This code calcuates a unique ID for a GeoJSON polygon geometry. It can be used offiline, and does not require any form of online database.
Universal Plot ID Generator
This code calcuates a unique ID for a GeoJSON polygon geometry. It can be used offiline, and does not require any form of online database.
Given a valid GeoJSON polygon like this:
you get this Universal Plot ID:
This tool has the following goals:
- Given the same boundary, it must generate the same ID every time
- Even a small change in the boundary should result in a completely new ID
- The boundary cannot be reverse engineered from the ID
- The ID must be as user friendly as possible while remaining unique (mathematically unlikely that two boundaries would get the same ID even with billions of plots)
- Option to increase the strength by adding an additional block e.g. A7EEC333-76407A47-5A4F0F6C-XXXXXXXX
npm install @plotcheck/universal-plot-id
pnpm add @plotcheck/universal-plot-id
Command line
npx tsx cli.ts <input.geojson> <output.geojson>
import { getUniversalPlotID } from '@maphubs/universal-plot-id'
const plotPolygon = {
type: 'Polygon',
coordinates: [
[-21.829992, -1.852858],
[-21.829992, -13.022224],
[-6.973366, -13.022224],
[-6.973366, -1.852858],
[-21.829992, -1.852858]
const id = getUniversalPlotID(plotPolygon)
Optional arguments
You can increase the size of they key, for example increasing to 128 will add an additional 8-character block to end of the IDs.
If you are creating billions of IDs, the chance of a collison (two plots having the same ID) will increase so you may want to use the longer ID
const bits = 128 // default is 96, can be up to 256 for SHA256
const id = getUniversalPlotID(plotPolygon, 128)
How it works
- the geometry is standardized, coordinates are truncated to 6 decimal places, and the polygon is rewound for a consistent vertex order
- only the geometry is used, any attributes or other metadata are ignored
- the SHA256 hash alogorithm is used to generate a 256 bit hash which is then truncated to the requested size
- the hash written as text in hexadecimal format, and split into 8-character sections to make it a bit easier to read.
Extending the ID
It may make the ID more useful to add additional information to beginning and end.
As a standard, we also support adding the 2-digit ISO country code and a local ID number to the end.
For example if the plot is in Malaysia and has a local id in our database as 1234, we may store it like this.