Pocket-js core package with the main functionalities to interact with the Pocket Network.
Official Javascript client for connecting an application to the Pocket Network of decentralized nodes.
Pocket-JS is the core client used for sending relays to any network that is currently supported on the Pocket Network.
Getting Started
These instructions will outline how to start developing with the Pocket-JS SDK.
You should have a basic knowledge of blockchain technology and JavaScript. You will also need to install the NPM tool.
npm install --save @pokt-network/pocket-js
Visit our docs site for tutorials and information about the Pocket Network or get started with the examples below:
For all of the following examples, start with this initialization code:
const pocketJS = require('@pokt-network/pocket-js')
const { Pocket, Configuration, HttpRpcProvider, PocketAAT } = pocketJS;
// The dispatcher provides information about your Pocket session so that your
// application can then connect to the decentralized network of nodes.
// You can use one of our dispatchers or any node connected to the Pocket blockchain.
const dispatchURL = new URL("https://node1.mainnet.pokt.network:443")
const rpcProvider = new HttpRpcProvider(dispatchURL)
const configuration = new Configuration(5, 1000, 0, 40000)
const pocketInstance = new Pocket([dispatchURL], rpcProvider, configuration)
// See https://docs.pokt.network/home/resources/references/supported-blockchains for blockchain choices
const blockchain = "0021" // Ethereum mainnet
Use an AAT to connect to any blockchain:
An Application Authentication Token is a token signed by an account that has staked for bandwidth as an App on the Pocket blockchain. You can create an Application Authentication Token (AAT) for multiple clients using the Pocket Core CLI.
An example of a properly-formed AAT:
"version": "0.0.1",
"clientPublicKey": "78219c51f6157e629948166d3af8c90cf4c4f5b245513b47806ed4dbdb28d0b6",
"applicationPublicKey": "a85ffc9026d9c9f7e302785f3f9ddd15c85ddc85eeaa3b24e23b9e736d66361d",
"applicationSignature": "727d8bb9167861413b5c85a7f220b7464f05e3740d6f8dc78734fa764a3093ba7b84e81fae4e5574e300177564d93a1ca5b6f0e2bf594367fa39e99510bf800f"
Once you have your AAT, include it with your project as a JSON file.
const aat = require('./aat.json')
To unlock the AAT for use in your application, you must first import and unlock the AAT's client account indicated by the clientPublicKey
field. The PPK file is obtained through the Pocket Core CLI with pocket accounts export
A properly-formed ppk.json file will start with {"kdf":"scrypt"
. Include it with your project as a JSON file along with the passphrase used when creating it:
const accountPPK = require('./ppk.json')
const accountPassphrase = 'Qwerty1234!'
Once unlocked, your app can use the AAT to send relayed RPC calls to the external blockchain:
// This is only called once to setup the Pocket Instance and AAT
async function unlockAAT(aat, accountPPK, accountPassphrase) {
try {
const account = await pocketInstance.keybase.importPPKFromJSON(
await pocketInstance.keybase.unlockAccount(account.addressHex, accountPassphrase, 0)
return await PocketAAT.fromSignature(
} catch(e) {
// Call this every time you want to fetch RPC data
async function sendRelay(rpcQuery, blockchain, pocketAAT) {
try {
return await pocketInstance.sendRelay(rpcQuery, blockchain, pocketAAT)
} catch (e) {
unlockAAT(aat, accountPPK, accountPassphrase).then(pocketAAT => {
rpcQuery = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"net_version","params":[]}'
sendRelay(rpcQuery, blockchain, pocketAAT).then(result => {
Use private keys to connect to any blockchain:
If you instead include the staked application's public and private keys, you can generate the AAT on-the-fly:
const accountPrivateKey = '25a42ad8ef4b5...'
const accountPublicKey = '6e2cda5a6b6709...'
const accountPassphrase = 'Qwerty1234!'
// This is only called once to setup the Pocket Instance and AAT
async function unlockAccount(accountPrivateKey, accountPublicKey, accountPassphrase) {
try {
const account = await pocketInstance.keybase.importAccount(
Buffer.from(accountPrivateKey, 'hex'),
await pocketInstance.keybase.unlockAccount(account.addressHex, accountPassphrase, 0)
return await PocketAAT.from(
} catch(e) {
// Call this every time you want to fetch RPC data
async function sendRelay(rpcQuery, blockchain, pocketAAT) {
try {
return await pocketInstance.sendRelay(rpcQuery, blockchain, pocketAAT)
} catch (e) {
unlockAccount(accountPrivateKey, accountPublicKey, accountPassphrase).then(pocketAAT => {
rpcQuery = '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"net_version","params":[]}'
sendRelay(rpcQuery, blockchain, pocketAAT).then(result => {
Query the Pocket blockchain without using an account:
const accountAddress = "36b783a1189f605969f438dfaece2a4b38c65752"
const balance = await pocketInstance.rpc().query.getBalance(accountAddress)
console.log("Account Balance: " + balance)
Running the tests
npm run test
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on contributions and the process of submitting pull requests.
Support & Contact
Join us on Discord for immediate assistance directly from the Pocket Team.
This project is licensed under the MIT License; see the LICENSE.md file for details.