This is a common library used for backend development at Plugo.
This is a common library used for backend development at Plugo.
✨ Features
This library has following features.
- Logger
- Result
- some utils
🚀 Getting Started
⚙️ Prerequisites
Use with Node.js v18 or higher
📦 Installation
npm install @plugoinc/common
📖 Usage
import { PlugoLogger } from '@plugoinc/common';
class MyLogger extends PlugoLogger {
getTransport() {
// You must override this method
return TransportGenerator.dd('debug');
const logger = new MyLogger();
// The second argument is converted to JSON and appears in the logs as metadata.
logger.debug('log in `debug` level', { name: 'this some data' });
logger.log('log in `log` level');
logger.warn('log in `warn` level');
logger.error('log in `error` level');
Success Class
The Success class represents a successful result. It contains a value property which holds the result of the successful operation.
let success = new Success('Operation was successful');
console.log(success.value); // "Operation was successful"
Failure Class
The Failure class represents a failed result. It contains an error property which holds the error that caused the failure.
let failure = new Failure(new Error('Operation failed'));
console.log(failure.error.message); // "Operation failed"
The unwrap function takes a Result and returns the value if the result is a Success, or throws the error if the result is a Failure.
let result = new Success('Operation was successful');
console.log(unwrap(result)); // "Operation was successful"
result = new Failure(new Error('Operation failed'));
console.log(unwrap(result)); // throws Error: "Operation failed"
The toResultAsync function takes a Promise and returns a Promise that resolves to a Result. If the original Promise resolves, toResultAsync returns a Success with the resolved value. If the original Promise rejects, toResultAsync returns a Failure with the rejected error.
let promise = Promise.resolve('Operation was successful');
const result = await toResultAsync(promise);
console.log(result.isSuccess()); // true
promise = Promise.reject(new Error('Operation failed'));
const result = await toResultAsync(promise);
console.log(result.isFailure()); // true
🪪 License
🚢 Release
[!NOTE] Creating an isolated PR for changing the version in package.json
👋 Contributors,
Thank you for your interest in contributing to our project! To streamline the contribution process, we encourage you to follow these steps:
Issue Submission:
Before implementing any changes, please check if there is an existing issue related to the task you want to work on. If not, please create a new issue to discuss and get feedback on your proposed changes. Make sure to provide a clear title and detailed description. Fork the Repository:
Once the issue is approved, fork the repository to your GitHub account. Branching:
Create a new branch for your changes. Use a branch name that succinctly describes your feature or fix. Implement Changes:
Make the necessary changes in your forked branch. Pull Request:
When you're ready to submit your changes, open a Pull Request (PR). Reference the related issue in the PR description using the phrase "Closes #IssueNumber" to automatically link the PR to the issue. Review and Collaboration:
Be responsive to feedback during the review process. Make any requested changes promptly. By following this process, we can ensure a smooth and collaborative contribution experience. Thank you for your efforts in making our project better!
🚀 Happy Coding!