This module include multiple libraries that are likely to be required in any Portable EHR node implementation.
nodecore librairies
This module include multiple libraries that are likely to be required in any Portable EHR node implementation.
lib/utils : a gazillion of utilitary functions and classes including :
- function.prototype .chainProto() and .alsoExtends() methods and getGetterFunction() function
- python-itertools-inspired generators : zip(), chain(), repeat() and groupBy(), plus
- prototypesAlongTheProtoChain() and collectNonOverriddenProtoFunctionsAlongTheProtoChain() generators
- time related now(), dateAdd(), minIntervalInMs(), isInvalidDate(), toDate(), strToDate() and onlyDate() functions
- string, JSON, html, B64, and sha utility functions :
- repr(), emptyField(), capitalizeName(), decapitalizeName(), normalizeString(), normalizeName(), normalizePhoneNumber() and hex() functions
- niceJSON(), commentsLitOb(), sansCommentLitOb() and sansCommentJSON() functions
- html .pre(), .h1(), .h2(), .h3(), .h4(), .bold(), .small() functions
- getSha() function
- toUrlB64(), fromUrlB64() and fromUrlB64ToString() functions
- showJwt(), jwtBody() and jwtExpiry() functions, plus Jwt() constructor
- cleanUrlPath(), makeDirIfNeeded() and buildFromFile() file helper functions
- dbMsg(), bailOut(), expectedErrorProtoDefaultProps(), DeclareExpectedError() and isInstanceOfError() functions, plus
- ErrorExtender() and ErrorWrapper() Error constructors
- Enum and EItem constructors
- LaunchParams class
- tons of isInvalid*(), isProvided(), isNotProvided(), isFunction(), RamqNamUpTo10th(), validateRamqNam() validation functions
- ECyclingStatus enum, Cycling.TimerInterrupted() Error constructor and Cycling class
lib/api.auth : provides :
- AuthError contructor
- jwtHoursOfValidity constant
- createJwt() and verifyJwt() functions
- authenticateAndAllowUser() function
- getFeed() function
- authorizeApiRequest() function
- bearerLogin() function
lib/api : provides :
- EFeedRequestStatus enum
- FeedApiResponse() and
- FeedApiLoginRequest() constructors,
- EFeedHubRequestStatus enum
- FeedHubApiResponse(),
- FeedHubApiLoginRequest() and
- FeedHubApiDispensaryRequest() constructors
lib/config.auth : provides :
- EAuthMethod and EUserRole enums
- ApiUser and ApiUsers classes
- Credentials and AllCredentials classes
lib/config : provides :
- NodeConfig class
- nodeConfig() and nodeReloadConfig() functions
lib/config.nao : provides :
- EWebScheme enum
- Endpoint class
- WsSelfServer class
lib/dao : provides :
- noRow() Error constructor
- EDbJsType enum
lib/my-dao : provides :
- dbInsert()
- dbUpdate()
- dbDelete() and
- fetchFromDb() functions
- doInTransaction() context function
- isoDateStrToDbDate() and dbDateToIsoDateStr() functions
- parseTableSchema() function
lib/nao : provides :
- IpSocketError(), StatusError(), Unpacking(), BackendError(), FeedHubError() and FeedError() Error constructors
- EWebMethod and EWebStatusCode enums
- WebRequest class
- SelfStatusErrorBody() and SelfWebRequestMethods() constructors
- FeedHubStatusErrorBody() and FeedHubWebRequestMethods() constructors
lib/nao.self : provides :
- sendOnePostToSelf() function
- filterFromSrcBundle() function
- runFeedHubSelfServerUnitTest() function
lib/node : provides NodeState and Node classes.
lib/wtf.pump : provides WTFpump class.