> **_NOTE:_** Please Install Rust on your system before installing the module(https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install)
A npm module used to get system's information
Based on sysinfo crate
NOTE: Please Install Rust on your system before installing the module(https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install)
Functions Available:
NOTE: ECMAScript modules not supported
const sys = require('systeminfo');
console.log(sys.uptime());//Returns the uptime of the system
//Example Output: 11h48m33s
console.log(sys.bootTime());//Returns the time since the first boot
//Example Output: 19329d3h52m36s
console.log(sys.osVersion());//Returns the operating system version
//Example Output: MacOS 11.2 BigSur
console.log(sys.kernelVersion());//Returns the kernel version
//Example Output: 6.0.0-kali3-amd64
console.log(sys.disks());//Returns the disks list
console.log(sys.memory());//Returns the memory info
/* Example Output: {
totalMemory: '15.5 GiB',//Total Memory installed on your system
freeMemory: '2.7 GiB',//free memory refers to the unallocated memory
availableMemory: '8.1 GiB',//Total memory that is available for (re)use
usedMemory: '7.3 GiB'//Amount of memory used
} */
console.log(sys.systemName());//Name of the system or host name
console.log(sys.physicalCoreCount());//Physical core count of the CPU