This module include multiple libraries that are likely to be required in any Feed implementation.
feedcore librairies
This module include multiple libraries that are likely to be required in any Feed implementation.
api : the basic functions which, in combination with sapi, makes routes handling trivial, notably:
- handeReq
- applyHandlerForCommand
- handleApiSuccess
- handleApiError
- defaultApiErrorHandling
- handleNotFound
- handleApiUnreachable
- handleMalformed
- handleAuth
- handleUnknownCommand
- handleGetOk
- handleGetError
- logRequest
- reply
config.feed : the base definitions of
- Feed and
- Feeds classes,
- EFeedState and
- EFeedKind enums, and
- FeedByFeedKind mapOb.
config : the nodecore/lib/config NodeConfig class extension, common to all Feeds.
my-dao : uses nodecore lib/my-dao to provide :
- FeedRecord and
- FeedRecordItem classes, used to extend Record classes using :
- Field and
- RecordJoined classes, with the help of :
- OnlyInserted and
- InsertAndUpdated function for Field class extension, and :
- Referenced,
- UniOwned and
- MultiOwned functions for RecordJoined class extension.
my-dao.patient : provides :
- BirthPlaceRecord class
- CivicAddressRecord class
- MultiAddressRecord class
- ContactRecord class
- FullContactRecord class
- MultiContactRecord class
- PatientLegitIdRecord class
- PatientRecord class
- PatientReachabilityRecord class
- EGender enum
- ELanguage enum
my-dao.practitioner : provides :
- PractitionerLegitIdRecord class and
- PractionerRecord class
my-dao.rdv : provides :
- RdvRecord class
- RdvPractitionerRecord class
- AppointmentRecord class
- RdvDispositionRecord class, and
- ERdvDisposition enum
- ERdvLocation enum
- ERdvConfirmationStatus enum
my-dao.privateMessage : provides :
- PrivateMessageAttachmentRecord class
- PrivateMessageRecord class
- PrivateMessageContentRecord class
- PrivateMessageStatusRecord class, and
- PrivateMessageStatusRecord enum
dao shared : provides EIssuerKind enum
feed.core : provides :
- Eflow enum and its eFlowsToBackend and eFlowsToFeed EItems.
- FeedOp class
- logFeedOpCall and
- expectedErrorLogMessage, unexpectedErrorShortMessage, expectedErrorShortMessage, expectedErrorStatus functions
- enhanced by DeclareFeedOpError() versions of IpSocketError, StatusError, Unpacking, FeedHubError constructors.
feed.core.ops : provides :
- FeedPullSingle class
- FeedPullBundle class
- FeedBundleResponse class
- FeedPushSingle class
feedhub.ops : provides :
- BackendPatientBundleResponse and PullBackendPatientBundle classes
- BackendIdIssuersBundleResponse and PullBackendIdIssuersBundle classes
- PullSingledBackendPatientReachability class
- PushSinglePrivateMessageNotification class
nao.feedhub : provides :
- PostToFeedHub class
- performFeedHubPost function
- performFeedHubGet function
- pingFeedHubServer function
- pingBackendServer function
- reportWtf function
sapi : provides the Provider class that serves as template for the Feed own sapi implementation to extend with working methods. It includes :
static _PullBundles(), _PullSingles(), _PushSingles(), _AddSingles(), _UpdateSingles(), _RetireSingles() and _Search() methods,
pingFeedHub() and pingBackend() methods,
practitionerFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullPractitionerBundle()
- pullSinglePractitioner()
- addSinglePractitioner()
- updateSinglePractitioner()
- retireSinglePractitioner()
- searchPractitioner()
patientFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullPatientBundle()
- pullSinglePatient()
- addSinglePatient()
- updateSinglePatient()
- retireSinglePatient()
- searchPatient()
patientReachabilityFeedOps() method filled with :
- pushSinglePatientReachability()
privateMessageStatusFeedOps() method filled with :
- pushSinglePrivateMessageStatus()
privateMessageFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullSinglePrivateMessageContent()
appointmentFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullAppointmentBundle()
- pullSingleAppointment()
rdvDispositionFeedOps() method filled with :
- pushSingleRdvDisposition()
backendIdIssuersFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullBackendIdIssuersBundle()
backendPatientFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullBackendPatientBundle()
backendPatientReachabilityFeedOps() method filled with :
- pullSingleBackendPatientReachability()
backendPrivateMessageNotificationFeedOps() method filled with :