Reactive API system for redux-observable
rx-api ✨
Reactive API system for redux-observable
What does rx-api give you:
- Access to all your APIs through redux actions
- Consistent API state structure without the boilerplate
- Imbued with the power of RxJS
What does rx-api not do:
- Specific implementation of how to handle API responses
- rxjs
- redux
- redux-observable
$ yarn add @poki/rx-api
Basic setup
- Create an API epic
import { createApiEpic } from '@poki/rx-api';
export const getGames = createApiEpic(
'games/all', // identifier
callApi => callApi({ url: 'https://api.com/games', method: 'GET' }),
- Register the epic with redux-observable and create the reducer
import { createApiReducer } from '@poki/rx-api';
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { createEpicMiddleware, combineEpics } from 'redux-observable';
import { getGames } from './epics';
const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware();
const apiReducerKey = 'rx-api';
export const store = createStore(
// A: Add the reducer, ensure you pass the key
[apiReducerKey]: createApiReducer(apiReducerKey),
// B: Register your api epics
- Call that epic
import { useDispatch } from 'redux';
import { getGames } from './epics';
const Component = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
Storing API results in state
import { getGames } from './epics';
function gameReducer(state, action) {
if (action.type === getGames.success) {
const ajaxResult = action.payload.result;
return {
games: ajaxResult.response.games,
Retrieving API call status
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'redux';
import { useSelectApiStatus } from '@poki/rx-api'; // Or selectApiStatus if you use selectors
import { getGames } from './epics';
const Component = () => {
const status = useSelectApiStatus(getGames.id);
const games = useSelector(state => state.game.games);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
// Call the API
// Show the results
if (status.pending) {
return `Pending... (${status.progress * 100}%)`;
} else if (status.error) {
return `Error occured during getGames: ${error}`;
return games;
Passing data to epic
export const getGamesById = createApiEpic(
'games/by_id', // identifier
(callApi, options) => callApi({ url: `https://api.com/games/${options.id}`, method: 'GET' }),
// Fetch example
dispatch(getGamesById.fetch({ id: 1337 }));
Epic-level callbacks
import { merge } from 'rxjs';
import { tap, ignoreElements } from 'rxjs/operators';
export const getGamesById = createApiEpic(
'games/by_id', // identifier
(callApi, options) => callApi({ url: `https://api.com/games/${options.id}`, method: 'GET' }),
({ success$, error$, cancel$, progress$ }) => merge(
// -> in: getGamesById.success action
tap(action => console.info('API call successful', action)),
ignoreElements(), // -> out: nothing, Ensure we don't duplicate our action
// -> in: getGamesById.error action
tap(action => console.info('API call error', action)),
ignoreElements(), // -> out: nothing, Ensure we don't duplicate our action
// -> in: getGamesById.progress action
tap(action => console.info('API call progress update', action)),
ignoreElements(), // -> out: nothing, Ensure we don't duplicate our action
// -> in: getGamesById.cancel action
tap(action => console.info('API call canceled', action)),
ignoreElements(), // -> out: nothing, Ensure we don't duplicate our action
Action-level callbacks
{ id: 1337 },
({ success$ }) => success$.pipe(
// [...] etc. See epic-level callbacks.
Setting up authorized API routes
We can create a wrapper for createApiEpic that injects authorization headers on every action created with it as such:
export const createAuthorizedApiEpic = (id, handler, getCBStream) => {
// Return the original createApiEpic
return createApiEpic(
// Wrap the handler
(callApi, options = {}, state) => {
// Select the access token from redux
const accessToken = selectAccessToken(state);
// Return the original handler
return handler(callApi, options, state).pipe(
map(action => {
// Inject authorization header in any callApi actions
if (action.type === callApi.type) {
return {
payload: {
...(action.payload || {}),
headers: {
...(action.payload.headers || {}),
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
// Pass through any other actions directly
return action;
Set up automatic token refreshing
Expanding on the above:
// Create an apiEpic for refreshing authorization tokens
export const refreshAuth = createApiEpic(
(callApi, { refreshToken }) => callApi({
url: 'https://api.com/authorization',
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify({ refresh_token: refreshToken }),
({ success$ }) => (
switchMap(({ payload: { result: { response } } }) => (
setAccessToken({ accessToken: response.access_token }),
setTokenTTL({ ttl: response.ttl }),
// Expanded createAuthorizedApiEpic that calls refreshAuth if necessary before handling the original action
export const createAuthorizedApiEpic = (id, handler, getCBStream) => {
const authorizedHandler = (callApi, options = {}, state) => {
// Helper method to create callApi based on access token
const createCallApi = accessToken => (
// Execute original handler, and pipe the result
handler(callApi, options, state).pipe(
// Adjust resulting action if necessary
map(action => {
if (action.type === callApi.type) {
// Inject authorization header
return {
payload: {
...(action.payload || {}),
headers: {
...(action.payload.headers || {}),
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
// Pass through any other actions directly
return action;
const expires = selectTokenExpires(state);
if (expires < Date.now()) {
const refreshToken = selectRefreshToken(state);
// Refresh before handling original api request
return of(
{ refreshToken },
({ success$ }) => (
switchMap(({ payload: { result: { response } } }) => createCallApi(response.access_token)),
// No refreshing necessary
const accessToken = selectAccessToken(state);
return createCallApi(accessToken);
return createApiEpic(id, authorizedHandler, getCBStream);