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Welcome to MONO
MONO is a framework agnostic utility library for SASS. It helps to manage your styles between Figma and your code.
MONO is not generating any CSS code, insteead it provides you access to Figma Variables and set of useful tools to help you reflect the designs easier in your code.
For now entirely manual.
Future Installation
- npm package installer (npm, yarn, pnpm, etc)
- Dart Sass compiler
pnpm add -D @primate-inc/mono
pnpm mono init -p ./styles
This will install MONO and copy files into the styles/mono
. Replace example tokens.json
file with your DesignTokens exported from Figma. Next you can update all the other files to match your preferences and new tokens file.
pnpm mono tokens -p ./styles
Next you can import mono at the beginig of your stylesheet @import 'styles/mono';
and compile you scss files using preffered tool.
MONO contains a set of helpful functions and mixins to use your tokens data more efficiently.
Typography mixin:
This converts typography token into responsive css styles.
@include typography(header)
Screen mixin:
This serves as a media query generator. Simply provide it with a breakpoint from tokens and properties.
@include screen(desktop) {
margin-left: 2rem;
Token function:
Mostly used to assign tokens to more functional slots, but can also be used to assign a value to css property.
$slots: (
page: (
background: token(color, blue, 500);
div {
background: token('color', 'white');
Slot function:
Slots are like a catalog for your styles. Their names are more meaningful and functional comparing to tokens.
body {
background: slot(page, background);
:root {
--text-color: slot(page, text);
Responsive Slot mixin:
You can use your slot as responsive using breakpoints names as keys in a map instead of the value in $slots map.
$tokens: (
breakpoints: (
desktop: ...,
tablet: ...,
Note: default
and any custom breakpoints can be added in $slots map.
$slots: (
grid: (
wide: (
default: '1 / -1',
tablet: '3 / -3',
desktop: '3 / 8,
div {
@include responsive-slot('grid-column', grid, wide);
This project is licensed under the MIT License.