ANS AppDev template with eslint (airbnb), prettier, reactrouter, material-ui, githooks, enzyme and axe
Create-React-App Template
This is a base template for a medium sized React app built for ANS AppDev team.
For more information, please refer to how to create custom Create React App templates.
# remotely
npx create-react-app webapp --template @piouson/cra-template-ans
# or locally
npx create-react-app webapp --template file:../path/to/cra-template-ans
# then add husky for githooks
yarn add --dev [email protected] # npm i -D [email protected]
See Create React App discussion for why husky is not triggering githooks unless re-added.
Ignore console warnings
has unmet peer dependency
for ESLint, there is no need to add ESLint package separately cos we are using the ESLint bundled with React-Scripts. Thus only plugins and configs were added.
Dependencies Added
- Axe Core v4
- Enzyme v3
- Enzyme Adapter for React v16
- Material-UI v4
- React v16 - downgraded due to Enzyme's React v17 issue
- React DOM v16 - downgraded to match React
- React Router v5
- React Testing Library - Jest DOM v5
- React Testing Library - React v11
- React Testing Library - User Events v12
- Web Vitals v1