This library aims to encapsulate how PrimeWeb uses the Google Maps JavaScript API. This will enable Primayer's developers to spend less time creating google map implementations multiple times across PrimeWeb and more time dealing with the unique requirem
PrimeWeb Google Map
Vue.js Component Library
This library aims to encapsulate how PrimeWeb uses the Google Maps JavaScript API. This will enable Primayer's developers to spend less time creating google map implementations multiple times across PrimeWeb and more time dealing with the unique requirements of a PrimeWeb Application. This library serves as a central point for Google Map implementations for use in Vue.js based applications.
! Please ensure you are logged into npm using a Primayer npm account to access our private repository !
In order to use this library you will first need to install and set up its peer dependencies
from your project root folder in a Terminal, Console, PowerShell or CMD:
npm install --save vue2-google-maps
To set up the peer dependencies add the following to your main.js:
import * as VueGoogleMaps from "vue2-google-maps";
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
key: " { ... INSERT YOUR GOOGLE API KEY HERE ... } ",
libraries: "places,drawing,visualization"
To install the library, from your project root folder in a Terminal, Console, PowerShell or CMD:
npm install --save @primayer/prime-google-map
To set the library up, in your main.js file:
import PrimeGoogleMap from '@primayer/prime-google-map';
Here is a simple example of how to use the component:
// import models
import { Pipe, Node } from 'prime-google-map'
// imports for testing purposes only
import * as ExamplePipes from './apiExamples/Pipes'
import * as ExampleNodes from './apiExamples/Nodes'
export default {
name: 'app',
computed: {
pipes() {
// dummy get method for testing
let pipes = [];
ExamplePipes.ExamplePipes.forEach(rawPipe => {
pipes.push(new Pipe(rawPipe))
return pipes
nodes() {
// dummy get method for testing
let nodes = [];
ExampleNodes.ExampleNodes.forEach(rawNode => {
nodes.push(new Node(rawNode))
return nodes
Library contents
Here is a list of the available Vue components provided by this library:
- PrimeGoogleMap
Here is a list of available JS classes provided by this library:
- Pipe
- Section
- Node
- Logger
- GenericMarkerData
- LatLong
- MapOptions
Here are the other provided contents of the library:
- MaterialDetails - an object literal constant used to describe materials for pipes
Prime Google Maps
This component exposes the following options
- mapOptions. Type: MapOptions. This optional prop requires an object of the time MapOptions and is used to set up the google map.
- mapCursor. Type; String. A URL targeting the image to use as a draggable cursor.
- nodes. Type: Array, of Node objects. Default is an empty array. A validator is used to enforce the type of object given.
- pipes. Type: Array, of Pipes objects. Default is an empty array. A validator is used to enforce the type of object given.
- loggers. Type: Array, of Logger objects. Default is an empty array. A validator is used to enforce the type of object given.
- markers. Type: Array, of GenericMarkerData objects or objects that are derived inherited from the GenericMarkerData class. Default is an empty array. A validator is used to enforce the type of object given.
- activePipes. Type: Array, of Pipes objects. The given array of Pipes is expected to be a sub set of the array given to pipes. Default is an empty array. A validator is used to enforce the type of object given.
None. No v-models are exposed
All of the most commonly used google maps events are provided. As Google Maps events natively share similar/same names a prefix has bee added for clarity. The prefixes are:
'map-' : for map based events. 'node-' : for node based events. 'logger-' : for logger based events. 'pipe-' : for pipe based events, including active pipes. 'marker-' : for generic marker based events.
Here are the provided map events, with the prefix:
- map-bounds_changed
- map-click
- map-dblclick
- map-drag
- map-dragend
- map-dragstart
- map-idle
- map-mousemove
- map-mouseout
- map-mouseover
- map-resize
- map-rightclick
- map-tilesloaded
- map-center_changed
- map-heading_changed
- map-maptypeid_canged
- map-tilt_changed
- map-zoom_changed
Here are the events exposed for Nodes, Loggers, Generic Markers, and Pipes. These excluding the prefix.
- click
- dblclick
- drag
- dragend
- dragstart
- mousedown
- mouseout
- mouseover
- mouseup
- rightclick
Please add the prefix for correct use. For example:
or marker-mouseover
or pipe-dblclick
In actual use and example would look like this:
export default {
name: 'app',
methods: {
onLoggerClick(event, logger) {
console.log(event) // prints event object
console.log(logger) // prints logger object
Do not forget, if you are using the provided classes rather than making your own you need to use the following statement to import them:
// import models
import { Pipe, Node } from 'prime-google-map'
The { }
are required
MapOptions Class
The constructor takes the same object literal as a Google Map Object. However some have not yet been included, the available options are:
- centre
- heading
- mapTypeId
- options
- tilt
- zoom
for more information check out Google Maps API docs here
LatLong Class
This class is considered a helper towards standardization, therefor its constructor can expect a wider than expected range on object literals. This class accepts:
- A two element long array of Strings or Numbers
- An object literal with the keys:
- m_Item1
- m_Item2
- An object literal with the keys:
- latitude
- longitude
- latitude
- longitude
- googleLatLong (getter only)
Generic Marker Class
The constructor expects an object literal that contains the following:
- id : Any
- name: String
- latitude: Number
- longitude: Number
The constructor is also set up to accept Google Map Marker options in its object literal:
- animation
- attribution
- clickable
- cursor
- draggable
- icon
- label
- opacity;
- options
- place
- shape
- title
- zIndex
more information about these can be found here
All of the properties set in the constructor are available. Plus these additional available properties:
- googleLocation (getter only)
Node Class
inherits from Generic Marker Class
The constructor takes the same object literal as a Generic Marker Class with the additional properties available:
- global_user
- group_id
- icon_url
- LocationTuple (becomes a LatLong object)
Same as Generic Marker Class. With the constructor given keys changed to:
- globalUser
- groupId
- location (a LatLong object)
Logger Class
inherits from Generic Marker Class
The constructor takes the same object literal as a Generic Marker Class with the additional properties available:
- coords (becomes a LatLong object)
- loggerType
- isNode
- image
Same as Generic Marker Class
Pipe Class
The constructor expects an object literal with the following keys:
- Id
- Group
- Coords
- User
- CreatedOn
- TotalLength
- LoggerId
- Enabled
- Colour
- Sections (becomes array of Sections objects, Section call not exposed)
- Loggers
- StartLatLng
- EndLatLng
These keys match with the pipe JSON object returned by PrimeWeb API. So Pipe JSON objects can be converted to Pipe Objects directly
All of the constructor keys are properties, however they are in camelCase not PascalCase. The following additional properties also are available:
- calculatedTotalLength (getter only)
- sectionsCount (getter only)
- materialBreakDown (getter only)
- googleCoords (getter only)
- googlePolyLineOpt (getter only)
- googlePolyLineStroke (getter only)
- coords(), return LatLong Object
Section Class
The constructor expects an object literal with the following keys:
- PipeId
- Id
- Material
- Length
- Diameter
- Velocity
- Default
- Abrev
- Pixels
These keys match with the section JSON object returned by PrimeWeb API. So section JSON objects can be converted to Section Objects directly. When a Pipe is constructed sections are automatically created in the pipe class, the type if the sections used is this Section class.
All of the constructor keys are properties, however they are in camelCase not PascalCase. The following additional properties also are available:
- materialName (getter only)
As a fellow member of Primayer's development team, contribution to this library is welcomed and encouraged.
Once the repository is on you dev machine. Navigate to the project root in a terminal of some kind. From the project root run npm install
, then navigate to the test app root folder cd testapp
and run npm install
again. Next set a npm link between the library and the test app. so from the test app root folder:
cd ..
npm link
cd testapp
npm link @primayer/prime-google-map
If you run a npm install at any point on the library or the test app the npm link will be destroyed and will have to be remade.
Build Process
In order to build the library for testing or distribution:
From the library root folder, in a terminal run npm run build
. A "dist" folder will be produced and will contain the complied library for redistribution.
when logged into npm on your local terminal as a Primayer's npm account holder just run npm publish
. Please ensure you update the version number in the package.json and create a release tag on GitHub.
Issues, Suggestions and Non-Technical contributions
Any Issues or suggestions should be marked in the repository issue tracker with the appropriate tags and all necessity details.
Any non-technical contributions will be handled on an ad-hoc bases. Usage Documentation/Media will be stored in the manner preferred by Primayer Ltd. as appropriate.
No contributions, that are external from Primayer Ltd are allowed, unless express permission is provided by Primayer Ltd.'s management team.
The code and work in this repository (excluding 3rd party open source code) is proprietary and is owned by Primayer Ltd. The files stored in this repository are not for use, redistribution, sale or any other such activity, in part or as a whole. All rights reserved.