Lisp-like functional language, interpreted by WebAssembly & the Ethereum Virtual Machine
Next version (0.0.4): signed integers, matrix construction, n-dimensional array creation, slicing & casting, matrix multiplication.
Try it out: https://loredanacirstea.github.io/taylor/
Demos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL323JufuD9JAgnda2E8mGn_GDcD5ef4mH
Examples to try out: (!only one line at a time)
(add (add (sub 7 2) 1) 41)
(list 5 4 (add 6 2) 3 (sub 6 1))
(if (gt 4 9) ((fn* (a b) (add a b)) 2 3) (add (sub 7 2) 1))
# define and use lambdas in-memory
( (fn* (a b) (add (mul a b ) b)) 2 3)
# define and store functions on-chain
(def! myfunction (fn* (a b) (add (add (sub a b) a) b)))
# use a stored function; notice the _
(_myfunction 5 3)
(concat "0x11aaaabb" "0x221111ccdd")
(contig 2 "0x221111ccdd")
(def! fib (fn* (n) (if (or (eq n 1) (eq n 2)) 1 (add(_fib (sub n 1)) (_fib (sub n 2)) ) )))
# higher order functions
(map _fib (list 5 8 2))
Implementing Solidity's Ballot contract from https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.6.10/solidity-by-example.html#voting. See https://github.com/loredanacirstea/taylor/blob/ff253038d8b83f48b4d897f3b6b455924ef848a2/tests/maltay.test.js#L1159 for ver. 0.0.2.
; weight, voted, delegate, vote (proposal index)
(defstruct! Voter (list Uint Bool Address Uint))
; name, voteCount
(defstruct! Proposal (list String32 Uint) )
(defmap! "voters" Address "Voter")
; (name! chairperson (save! (caller)))
(store! 0 (caller))
(def! giveRightToVote! (fn* (voterAddress)
(if (eq (caller) (sload 0 Address))
(if (nil? (mapget voters voterAddress))
(mapset! voters voterAddress (struct! Voter (list 1 false "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" 0)))
(revert "The voter already voted.")
(revert "Only chairperson can give right to vote.")
(def! recDelegation (fn* (to_address)
(let* (
delegate_raw (mapget voters to_address)
delegate (list-struct delegate_raw)
(if (nil? delegate)
; (revert "Delegate cannot vote")
(revert to_address)
(let* (delegateOfDelegate (nth delegate 2))
(if (or
(nil? delegateOfDelegate)
(eq delegateOfDelegate "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
(if (eq delegateOfDelegate (caller))
(revert "Found loop in delegation.")
(recDelegation delegateOfDelegate)
(def! delegate! (fn* (to_address)
(let* (
sender_raw (mapget voters (caller))
sender (list-struct sender_raw)
sender_types (defstruct Voter)
sender_indexes (refs-struct sender_raw)
(if (true? (nth sender 1))
(revert "You already voted.")
(if (eq to_address (caller))
(revert "Self-delegation is disallowed.")
(let* (
delegateAddress (recDelegation to_address)
delegate_raw (mapget voters delegateAddress)
delegate (list-struct delegate_raw)
; sender.voted = true
(update! (nth sender_types 1) (nth sender_indexes 1) true)
; sender.delegate = to
(update! (nth sender_types 2) (nth sender_indexes 2) delegateAddress)
(if (true? (nth delegate 1))
; proposals[delegate_.vote].voteCount += sender.weight
(let* (
proposal_raw (getfrom Proposal (nth delegate 3))
proposal (list-struct proposal_raw)
proposal_types (defstruct Proposal)
proposal_indexes (refs-struct proposal_raw)
(update! (nth proposal_types 1) (nth proposal_indexes 1) (add (nth sender 0) (nth proposal 1)))
; delegate_.weight += sender.weight
(let* (
delegate_types (defstruct Voter)
delegate_indexes (refs-struct delegate_raw)
(update! (nth delegate_types 0) (nth delegate_indexes 0) (add (nth delegate 0) (nth sender 0)))
(def! vote! (fn* (proposalIndex)
(let* (
sender_raw (mapget voters (caller))
; values for: weight, voted, delegate, vote
sender (list-struct sender_raw)
; types for: weight, voted, delegate, vote
sender_types (defstruct Voter)
; DB index for each struct component
sender_indexes (refs-struct sender_raw)
proposal_raw (getfrom Proposal proposalIndex)
; values: name, voteCount
proposal (list-struct proposal_raw)
proposal_types (defstruct Proposal)
proposal_indexes (refs-struct proposal_raw)
(if (or
(or (nil? sender) (true? (nth sender 1)))
(lt (nth sender 0) 1)
(revert "Has no right to vote")
; sender.voted = true
(update! (nth sender_types 1) (nth sender_indexes 1) true)
; sender.vote = proposal
(update! (nth sender_types 3) (nth sender_indexes 3) proposalIndex)
; proposals[proposal].voteCount += sender.weight
(update! (nth proposal_types 1) (nth proposal_indexes 1) (add (nth sender 0) (nth proposal 1)))
(struct! Proposal (list "proposal1" 0))
(struct! Proposal (list "proposal2" 0))
(struct! Proposal (list "proposal3" 0))
(giveRightToVote! "0xe8B7665DE12D67bC802aEcb8eef4D8bd34741C51")
(vote! 2)
(delegate! "0xe8B7665DE12D67bC802aEcb8eef4D8bd34741C51")
Moral Support
Ethereum: 0xf149c02b892556eC1fCf39bF43A3bF5B4A9F2346
To see the current balance: https://etherscan.io/address/0xf149c02b892556eC1fCf39bF43A3bF5B4A9F2346.
All participations to this project are public and are received into only one account, as required by the Moral Upgrade License (MUL2020): https://medium.com/@loredana.cirstea/mul2020-the-moral-upgrade-license-2020-b19dfbcbe54.