A React component that is a button.
This is a custom React button component that allows you to create buttons with various variants and styling options. You can use this button in your React web applications to enhance the user experience.
To use this component in your React project, follow these steps:
Install the package using npm or yarn:
npm install @plume-ui-react/button # Or yarn add @plume-ui-react/button
Import the stylesheet into your root component file:
import '@plume-ui-react/button/dist/index.css'
Import the component in your JavaScript or TypeScript file:
import { Button } from '@plume-ui-react/button'
Use the component in your application:
<Button>Button Text</Button>
This component accepts several properties to customize the appearance and behavior. Here are the available properties:
| Property | Type | Description |
| ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| busyText
| string
| The text displayed on the button when it's in a busy (loading) state. By default, it shows "..." |
| children
| ReactNode
| The content of the button, typically the text displayed on the button. |
| className
| string
| Additional CSS classes for the button. |
| disabled
| boolean
| Indicates whether the button is disabled or not. |
| iconLeft
| ReactNode
| An icon or component to be displayed to the left of the button text. |
| iconRight
| ReactNode
| An icon or component to be displayed to the right of the button text. |
| isBusy
| boolean
| Indicates whether the button is in "busy" or loading mode. |
| label
| string
| An alternative for children
. You can use label
instead of children
for strings content. |
| shape
| 'pill' \| 'rounded'
| The shape of the button, which can be "pill" or "rounded". |
| size
| 'sm' \| 'md' \| 'lg'
| The size of the button, which can be "sm" (small), "md" (medium), or "lg" (large). |
| style
| CSSProperties
| Custom styles for the button. |
| type
| 'button' \| 'submit' \| 'reset'
| The button type, default is "button". |
| variant
| 'solid' \| 'outline' \| 'link' \| 'icon' \| 'unstyled'
| The button variant, which can be "solid", "outline", "link", "icon" or "unstyled". |
Usage Examples
Here are some examples of how you can use this button component in your project:
Basic Button
<Button label="Click Me!" />
Button with Icon on the Right
<Button iconRight={<RightIcon />}>Save</Button>
Busy (Loading) Button
<Button isBusy>Saving...</Button>
Outline Button with Custom Color Scheme
<Button variant="outline" colorScheme="#FF5733">
Large Pill-shaped Button
<Button size="lg" shape="pill">
Learn More
Disabled Button
<Button disabled>Disabled</Button>
Button with Custom Styles and Classes
<Button style={{ background: 'purple', color: 'white' }} className="my-custom-button">
Custom Button
This is a versatile button component that allows you to create buttons with different styles and behaviors to suit the needs of your React web application. Have fun customizing your buttons!