**NOTE:** This CLI tool is specifically designed for custom usage within our organization. The generated code output is in alignment with our internal templates.
OpenAPI code generation CLI
NOTE: This CLI tool is specifically designed for custom usage within our organization. The generated code output is in alignment with our internal templates.
Use this tool to generate code (Zod schemas, API definitions and React queries) from OpenAPI v3 specification. API definitions are customized to fit the REST client wrapper used in our Next.js template. React queries are generated in alignment with our code standards, without the need for explicit types.
The tool partially leverages code from openapi-zod-client repository.
yarn add @povio/openapi-codegen-cli
yarn openapi-codegen generate --input http://localhost:3001/docs-json
Generate command (generates Zod schemas, API definitions and React queries)
--input Path/url to OpenAPI/Swagger document as json/yaml
--output Output path (default: 'output')
--includeNamespaces Include namespaces inside generated files (default: true)
--splitByTags Split output into directories based on tags in OpenAPI operations (default: true)
--defaultTag Default tag name for code shared accross multiple tags (default: 'Common')
--excludeTags Comma separated list of tags excluded from the output
--extractEnums Enums are extracted as seperate Zod schemas (default: true)
--removeOperationPrefixEndingWith Removes prefix that ends with value from operation names (default: 'Controller_')
--importPath Import path (default: 'ts', possible: 'ts' | 'relative' | 'absolute')
--prettier Run prettier command on output after code generation (default: true)
--verbose Show log messages during execution
Check command (checks if OpenAPI spec is compliant)
--input Path/url to OpenAPI/Swagger document as json/yaml
--splitByTags Split output into directories based on tags in OpenAPI operations (default: true)
--defaultTag Default tag name for code shared accross multiple tags (default: 'Common')
--excludeTags Comma separated list of tags excluded from the output
--verbose Show log messages during execution
Test locally
# prerequisites
corepack install
# run tests
yarn test
# run sources with tsx
yarn start --help
yarn start generate --input ./test/petstore.yaml --verbose
# build new version
yarn build
# test build
yarn start --help
yarn start:dist generate --input ./test/petstore.yaml --verbose