Utilities to make tasks for Mrm
Utilities to write codemods for config files (JSON, YAML, INI, Markdown, etc.). Can be used to make tasks for Mrm.
Add ESLint to your project:
const { json, lines, packageJson, install } = require('mrm-core');
module.exports = function(config) {
const preset = config('preset', 'tamia');
const packages = ['eslint', `eslint-config-${preset}`];
// .eslintrc
const eslintrc = json('.eslintrc');
if (!eslintrc.get('extends').startsWith(preset)) {
eslintrc.set('extends', preset).save();
// .eslintignore
// package.json
const pkg = packageJson()
.setScript('lint', 'eslint . --fix')
.setScript('pretest', 'npm run line')
// Install dependencies
module.exports.description = 'Adds ESLint with a custom preset';
Read more in the docs, and this task is already included by default.
You can find more examples in my dotfiles repository.
You don’t have to use mrm-core with mrm, you can run this tasks from your own code:
const get = require('lodash/get');
const addEslint = require('./tasks/eslint');
const config = {
preset: 'airbnb'
const getConfig = (prop, defaultValue) =>
get(config, prop, defaultValue);
npm install mrm-core
Work with files
- Do not overwrite original files, unless you want to.
- All functions (except getters) can be chained.
will create file if it doesn’t exist or update it with new data.save()
will write file to disk only if the new content is different from the original file.save()
will try to keep formatting (indentation, end of file new line) of the original file or use style from EditorConfig.
const { json } = require('mrm-core');
const file = json('file name', { default: 'values' });
file.exists(); // File exists?
file.get(); // Return everything
file.get('key.subkey', 'default value'); // Return value with given address
file.set('key.subkey', 'value'); // Set value by given address
file.set({ key: value }); // Replace JSON with given object
file.unset('key.subkey'); // Remove value by given address
file.merge({ key: value }); // Merge JSON with given object
file.save(); // Save file
file.delete(); // Delete file
extends: 'eslint-config-recommended'
const { yaml } = require('mrm-core');
const file = yaml(
'file name', // File name
{ default: 'values' }, // Default value
{ version: '1.2' } // Options
file.exists(); // File exists?
file.get(); // Return everything
file.get('key.subkey', 'default value'); // Return value with given address
file.set('key.subkey', 'value'); // Set value by given address
file.set({ key: value }); // Replace JSON with given object
file.unset('key.subkey'); // Remove value by given address
file.merge({ key: value }); // Merge JSON with given object
file.save(); // Save file
file.delete(); // Delete file
.set('language', 'node_js')
.set('node_js', [4, 6])
const { ini } = require('mrm-core');
const file = ini('file name', 'comment');
file.exists(); // File exists?
file.get(); // Return everything
file.get('section name'); // Return section value
file.set('section name', { key: value }); // Set section value
file.unset('section name'); // Remove section
file.save(); // Save file
file.save({ withSpaces: false }); // Disable spaces around =
file.delete(); // Delete file
const { ini } = require('mrm-core');
ini('.editorconfig', 'editorconfig.org')
.set('_global', { root: true })
.set('*', {
indent_style: 'tab',
end_of_line: 'lf'
# editorconfig.org
root = true
indent_style = tab
end_of_line = lf
New line separated text files
const { lines } = require('mrm-core');
const file = lines('file name', ['default', 'values']);
file.exists(); // File exists?
file.get(); // Return everything
file.set(['line 1', 'line 2', 'line 3']); // Set file lines, overwrite existing
file.add('new'); // Add new line
file.add(['new', 'lines']); // Add multiple news lines
file.remove('new'); // Remove line
file.remove(['new', 'lines']); // Remove multiple lines
file.save(); // Save file
file.delete(); // Delete file
Note: use template
function to create Markdown files.
const { markdown } = require('mrm-core');
const file = markdown('file name');
file.exists(); // File exists?
file.get(); // Return file content
// Add a badge at the beginning of the file (below header)
file.addBadge('image URL', 'link URL', 'alt text');
// Remove a badge when the predicate function returns true
file.removeBadge(({ imageUrl, linkUrl, altText }) =>
file.save(); // Save file
file.delete(); // Delete file
const name = 'pizza';
'Build Status'
Plain text templates
Templates use ECMAScript template literals syntax.
const { template } = require('mrm-core');
const file = template('file name', 'template file name');
file.exists(); // File exists?
file.get(); // Return file content
file.apply({ key: 'value' }); // Replace template tags with given values
file.save(); // Save file
file.delete(); // Delete file
template('License.md', path.join(__dirname, 'License.md'))
.apply(config(), {
year: new Date().getFullYear()
The MIT License
Copyright ${year} ${name} (${url}), contributors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining...
Special files
const { packageJson } = require('mrm-core');
const file = packageJson({ default: 'values' });
file.exists(); // File exists?
file.get(); // Return everything
file.getScript('test'); // Return script
file.getScript('test', 'eslint'); // Return a subcommand of a script
file.setScript('test', 'eslint --fix'); // Replace a script with a command: a -> b
file.appendScript('test', 'eslint --fix'); // Append command to a script: a -> a && b
file.prependScript('test', 'eslint --fix'); // Prepend a script with a command: a -> b && a
file.removeScript('test'); // Remove script
file.removeScript(/^mocha|ava$/); // Remove all scripts that match a regexp
file.removeScript('test', /b/); // Remove subcommands from a script: a && b -> a
file.save(); // Save file
file.delete(); // Delete file
// All methods of json() work too
Note: subcommand is a command between &&
in an npm script. For example, prettier --write '**/*.js' && eslint . --fix
has two subcommands: prettier…
and eslint…
.appendScript('lint', 'eslint . --ext .js --fix')
File system helpers
const { copyFiles, deleteFiles, makeDirs } = require('mrm-core');
copyFiles('source dir', 'file name'); // Copy file
copyFiles('source dir', ['file name 1', 'file name 2']); // Copy files
copyFiles('source dir', 'file name', { overwrite: false }); // Do not overwrite
deleteFiles('file name 1'); // Delete file or folder
deleteFiles(['file name 1', 'folder name 1']); // Delete files or folders
makeDirs('dir name'); // Create folder
makeDirs(['dir name 1', 'dir name 2']); // Create folders
Install and uninstall npm, Yarn, or pnpm packages
Installs npm package(s) and saves them to package.json
if they aren’t installed yet or not satisfying range.
const { install } = require('mrm-core');
install('eslint'); // Install to devDependencies
install(['tamia', 'lodash'], { dev: false }); // Install to dependencies
install({ lodash: '^4.17.3' }); // Install particular version
install(['lodash'], {
versions: { lodash: '^4.17.3', other: '1.0.0' }
}); // Install particular version
install(['github/repo']); // Install non-registry package without version
Note: Works with all semver ranges, like 1.2.3
, ^1.2.0
or >=2
Uninstalls npm package(s) and removes them from package.json
const { uninstall } = require('mrm-core');
uninstall('eslint'); // Uninstall from devDependencies
uninstall(['tamia', 'lodash'], { dev: false }); // Uninstall from dependencies
To use Yarn pass yarn: true
const { install, uninstall } = require('mrm-core');
uninstall(['eslint'], { yarn: true });
install(['standard'], { yarn: true });
With Yarn Berry, pass yarnBerry: true
and for pnpm, pass pnpm: true
Infers style (indentation, new line at the end of file) from a source code or reads from the .editorconfig
const {
} = require('mrm-core');
inferStyle('for (;;) {\n alert(1);\n}\n');
// => { insert_final_newline: true, indent_style: 'space', indent_size: 2 }
// => { insert_final_newline: false, indent_style: 'tab', indent_size: 'tab' }
getIndent({ indent_style: 'space', indent_size: 2 });
// => ' '
format('alert(1)\n', { insert_final_newline: false });
// => 'alert(1)'
// Only insert_final_newline is supported
Get file extensions list from a command like eslint . --fix --ext .js,.jsx
const { getExtsFromCommand } = require('mrm-core');
getExtsFromCommand(`eslint . --fix --ext .js,.jsx`, 'ext');
// => ['js', 'jsx']
getExtsFromCommand(`prettier --write '**/*.js'`);
// => ['js']
Custom error class: MrmError
Use this class to notify user about expected errors in your tasks. It will be printed without a stack trace and will abort task.
const { MrmError } = require('mrm-core');
if (!fs.existsSync('.travis.yml')) {
throw new MrmError('Run travis task first');
The changelog can be found on the Releases page.
Everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the contributing guidelines.
Authors and license
Artem Sapegin and contributors.
MIT License, see the included License.md file.