Pinpoint component library and styles for React
Component Docs
npm install @pinpt/uic.next
If you'd like to use FontAwesome pro, set an environment variable with your token for npm:
export UIC_NPM_TOKEN=<your_token_here>
In order to develop using uic.next, you'll need to link in React from the project you are developing on. Assuming they are siblings in a directory:
npm link ../<project_name>/node_modules/react
Then, you will need to link this library:
npm link
And finally, in your application, bring in the linked library:
npm link @pinpt/uic.next
If you need to add any third party libraries, add them to both dependencies
and peerDependencies
so that npm brings in the dependencies dependencies and so that rollup ignores them.
Creating Components
This library has a script for adding a component that handles all the tasks needed:
npm run create -- -c <componentName>
This script will create:
- Component directory with uppercased
- Component stub
- Storybook file stub
- Test file stub
- Less stylesheet stub
- README template
This script will update:
- Library exports
- Main library README
If you pass the script the -s
or --star
argument, it will make the file use named exports, and write the imports as import * as <componentName> from './<componentName>';
. Otherwise all components are default exported from their individual files.
We use storybook for viewing the components in isolation:
npm run storybook
Each component should have a <componentName>.stories.tsx
file with:
- A default export with the title
- Named exports with each desired variation
For example:
import React from 'react';
import * as Tabs from './index';
export default {
title: 'Tabs',
export const multiple = () => (
<Tabs.Tab title="Hi" small="(Hello)">
Hello World
<Tabs.Tab title="Bye" small="(Goodbye)">
<Tabs.Tab title="Titles can be really long">
...and that is fine
export const single = () => (
<Tabs.Tab title=":(">
I am all alone
This yields a Storybook entry with the structure
├── Multiple
├── Single
This repo currently uses Jest snapshot testing to validate that components render successfully.
Running Tests
npm test
Writing Tests
Tests should be created in the folder of the components, in a file named <component_name>.test.tsx
Here is an example test suite for the Tabs component:
import React from 'react';
import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
import * as Tabs from './index';
it('renders correctly with one tab', () => {
const tree = renderer
<Tabs.Tab title="Hello">
Hello, world
Tests should cover an many variations as possible of the component, especially if it is dynamic based on props. Be sure to commit the snapshots generated by your new tests.
Updating Test Snapshops
npm run test:output -- -u