Javascript library for attaching policies in groups, resources and principal scopes
policyval attacher
This utility helps you attach Global policies, policies to Principals, Principal groups and Resources. It's possible to attach Permission Boundaries also as a second layer of protection. This is similar to the basic AWS IAM concepts.
Usage example
npm install --save @policyval/attacher
import { newAttacher } from '@policyval/attacher';
import { PolicyDocument, compilePolicies } from '@policyval/core';
const attacher = newAttacher();
// policies and boundaries that applies to all request contexts
const pol1:PolicyDocument = {...};
const pol2:PolicyDocument = {...};
attacher.setGlobalPolicies('anthony123', [pol1]);
attacher.setGlobalBoundaries('anthony123', pol2);
// policies and boundaries that applies only to a specific principal
const pol3:PolicyDocument = {...};
const pol4:PolicyDocument = {...};
attacher.setPrincipalPolicies('anthony123', [pol3]);
attacher.setPrincipalBoundaries('anthony123', pol4);
// policies that applies to all principals that are part of a certain group
// if a principal is part of multiple groups, the policies for multiple groups
// will apply to this principal
const pol5:PolicyDocument = {...};
const pol6:PolicyDocument = {...};
attacher.setGroupPolicies('group1', [pol5]);
attacher.setGroupPolicies('group2', [pol6]);
attacher.setPrincipalGroups('anthony123', ['group1','group2']);
// policies that applies only to a specific resource
const pol7:PolicyDocument = {...};
attacher.setResourcePolicies('tasks:123456', [pol7]);
// compute complete policies and evaluate permission
const allowed = attacher.evaluate({
Principal: 'anthony123',
Action: 'tasks:delete',
Resource: 'tasks:123456',
// evaluate calls: computePolicies(), compilePolicies() and evaluate()
Policies and boundaries applied to all cases.
Principal Group
A Principal identification can be part of one or more groups. The group can have attached policies, so when computing the policies for a certain Principal, the groups it belongs will be part of its policy along with policies attached directly to the Principal.
Returns a list of computed policies after adding global policies, expanding principal policies regarding to the groups it belongs, filtering related resource policies.
Returns a list of computed boundaries related to Global and Principal attachments.