SDK for using the Handy channel capabilities
Get started
Add the handy-channel-sdk lib to your website.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@poengalex/handy-channel-sdk"></script>
Specific version:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@poengalex/[email protected]"></script>
Latest of major
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@poengalex/handy-channel-sdk@1"></script>
Access the the handy channel sdk by HandyChannel.XXXXX where XXXX is function or variable listed in this document.
npm i @poengalex/handy-channel-sdk
Please note that documentation is written with browser use in mind. Please remove HandyChannel. from any functions or varibles in this SDK to use it with import.
Another note: you should try and catch Promise when using await. For readability try and catch is not added to the examples in this documentation.
Create a controller
This example will create a channel and set the mode to up and down motion (HAMP - default), start motion and finally set the speed to 50%.
Share channelId and subscriberKey to the users that wants to join the channel.
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
let channel = await controller.createChannel();
//Share channelId and subscriberKey to the subscribers:
console.log("channel.channelId:", channel.channelId);
console.log("channel.subscriberKey:", channel.subscriberKey);
await controller.start();
await controller.setSpeed(50);
Create a user
This example will make a Handy join a channel with id: channelId and key: subscriberKey
let user = new HandyChannel.User("YOUR_CONNECTION_KEY");
await user.joinChannel("channelId","subscriberKey")
How to use
API docs
The full detailed channel docs can be found here: https://staging.handyfeeling.com/api/channel/v0/docs/.
You must initiate the Controller before you can use all the functions. this can be done with createChannel if you want a new channel or reuseExistingChannel if you want to reuse a channel you already have created.
Controller class
Controller constructor.
apiUrlConfig - Optional API config (channel API url and Handy API v2 url) - default is set to Production config - optional open API config
constructor(apiUrlConfig: ApiUrlConfig = CHANNEL_CONFIG_PRODUCTION, channelConfig: Partial<OpenAPIConfig> = {},apiConfig: Partial<OpenAPIConfig> = {}) {
Example production:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller()
Example staging:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller(HandyChannel.CHANNEL_CONFIG_STAGING);
Creates a new channel
createChannel(name: string = "", description: string = ""): Promise<Channel>
Example production:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
let channel = await controller.createChannel();
//Share channelId and subscriberKey to the subscribers:
console.log("channel.channelId:", channel.channelId);
console.log("channel.subscriberKey:", channel.subscriberKey);
Reuses a exsisting channel. Use this function to initialize a channel that you already have created.
reuseExistingChannel(channelId: ChannelId,channelKey: string): Promise<Channel>
Example production:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
let channel = await reuseExistingChannel("CHANNEL_ID", "CHANNEL_KEY");
Gets the latest channel info / Including any meta data that is change when setting commands
getChannelInfo(): Promise<Channel>
Example production:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
let channelInfo = await getChannelInfo();
Updates the channel information
updateChannelInfo(update: ChannelUpdate): Promise<Channel>
Example production:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
await controller.updateChannelInfo({name: "A_NEW_CHANNEL_NAME", description: "A_NEW_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION"});
Close a channel
closeChannel(): Promise<Channel>
Example production:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
await controller.closeChannel();
Get a list of all the subscribers that are subscribing to the channel
getSubscribers(): Promise<Subscriber[]>
Example production:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
let subscribers = await controller.getSubscribers();
Set mode on all the subscribers
- Default is HAMP mode. HAMP mode is a a mode where the Handy moves up and down continuslly with a set speed.
NB! Currently only HAMP mode is supported in the Channel API NB! When creating a new channel the Mode is set to HAMP
setMode(mode:Mode = Mode.HAMP) : Promise<ModeUpdateResponse | ErrorResponse>
Example production - set mode to HAMP mode:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
await controller.setMode();
Start the subscribing machines
NB! The channel must be in mode HAMP to use this function
start(start) : Promise<HAMPStartResponse | ErrorResponse>
Example production - start:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
await controller.start();
Stop the subscribing machines
NB! The channel must be in mode HAMP to use this function
stop(start) : Promise<HAMPStopResponse | ErrorResponse>
Example production - start and stop after 5000ms:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
await controller.start();
setTimeout(async ()=>{
await controller.stop();
Set the speed of the subscribing machines
NB! The channel must be in mode HAMP to use this function. start must be called to for this to have an effect. When calling start() the speed is reset to 0%.
setSpeed(velocity:number) : Promise<HAMPVelocityPercentResponse | ErrorResponse>
Example production - set speed to 50%:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
await controller.start();
await controller.setSpeed(50);
Set the speed of the subscribing machines
NB! The channel must be in mode HAMP to use this function. start must be called to for this to have an effect. When calling start() the speed is reset to 0%.
setStrokeZone(settings: SlideSettings) : Promise<SlideUpdateResponse | ErrorResponse>
Example 1: set min stroke to 10%:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
await controller.start();
await controller.setStrokeZone({min:10});
Example 2: set max stroke to 90%:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
await controller.start();
await controller.setStrokeZone({max:90});
Example 3: set min stroke to 20% and max stroke to 75%:
let controller = new HandyChannel.Controller();
await controller.start();
await controller.setStrokeZone({min:20,max:75});
This class is only for Handy admins and approved moderators.
Admin class
Admin constructor. adminAuth - Admin auth token ApiUrlConfig - Optional API config (channel API url and Handy API v2 url) - default is set to Production config - optional open API config
constructor(adminAuth: string,apiUrlConfig: ApiUrlConfig = CHANNEL_CONFIG_PRODUCTION,config: Partial<OpenAPIConfig> = {}) {
Example production:
let admin = new HandyChannel.Admin("MY_SECRET_ADMIN_KEY");
Example staging:
let admin = new HandyChannel.Admin("MY_SECRET_ADMIN_KEY",HandyChannel.CHANNEL_CONFIG_STAGING);
List all active channels
listChannels(): Promise<Channel>
Example - List all active channel on production servers:
let admin = new HandyChannel.Admin("MY_SECRET_ADMIN_KEY");
let channels = await admin.listChannels