Identity module for Portal Platform
Portal.js Identity
The Portal Identity library provides an SDK that enables easy integration with the portal platform oauth provider, user management, account abstraction and blockchain transaction utilities for the Portal Wallet.
npm i @portalgaming/id
Basic usage
To use the ID you'll need to configure it. The most basic configuration, with the required fields, is as follows:
import { IdentityModuleConfiguration, Identity } from '@portalgaming/id';
const config: IdentityModuleConfiguration = {
scope: 'openid profile', // The scopes that the client will request from the user
redirectUri: REDIRECT_URI, // The URI to redirect after the user has logged in and where the client will need to call the `loginCallback`
clientId: CLIENT_ID, // The client id of the OAuth client that is going to be used
const IdentityClient = new Identity(config);
Advanced configuration
There's a subset of configurations that can be used to customize the behavior of the Identity SDK. The full list of configurations can be found below:
import {
} from '@portalgaming/id';
const config: IdentityModuleConfiguration => {
scope: "openid profile", // The scopes that the client will request from the user
redirectUri: REDIRECT_URI, // The URI to redirect after the user has logged in and where the client will need to call the `loginCallback`
clientId: CLIENT_ID, // The client id of the OAuth client that is going to be used
// Optional configurations
loginMode: 'popup' | 'redirect', // The flow that the client will use to login the user. The default is 'popup'
logoutMode: 'silent' | 'redirect', // The mode that the client will use to logout the user. The default is 'silent'
logoutRedirectUri: LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI, // The URI to redirect after the user has logged out. This is required when the `logoutMode` is set to 'redirect'.
authProviderOrigin: AUTHENTICATION_ORIGIN, // The authentication domain with scheme. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
authProviderAuthorizeEndpoint: AUTHORIZE_ENDPOINT, // The endpoint for obtaining an authorization code. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
authProviderDeviceCodeEndpoint: DEVICE_CODE_ENDPONT, // The endpoint for obtaining a device code. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
authProviderUserEndpoint: USER_ENDPOINT, // The endpoint for obtaining information about the current user. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
authProviderTokenEndpoint: TOKEN_ENDPOINT, // The endpoint that the client will use to exchange the code for the token. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
authProviderLogoutEndpoint: LOGOUT_ENDPOINT, // The endpoint for logging out the current user. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
apiOrigin: API_ORIGIN, // The api domain with scheme. This is used for transactions. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
apiExecuteTransactionEndpoint: TRANSACTION_ENDPOINT, // The endpoint for executing transactions using a session key. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
apiCreateTransactionIntentEndpoint: TRANSACTION_INTENT_ENDPOINT, // The endpoint for creating transaction intents. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
apiConfirmTransactionEndpoint: TRANSACTION_CONFIRM_ENDPOINT, // The endpoint for confirming transaction intents with an externally create signature. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
signerOrigin: SIGNER_ORIGIN, // The signer domain with scheme. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
signerSessionKeyEndpoint: SESSION_KEY_ENDPOINT, // The endpoint for creating session keys. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
signerSignMessageEndpoint: SIGN_ENDPOINT, // The endpoint for signing messages. Defaults to a value for using Portal Platform.
disableGenericPopupOverlay: true | false, // Disables the full screen overlay created when using the popup signin and signer flows. Defaults to false.
disableBlockedPopupOverlay: true | false, // Disables the full screen overlay created when popups are blocked when using the popup signin and signer flows. Defaults to false.
const IdentityClient = new Identity(config)
OAuth Flow
The SDK provides a set of methods that can be used to interact with the OAuth provider. The most common methods are:
// This method will redirect the user to the OAuth provider login page
await identityClient.authenticate();
// This method will handle the callback from the OAuth provider and return the user information
const user = await identityClient.loginCallback();
// This method will logout the user from the OAuth provider
await identityClient.logout();
// This method will return the user information
const user = await identityClient.getUserInfo();
// This method will return the access token
const token = await identityClient.getAccessToken();
// This method will return the id token
const idToken = await identityClient.getIdToken();