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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A collection of helpers to perform operations on/related to a string value





A collection of helpers to perform operations on/related to a string value.

gh-workflow-image npm-image license-image


Install the package from the npm package registry.

# Npm
npm i @poppinss/string

# Yarn
yarn add @poppinss/string

# Pnpm
pnpm add @poppinss/string


Import the package as follows to access the helpers.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

Table of Contents


Generate an excerpt from a string value. If the input value contains HTML tags, we will remove them from the excerpt.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

const html = `<p>AdonisJS is a Node.js framework, and hence it requires Node.js to be installed on your computer. To be precise, we need at least the latest release of <code>Node.js v14</code>.</p>`

console.log(string.excerpt(html, 70))
// AdonisJS is a Node.js framework, and hence it requires Node.js to be i...

| Argument | Type | Description | | ----------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | sentence | string | The value for which to generate excerpt | | charactersLimit | string | The number of characters to keep | | options.completeWords | boolean | When set to true, the truncation will happen only after complete words. This option might go over the defined characters limit | | options.suffix | string | The value to append after the truncated string. Defaults to three dots ... |


Truncate a string value to a certain length. The method is the same as the excerpt method but does not remove any HTML tags. It is a great fit when you are truncating a non-HTML string.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

const text = `AdonisJS is a Node.js framework, and hence it requires Node.js to be installed on your computer. To be precise, we need at least the latest release of Node.js 14.`

console.log(string.truncate(text, 70))
// AdonisJS is a Node.js framework, and hence it requires Node.js to be i...

| Argument | Type | Description | | ----------------------- | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | sentence | string | The value to truncate | | charactersLimit | string | The number of characters to keep | | options.completeWords | boolean | When set to true, the truncation will happen only after complete words. This option might go over the defined characters limit | | options.suffix | string | The value to append after the truncated string. Defaults to three dots ... |


Generate slug for a string value. The method is exported directly from the slugify package.

Please check the package documentation for available options.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

console.log(string.slug('hello ♥ world'))
// hello-love-world

You can add custom replacements for Unicode values as follows.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.slug.extend({ '☢': 'radioactive' })
console.log(string.slug('unicode ♥ is ☢'))
// unicode-love-is-radioactive


Interpolate variables inside a string. The variables must be inside double curly braces.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.interpolate('hello {{ user.username }}', { user: { username: 'virk' } })

// hello virk

You can also replace array values by mentioning the array index.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.interpolate('hello {{ users.0 }}', { users: ['virk'] })

// hello virk

You can escape the curly braces by prefixing them with \\.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.interpolate('hello \\{{ users.0 }}', {})

// hello {{ users.0 }}


Convert a word to its plural form. The method is exported directly from the pluralize package.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

// tests


Convert a word to its singular form. The method is exported directly from the pluralize package.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

// test


This method combines the singular and plural methods and uses one or the other based on the count. For example:

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.pluralize('box', 1) // box
string.pluralize('box', 2) // boxes
string.pluralize('box', 0) // boxes

string.pluralize('boxes', 1) // box
string.pluralize('boxes', 2) // boxes
string.pluralize('boxes', 0) // boxes

The addPluralRule, addSingularRule, addIrregularRule, and addUncountableRule methods exposed by the pluralize package can be called as follows.

string.pluralize.addSingularRule(/singles$/i, 'singular')


Find if a word is already in plural form. The method is exported directly from the pluralize package.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.isPlural('tests') // true


Find if a word is already in a singular form. The method is exported directly from the pluralize package.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.isSingular('test') // true


Convert a string value to camelcase.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.camelCase('user_name') // userName

Following are some of the conversion examples.

| Input | Output | | ---------------- | ------------- | | 'test' | 'test' | | 'test string' | 'testString' | | 'Test String' | 'testString' | | 'TestV2' | 'testV2' | | 'foo_bar' | 'fooBar' | | 'version 1.2.10' | 'version1210' | | 'version 1.21.0' | 'version1210' |


Convert a string value to a capital case.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.capitalCase('helloWorld') // Hello World

Following are some of the conversion examples.

| Input | Output | | ---------------- | ---------------- | | 'test' | 'Test' | | 'test string' | 'Test String' | | 'Test String' | 'Test String' | | 'TestV2' | 'Test V 2' | | 'version 1.2.10' | 'Version 1.2.10' | | 'version 1.21.0' | 'Version 1.21.0' |


Convert a string value to a dash case.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.dashCase('helloWorld') // hello-world

Optionally, you can capitalize the first letter of each word.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.dashCase('helloWorld', { capitalize: true }) // Hello-World

Following are some of the conversion examples.

| Input | Output | | ---------------- | -------------- | | 'test' | 'test' | | 'test string' | 'test-string' | | 'Test String' | 'test-string' | | 'Test V2' | 'test-v2' | | 'TestV2' | 'test-v-2' | | 'version 1.2.10' | 'version-1210' | | 'version 1.21.0' | 'version-1210' |


Convert a string value to a dot case.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.dotCase('helloWorld') // hello.World

Optionally, you can also convert the first letter of all the words to lowercase.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.dotCase('helloWorld', { lowerCase: true }) //

Following are some of the conversion examples.

| Input | Output | | ---------------- | -------------- | | 'test' | 'test' | | 'test string' | 'test.string' | | 'Test String' | 'Test.String' | | '' | '' | | 'path/case' | '' | | 'TestV2' | 'Test.V.2' | | 'version 1.2.10' | 'version.1210' | | 'version 1.21.0' | 'version.1210' |


Remove all sorts of casing from a string value.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.noCase('helloWorld') // hello world

Following are some of the conversion examples.

| Input | Output | | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | | 'test' | 'test' | | 'TEST' | 'test' | | 'testString' | 'test string' | | 'testString123' | 'test string123' | | 'testString_1_2_3' | 'test string 1 2 3' | | 'ID123String' | 'id123 string' | | 'foo bar123' | 'foo bar123' | | 'a1bStar' | 'a1b star' | | 'CONSTANT_CASE ' | 'constant case' | | 'CONST123_FOO' | 'const123 foo' | | 'FOO_bar' | 'foo bar' | | 'XMLHttpRequest' | 'xml http request' | | 'IQueryAArgs' | 'i query a args' | | '' | 'dot case' | | 'path/case' | 'path case' | | 'snake_case' | 'snake case' | | 'snake_case123' | 'snake case123' | | 'snake_case_123' | 'snake case 123' | | '"quotes"' | 'quotes' | | 'version 0.45.0' | 'version 0 45 0' | | 'version 0..78..9' | 'version 0 78 9' | | 'version 4_99/4' | 'version 4 99 4' | | ' test ' | 'test' | | 'something_2014_other' | 'something 2014 other' | | 'amazon s3 data' | 'amazon s3 data' | | 'foo_13_bar' | 'foo 13 bar' |


Convert a string value to pascal case. Great for generating JavaScript class names.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.pascalCase('user team') // UserTeam

Following are some of the conversion examples.

| Input | Output | | ---------------- | ------------- | | 'test' | 'Test' | | 'test string' | 'TestString' | | 'Test String' | 'TestString' | | 'TestV2' | 'TestV2' | | 'version 1.2.10' | 'Version1210' | | 'version 1.21.0' | 'Version1210' |


Convert a value to a sentence.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

// Getting started with adonisjs

Following are some of the conversion examples.

| Input | Output | | ---------------- | ---------------- | | 'test' | 'Test' | | 'test string' | 'Test string' | | 'Test String' | 'Test string' | | 'TestV2' | 'Test v2' | | 'version 1.2.10' | 'Version 1 2 10' | | 'version 1.21.0' | 'Version 1 21 0' |


Convert value to snake case.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.snakeCase('user team') // user_team

Following are some of the conversion examples.

| Input | Output | | ---------------- | -------------- | | '_id' | 'id' | | 'test' | 'test' | | 'test string' | 'test_string' | | 'Test String' | 'test_string' | | 'Test V2' | 'test_v2' | | 'TestV2' | 'test_v_2' | | 'version 1.2.10' | 'version_1210' | | 'version 1.21.0' | 'version_1210' |


Convert a string value to title case.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.titleCase('small word ends on')
// Small Word Ends On

Following are some of the conversion examples.

| Input | Output | | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | | 'one. two.' | 'One. Two.' | | 'a small word starts' | 'A Small Word Starts' | | 'small word ends on' | 'Small Word Ends On' | | 'we keep NASA capitalized' | 'We Keep NASA Capitalized' | | 'pass camelCase through' | 'Pass camelCase Through' | | 'follow step-by-step instructions' | 'Follow Step-by-Step Instructions' | | 'this vs. that' | 'This vs. That' | | 'this vs that' | 'This vs That' | | 'newcastle upon tyne' | 'Newcastle upon Tyne' | | 'newcastle *upon* tyne' | 'Newcastle *upon* Tyne' |


Wrap words in a sentence after a given characters count. The sentence is always split after a word finishes, therefore some lines may exceed or may stay smaller than the provided length.

| Option | Description | | --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | indent | Characters to use for indenting text after the first line | | width | Number of characters after which to split the line | | newLine | Specify the new line character to use for splitting lines. Default to \n | | escape | Specify a function to escape contents of one line at a time |

import string from '@poppinss/string'

const sentence = `Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.`

const output = string.wordWrap(sentence, { width: 40 })

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the
printing and typesetting industry. Lorem
Ipsum has been the industry's standard
dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an
unknown printer took a galley of type
and scrambled it to make a type specimen

It has survived not only five centuries,
but also the leap into electronic
typesetting, remaining essentially

It was popularised in the 1960s with the
release of Letraset sheets containing
Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently
with desktop publishing software like
Aldus PageMaker including versions of
Lorem Ipsum.

You can also indent lines with a given character. In the following example, we indent lines with 2 spaces.

const output = string.wordWrap(sentence, {
  width: 40,
  indent: '  ',

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the
  printing and typesetting industry. Lorem
  Ipsum has been the industry's standard
  dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an
  unknown printer took a galley of type
  and scrambled it to make a type specimen

  It has survived not only five centuries,
  but also the leap into electronic
  typesetting, remaining essentially

  It was popularised in the 1960s with the
  release of Letraset sheets containing
  Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently
  with desktop publishing software like
  Aldus PageMaker including versions of
  Lorem Ipsum.


Escape special characters in the given string of text, such that it can be interpolated in HTML content. This function will escape the following characters: ", ', &, <, and >.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.htmlEscape('&foo <> bar "fizz" l\'a')
// Output: &amp;foo &lt;&gt; bar &quot;fizz&quot; l&#39;a

Following are some examples.

| Input | Output | | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | | htmlEscape('&<>"\'') | '&amp;&lt;&gt;&quot;&#39;' | | htmlEscape('🦄 & 🐐') | '🦄 &amp; 🐐' | | htmlEscape('Hello <em>World</em>') | 'Hello &lt;em&gt;World&lt;/em&gt;' | | htmlEscape('no escape') | 'no escape' | | htmlEscape('foo&bar') | 'foo&amp;bar' | | htmlEscape('<tag>') | '&lt;tag&gt;' | | htmlEscape("test=\'foo\'") | 'test=&#39;foo&#39;' | | htmlEscape('test="foo"') | 'test=&quot;foo&quot;' | | htmlEscape('<ta\'&g">') | '&lt;ta&#39;&amp;g&quot;&gt;' | | htmlEscape('foo<<bar') | 'foo&lt;&lt;bar' |


Justify text of multiple columns as per the define max width. Columns smaller than the provided max width will be padded with empty spaces or the provided indent char.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

const output = string.justify(['help', 'serve', 'make:controller'], {
  width: 20,

  'help                ',
  'serve               ',
  'make:controller     ',

By default the columns are left aligned. However, they can also be right aligned using the align option.

const output = string.justify(['help', 'serve', 'make:controller'], {
  width: 20,
  align: 'right',

  '                help',
  '               serve',
  '     make:controller',

If the columns contains ANSI escape sequences, then you must specify a custom getLength method to compute the column length without counting ANSI escape sequences.

import stringWidth from 'string-width'

const output = string.justify(['help', 'serve', 'make:controller'], {
  width: 20,
  align: 'right',
   * The `string-width` package returns the length of the string
   * without accounting for ANSI escape sequences
  getLength: (chunk) => stringWidth(chunk),


Generate a cryptographically secure random string of a given length. The output value is URL safe base64 encoded string.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

// 8mejfWWbXbry8Rh7u8MW3o-6dxd80Thk


Convert an array of words to a comma-separated sentence.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.toSentence(['routes', 'controllers', 'middleware'])
// routes, controllers, and middleware

You can replace the and with an or by specifying the options.lastSeparator property.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.toSentence(['routes', 'controllers', 'middleware'], {
  lastSeparator: ', or ',

In the following example, the two words are combined using the and separator, not the comma (usually advocated in English). However, you can use a custom separator for a pair of words.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.toSentence(['routes', 'controllers'])
// routes and controllers

string.toSentence(['routes', 'controllers'], {
  pairSeparator: ', and ',
// routes, and controllers


Remove multiple whitespaces from a string to a single whitespace.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.condenseWhitespace('hello  world')
// hello world

string.condenseWhitespace('  hello  world  ')
// hello world


Get the ordinal letter for a given number.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.ordinal(1) // 1st
string.ordinal(2) // '2nd'
string.ordinal(3) // '3rd'
string.ordinal(4) // '4th'

string.ordinal(23) // '23rd'
string.ordinal(24) // '24th'


Parse a string-based time expression to seconds.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.seconds.parse('10h') // 36000
string.seconds.parse('1 day') // 86400

Passing a numeric value to the parse method is returned as it is, assuming the value is already in seconds.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.seconds.parse(180) // 180

You can format seconds to a pretty string using the format method.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.seconds.format(36000) // 10h
string.seconds.format(36000, true) // 10 hours


Parse a string-based time expression to milliseconds.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.milliseconds.parse('1 h') // 3.6e6
string.milliseconds.parse('1 day') // 8.64e7

Passing a numeric value to the parse method is returned as it is, assuming the value is already in milliseconds.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.milliseconds.parse(180) // 180

Using the format method, you can format milliseconds to a pretty string.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.seconds.format(3.6e6) // 1h
string.seconds.format(3.6e6, true) // 1 hour


Parse a string-based unit expression to bytes.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.bytes.parse('1KB') // 1024
string.bytes.parse('1MB') // 1048576

Passing a numeric value to the parse method is returned as it is, assuming the value is already in bytes.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.bytes.parse(1024) // 1024

Using the format method, you can format bytes to a pretty string. The method is exported directly from the bytes package. Please reference the package README for available options.

import string from '@poppinss/string'

string.bytes.format(1048576) // 1MB
string.bytes.format(1024 * 1024 * 1000) // 1000MB
string.bytes.format(1024 * 1024 * 1000, { thousandsSeparator: ',' }) // 1,000MB

String builder

The string builder offers a fluent API for applying a set of transforms on a string value. You can create an instance of the string builder as follows.

import StringBuilder from '@poppinss/string/builder'
const builder = new StringBuilder('hello world')

const value = builder.snakeCase().suffix('_controller').toString()
assert(value === 'hello_world_controller')


One of the primary goals of Poppinss is to have a vibrant community of users and contributors who believes in the principles of the framework.

We encourage you to read the contribution guide before contributing to the framework.

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is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.