | MOVE JUST A LITTLE CLOSER | | 9 | TOO BLURRY | | 18 | SHOW FRONT OF DOCUMENT |
Back Document Scan (PHOTO_ID_BACK) inputImage: Uint8ClampedArray convertable to base64String of the cropped document. croppedDocument:: Uint8ClampedArray convertable to base64String of the cropped document. If barcode scan is unsuccessful, this will return null croppedBarcode:: Uint8ClampedArray convertable to base64String of the cropped barcode. If barcode scan is unsuccessful, this will return null
Back DL Callback sample return value: Note: Variables might change depending on the barcode data.
"op_status": number,
"op_message": "",
"payload_type": "barcode",
"image_width": number,
"image_height": number,
"barcode_conf_score": number,
"barcode_c_x0": number,
"barcode_c_y0": number,
"barcode_x1": number,
"barcode_y1": number,
"barcode_x2": number,
"barcode_y2": number,
"barcode_x3": number,
"barcode_y3": number,
"barcode_x4": number,
"barcode_y4": number,
"crop_img_topleft_x": number,
"crop_img_topleft_y": number,
"crop_img_botright_x": number,
"crop_img_botright_y": number,
"crop_doc_width": number,
"crop_doc_height": number,
"crop_doc_bytes": number,
"crop_doc_channels": number,
"crop_barcode_width": number,
"crop_barcode_height": number,
"crop_barcode_bytes": number,
"crop_barcode_channels": number,
"type": string,
"format": string,
"documentId": string,
"customerId": string,
"firstName": string,
"lastName": string,
"middleName": string,
"expirationDate": string,
"issueDate": string,
"dateOfBirth": string,
"gender": string,
"eyeColor": string,
"hairColor": string,
"height": string,
"streetAddress1": string,
"streetAddress2": string,
"RestStreetAddress1": string,
"RestStreetAddress2": string,
"city": string,
"state": string,
"postCode": string,
"issuingCountry": string,
"firstNameTruncation": string,
"placeOfBirth": string,
"auditInformation": string,
"inventoryControlNumber": string,
"lastNameAlias": string,
"firstNameAlias": string,
"suffixAlias": string,
"nameSuffix": string,
"namePrefix": string,
"barcode_key_string": string,
"barcode_key_string_encoding": string,
"barcodeHash64_string": string,
"barcodeHash128_string": string,
"status_message": string
Back DL Callback Op Status equivalent: | Property | Description | |----------|---------------------------------------| | -2 | SYSTEM ERROR. Please try again later. | | -1 | MOVE CLOSER | | 0 | Success | | 3 | ALMOST DONE . . . | | 4 | MOVE JUST A LITTLE CLOSER | | 9 | TOO BLURRY | | 10 | MOVE CLOSER TO BARCODE | | 18 | PRESENT BARCODE IN BOX |
Utility function for convertion of image returned by front and back dl scan
This is a utility function that helps for converting returned image from FRONT DL SCAN and BACK DL SCAN
import { convertCroppedImage } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
// For converting InputImage returned data FRONT DL SCAN and from BACK DL SCAN.
const InputImageBase64String = convertCroppedImage(inputImage, image_height, image_width);
// For converting croppedDocument returned data from FRONT DL SCAN.
// (Note: We would need other variables that is returned in the callback data. crop_doc_width, crop_doc_height)
const FrontCroppedDocumentBase64String = convertCroppedImage(croppedDocument, crop_doc_width, crop_doc_height);
// For converting croppedMugshot returned data from FRONT DL SCAN.
// (Note: We would need other variables that is returned in the callback data. cropped_face_width and cropped_face_height)
const FrontCroppedMugshotBase64String = convertCroppedImage(croppedMugshot, cropped_face_width and cropped_face_height);
// For converting croppedBarcode returned data from BACK DL SCAN.
// (Note: We would need other variables that is returned in the callback data. crop_barcode_width and crop_barcode_width)
const CroppedBarcodeBase64String = convertCroppedImage(croppedBarcode, crop_barcode_width, crop_barcode_height);
// For converting croppedDocument returned data from BACK DL SCAN.
// (Note: We would need other variables that is returned in the callback data. crop_doc_width and crop_doc_height)
const CroppedDocumentBase64String = convertCroppedImage(croppedDocument, crop_doc_width, crop_doc_height);
This function compares 2 faces if they are matching. In the callback it is returning a conf_score (recommended threshold for faceCompare is 0.25)
import { faceCompareLocal } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
faceCompareLocal(callback, imageData1, imageData2, { input_image_format: "rgba" });
The faceCompareLocal function takes 4 parameters | Property | Description | | -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | callback | a function that will handle the result of compare returned | | imageData1 | imageData datatype of the first image | | imageData2 | imageData datatype of second image | | config | Additional configuration. Please enter { input_image_format: "rgba" } as a default |
Sample returned data in callback:
"error": number,
"distance_max": number,
"distance_mean": number,
"distance_min": number,
"conf_score": number,
"face_thresholds_count": number,
"face_thresholds": [
"result": number,
"valid_flag_a": number,
"valid_flag_b": number
Licensing Restriction: This product is not licensed for use in regulated gaming. To license in this market, please contact CentralAMS.
This function is used for deleting user with the uuid
import { deleteUser } from "@privateid/bravo-web-sdk";
deleteUser(uuid, callback)
Note: Please use Predict to get the user UUID you want to delete and pass it in
The function returns: result: status of the validation of the document
| Status | Description | | ------ | ----------------- | | 0 | deletion is successful | | -1 | deletion is unsuccessful |
messege: deletion messege
This function checks if the web browser supports WASM based on: https://www.lambdatest.com/web-technologies/wasm And also checks if WebRTC is supported based on: https://caniuse.com/?search=getusermedia
import { checkPackageSupport } from "@privateid/bravo-web-sdk";
The function returns: status: status is a boolean when "True" the browser supports WASM and "False" browser does not support WASM messege: Messege of the checking of package support.
API Utils
This function accepts { token
(CID or GAN Unique ID/PlayerID), phone
, email
, ... } and creates user.
import { createUser } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
params = {
id?: string; // (CID or GAN Unique ID/PlayerID)
guid?: string;
phone: string;
phoneVerified?: boolean;
email?: string;
emailVerified?: boolean;
ssn4?: string;
ssn9?: string;
userConsent: boolean;
userConsentDate: string;
userFaceEnrollConsent?: boolean;
consentVersion: string;
portrait?: string;
This function sends SMS to user's phone with a link to acquire front & back of Driver License from mobile. (also enroll face if faceEnrollConsent
is true).
From the redirect link in SMS, you can find query string code
. You can pass it through verifyToken function as a verification code to get user information.
You can use it if the webcam is lower than 2MP.
import { sendEnrollSms } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
sendEnrollSms({ id })
id: string; // (CID or GAN Unique ID/PlayerID)
This function gets the verification code as parameter and return the user information if it's valid code.
import { verifyToken } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
verifyToken({ code, type })
code: string; // verification code
type: ['phone', 'email'];
This function uploads user portrait image.
import { uploadPortrait } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
uploadPortrait({ id, portrait })
id: string; // (CID or GAN Unique ID/PlayerID)
portrait: string // Base64
This function uploads front & back of Driver Licence image.
import { uploadDL } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
// Uploading Front DL images
uploadDl({ id, type, image })
id: string //Required
type: "frontDLoriginal", "frontDLheadshot", "frontDLcropped"
image: string // Base64 //Require
// Uploading Back DL image
uploadDl({ id, type, image })
id: string //Required
type: "backDLoriginal", "backDLbarcode"
image: string // Base64 //Required
// Uploading Back DL barcode JSON
uploadDl({ id, type, barcode})
id : string //Required
type: "barcodeJson"
barcode: string //Required
| Parameter | Description | | -------- | ----------------- | | id | Id to be set for customerID. (Required) | | type |"frontDLoriginal", "frontDLheadshot", "frontDLcropped", "backDLoriginal", "backDLbarcode" , "barcodeJson". (required) | | image | base64 string of image. (Required for all type exept 'barcodeJson') | | barcode | JSON string of the barcode data. (Required for type 'barcodeJson') |
This function update user preferred data.
i.e. address
, city
, state
, country
, postalCode
, etc.
This information will be stored in preferred
field of User object in DB.
import { updateUser } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
updateUser({ id, attributes })
id: string; // (CID or GAN Unique ID/PlayerID)
attributes: {...}; //
This function will return the status of user.
import { getUserStatus } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
getUserStatus({ id })
id: string; // (CID or GAN Unique ID/PlayerID)
| Name | Value | Description |
| ----------- | ------------ | ------------------ |
| userRegistered | true
, false
| true
if all user information provided for createUser function |
| emailVerified | true
, false
| Email verified for user |
| phoneVerified | true
, false
| Phone number verified for user |
| manualPIIEntry | true
, false
| true
for manual data entry (no Scan ID) |
| userScanID | true
, false
| true
Approved Scan ID |
This function will validate the returned securityToken.
Note: Token are only valid for 5 minutes starting from the creation of token. After 5 minutes the token will be invalid.
import { validateSecurityToken } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
validateSecurityToken({ uuid, token })
puid: string; // UUID of the user
token: string; // Token from the api call i.e. enroll1Fa/predict1Fa
Response | Name | Value | Description | | ----------- | ------------ | ------------------ | | securityToken | string | The securityToken passed in the API call. | | securityTokenStatus | '1','0' | '1' being TRUE means securityToken is valid. '0' being FALSE means securityToken is invalid. |
This is a utility function that will clear the cache data.
import { clearCache } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
The generatePasskey
function is used to generate a passkey based on a UUID.
import { generatePasskey } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
uuid: string; // The UUID for which you want to generate a passkey (Required)
The authenticatePasskey
function is used to authenticate a generated passkey.
import { authenticatePasskey } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
uuid: string; // The UUID for which you want to authenticate a passkey (Required)
The deletePasskey
function is used to delete the generated passkey.
import { deletePasskey } from '@privateid/bravo-web-sdk';
uuid: string; // The UUID for which you want to delete the passkey (Required)