typesafe router for plusnew
This router makes complete typesafety possible. At compile and runtime the typesafety is guaranteed, for the Route-Components and also the Links.
import plusnew, { component } from '@plusnew/core';
import { createRoute, Invalid, NotFound, serializer } from '@plusnew/router';
const rootRoute = createRoute(
// With the paths the route will be responsible for
// Defines what parameter the route can have
oneParameter: [serializer.number()], // This parameter is required and a normal number
sortOrder: [serializer.string('asc'), serializer.string('desc'), serializer.undefined()], // This paramter is optional, when given it has to be the string literal 'asc' | 'desc'
} as const,
// This Component will be shown, when the path is matching the routeName and the parameters
Props =>
<Props>{props =>
{/** Typescript is aware, that parameter.sortOrder has this type: 'asc' | 'desc' | undefined */}
{props.parameter.rootRouteName.sortOrder && <span>{props.parameter.rootRouteName.sortOrder}</span>}
const childRoute = rootRoute.createChildRoute(
optionalParameter: [serializer.undefined(), serializer.boolean()], // Optional boolean parameter
} as const,
Props =>
<Props>{props =>
{/* compiler knows that optional parameter is either boolean or undefined */}
{/* Child routes have parent parameters are also available */}
const MainComponent = component(
() =>
{/*This will create an a-tag with href /rootRouteName;oneParameter=1&sortOrder=asc
the typescript compiler will complain, in case the types defined as parameterSpecification are not matched
<rootRoute.Link parameter={{
rootRouteName: {
oneParameter: 1,
sortOrder: 'asc',
}}>LinkText to root</rootRoute.Link>
{/*This will create an a-tag with href /rootRouteName;oneParameter=2&sortOrder=desc/childRouteName;optionalParameter=true
the typescript compiler will complain, in case the types defined as parameterSpecification are not matched
<childRoute.Link parameter={{
rootRouteName: {
oneParameter: 2,
sortOrder: 'desc',
childRouteName: {
optionalParameter: true,
}}>LinkText to child</childRoute.Link>
{/* in case the current path is matching, the RouteComponent with the span's will be displayed here*/}
<rootRoute.Component />
{/* in case the current path is matching, the RouteComponent with the span's will be displayed here*/}
<childRoute.Component />
{/* in case the current path does not match any existing routes, the children of NotFound will be displayed */}
<NotFound>No matching route found</NotFound>
{/* in case the path matched the namespace of a route, but the parameters were not correct the children of Invalid will be display */}
<Invalid>Route found, but with invalid parameter</Invalid>
{/* a consumer is a listener for routechanges*/}
<rootRoute.Consumer>{routeState =>
// when the route is active, or active whith some kids, then the parameter come available for the compiler
(routeState.isActive || routeState.isActiveAsParent) && routeState.parameter.rootRouteName.oneParameter