Widget for create payment methods
PowerBoard Commercetools
PowerBoard commercetools provides you with the building blocks to create a checkout experience for your shoppers, allowing them to pay using the payment method of their choice.
Node package manager
Install the [PowerBoard Commercetwidget.jsools Node package](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@power-board-commercetools/powerboard)
npm or yarn (recommended)
npm install @power-board-commercetools/powerboard
yarn add @power-board-commercetools/powerboard
Import PowerBoard into your application. You can add your own styling by overriding the rules in the CSS file.
import PowerboardCommercetoolWidget from '@power-board-commercetools/powerboard';
import '@power-board-commercetools/powerboard/dist/widget.css';
You also need to copy the icons to a public directory so that they are available for download from the browser. we recommend placing them so that they are available via the default URL "images/powerboard/*". One way to do this is to add the following to the package.json file:
"name": "your-awesome-application-name",
"version": "*.*.*",
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "npm run copy-images-powerboard && npm run copy-logo-powerboard",
"copy-images-powerboard": "copyfiles -u 5 node_modules/@power-board-commercetools/powerboard/dist/assets/icons/* public/images/powerboard",
"copy-logo-powerboard": "copyfiles -u 5 node_modules/@power-board-commercetools/powerboard/dist/assets/* public/images/powerboard"
"dependencies": {
"copyfiles": "^2.4.1"
Of course, you can specify a different path to your icons by passing the corresponding parameter to the constructor:
new PowerboardCommercetoolWidget({iconPath: 'path/to/powerboard/plugin/icons/dir'});
Embed script and stylesheet
Embed the PowerBoard Commercetools script element above any other JavaScript in your checkout page.
<script src="powerboard-commercetools/widget.js"></script>
Embed the PowerBoard Commercetools stylesheet. You can add your own styling by overriding the rules in the CSS fil
<link rel="stylesheet" href="powerboard-commercetools/widget.css">
You also need to copy the icons to a public directory so that they are available for download from the browser. we recommend placing them so that they are available via the default URL "images/powerboard/*".
Of course, you can specify a different path to your icons by passing the corresponding parameter to the constructor:
new PowerboardCommercetoolWidget({iconPath: 'path/to/powerboard/plugin/icons/dir'});
Create a DOM element for Drop-in
Create a DOM container element on your checkout page where you want Drop-in to be rendered and give it a descriptive id.
<div id="powerboard-widget-container">
<!-- PowerBoard Checkout will be mounted here -->
Set up Drop-in
Create store for Drop-in
Create a global store where the properties of each payment method will be written when the widget is initialized.
import { reactive } from 'vue';
const powerboardStore = reactive({});
export default powerboardStore;
Initialize the payment session. Example on Vue.js
Create an instance of Drop-in and mount it to the container element you created.
1. Load PowerBoard script
Add function load PowerBoard script (Make sure that all subsequent logic related to the widget and widget initialization happens after the file is loaded), for example do something like this:
import {loadScript} from "vue-plugin-load-script";
const PRODUCTION_POWERBOARD_URL = 'https://widget.powerboard.commbank.com.au/sdk/latest/widget.umd.js';
const SANDBOX_POWERBOARD_URL = 'https://widget.preproduction.powerboard.commbank.com.au/sdk/latest/widget.umd.js';
const configuration = await getPowerboardPaymentsConfiguration();
const isSandbox = configuration?.sandbox_mode;
2. Set configuration data. Example:
const config = {
api: 'https://api.europe-west1.gcp.commercetools.com',
auth: {
host: 'https://auth.europe-west1.gcp.commercetools.com',
projectKey: 'powerboard',
credentials: {
clientId: 'some-client-id',
clientSecret: 'some-client-secret',
scope: 'all_neaded scopes for work yor store example "manage_orders:powerboard manage_customers:powerboard"'
3. Get PowerBoard payment configuration
First of all you need to get information about the cart, customer, and methods for working with the cart
Here in the response we get the configuration, the available payment methods and the unique payment ID.
import axios from "axios";
const getPaydockPaymentsConfiguration = async () => {
// Fetch payment methods using a POST request
let response = await axios.post(`${config.api}/${config.auth.projectKey}/payments/`, {
amountPlanned: {
currencyCode: 'AUD',
centAmount: 12415 //integer, amount in cents
paymentMethodInfo: {
paymentInterface: 'Mock',
method: 'powerboard-pay',
name: {
en: 'PowerBoard'
custom: {
type: {
typeId: 'type',
key: "powerboard-components-payment-type"
fields: {
commercetoolsProjectKey: config.auth.projectKey,
PaymentExtensionRequest: JSON.stringify({
action: "getPaymentMethodsRequest",
request: {}
transactions: [
type: "Charge",
amount: {
currencyCode: "AUD",
centAmount: 12415 //integer, amount in cents
state: "Initial"
}, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
authorization: `Bearer ${await this.getAuthToken()}`
4. Add function initialize PowerBoard checkout.
Function is responsible for
- Get the parameters
- Creating a widget
- Display of payment methods
- Widget storage and event handling
Create a new widget
function initPowerboardCheckout(paymentMethod, paydockStore, configuration, PowerboardCommercetoolWidget) {
configuration.api_commercetools = {
url: `${config.ct.api}/${config.ct.auth.projectKey}/payments/`,
token: localStorage.getItem(ACCESS_TOKEN)
let widget = new PowerboardCommercetoolWidget({
selector: '#' + paymentMethod.name,
type: paymentMethod.type,
configuration: configuration,
userId: commerceToolCustomerId,
paymentButtonSelector: '#paymentButton',
radioGroupName: 'payment_method',
Handle specific logic for saving card details. Check if the user is logged and widget.isSaveCardEnable() equal true, use widget render methods.
Set amount and currency for the widget based on the cart data
Display payment methods on the widget
Load the widget (card, bank)
Get widget
5. Component mount
onMounted(async () => {
Object.values(configuration.payment_methods).forEach(paymentMethod => {
Object.entries(paymentMethod.config).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (key.includes('use_on_checkout') && value === 'Yes') {
initPowerboardCheckout(paymentMethod, powerboardStore, configuration, PowerboardCommercetoolWidget);
6. Add a custom hook for handling PowerBoard payments
During order placement, if the checkout form is valid and the payment method is powerboard, we will provide the function of creating an order through powerboard in which:
- We receive the value of a one-time OTT token from the widget
- We collect the required data and transfer it to the widget
For wallets you must set form validation state:
- Get vault token for the payment
- We create a payment by updating the existing commercetools api "makePaymentRequest"
Create payment using the collected data
In the createPayment function, you must perform 3 actions:
- First. Create payment, send a request to create a payment in the PowerBoard system - through the extension, using the custom field makePaymentRequest where "widget.paymentId" its unique payment ID from step 3.
//example for "Google Pay"
let powerboardResponse = document.querySelector('[name="powerboard-pay-google-pay"]').value;
let chargeId = powerboardResponse.data.id;
let paymentType = 'Google Pay';
let currentPaymentUrl = `${config.ct.api}/${config.ct.auth.projectKey}/payments/${widget.paymentId}`;
powerboardResponse = JSON.parse(powerboardResponse);
if (powerboardResponse.data.status === "inreview") {
status = 'powerboard-pending'
} else {
status = powerboardResponse.data.status === 'pending' ? 'powerboard-authorize' : 'powerboard-paid';
let response = await fetchWithToken(currentPaymentUrl, {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
let currentPayment = await response.json();
const updateData = {
version: currentPayment.version,
actions: [
action: "setCustomField",
name: "PaymentExtensionRequest",
value: JSON.stringify({
action: "makePaymentRequest",
request: {
orderId: widget.paymentId,
paymentId: widget.paymentId,
amount: {
currency: currencyCode,
value: centAmount
PowerboardTransactionId: paymentSource,
PowerboardPaymentStatus: status,
PowerboardPaymentType: paymentType,
CommerceToolsUserId: commerceToolCustomerId,
SaveCard: saveCard,
VaultToken: vaultToken,
AdditionalInfo: additionalInfo
const response = await fetchWithToken(currentPaymentUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify(updateData)
let payment = await response.json();
let powerboardWidgetCardServerErrorBlock = document.getElementById('powerboard-widget-card-server-error');
let paymentExtensionResponse = payment?.custom?.fields?.PaymentExtensionResponse ?? null
if (paymentExtensionResponse) {
paymentExtensionResponse = JSON.parse(paymentExtensionResponse);
if (paymentExtensionResponse.status === "Failure") {
powerboardWidgetCardServerErrorBlock.innerText = paymentExtensionResponse.message;
return Promise.reject(paymentExtensionResponse.message);
- Second. Add payment to cart and update cart required info
let orderPaymentStatus = 'Pending'
let orderStatus = 'Open'
let paymentExtensionResponse = payment?.custom?.fields?.PaymentExtensionResponse ?? null
response = await fetchWithToken(`${config.ct.api}/${config.ct.auth.projectKey}/carts/${cartId}`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: headers
let currentCart = await response.json();
let updateCardActions = [
action: "addPayment",
payment: {
typeId: "payment",
id: payment.id
//In order to Order is tracked on inventory, you will need add the next code
if(currentCart.lineItems) {
currentCart.lineItems.forEach((lineItem) => {
action: "setLineItemInventoryMode",
lineItemId: lineItem.id,
inventoryMode: "TrackOnly"
response = await fetchWithToken(`${config.ct.api}/${config.ct.auth.projectKey}/carts/${cartId}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify({
version: currentCart.version,
actions: updateCardActions
currentCart = await response.json();
await fetchWithToken(`${config.ct.api}/${config.ct.auth.projectKey}/orders`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
id: currentCart.id,
orderNumber: reference,
version: currentCart.version,
orderState: orderStatus,
paymentState: orderPaymentStatus
- Third. Process order
currentCart = await response.json();
await fetchWithToken(`${config.ct.api}/${config.ct.auth.projectKey}/orders`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
id: currentCart.id,
orderNumber: reference,
version: currentCart.version
- Link the payment to the order and create the order
7. Transfer information to widget
To pass payment information, pass the objects of this structure to the setBillingInfo() and setShippingInfo() methods.
first_name: "first_name", //string
last_name: "last_name", //string
email: "email", //string
phone: "phone", //string
address_line1: "address_line1", //string
address_line2: "address_line2", //string
address_city: "address_city", //string
address_state: "address_state", //string
address_country: "address_country", //string
address_postcode: "address_postcode", //integer
for cart item information pass the object of this structure to the setCartItems method.
name: "name of product", // string
type: "type", // string (type or category name of product)
quantity: 10, // int
item_uri: "https://some.domain/path/to/product", // string
image_uri: "https://cdn.some.domain/path/to/product/image",
amount: 123.45 // float (price with two digits after the decimal point)
8. Thank You page
After making the payment, it redirect to the Thank you page and the text is displayed depending on the completion of the payment.
If status pending 'yes', we use text
"thankYouOrderProcessed": "Your order is being processed. We’ll get back to you shortly."
If status pending 'no', we use text
"thankYouOrderReceived": "Thank you. Your order has been received."
Use the function redirectToThankYouPage to receive a text status about the order.
async function redirectToThankYouPage(router) {
let currentPaymentUrl = `${config.ct.api}/${config.ct.auth.projectKey}/payments/${powerboardStore?.paymentId}`;
const response = await fetchWithToken(currentPaymentUrl, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
let orderStatusInReview = currentPayment.custom.fields.PowerboardPaymentStatus === 'powerboard-pending' ? 'yes' : 'no'
See also
This repository is available under the MIT license.