<div align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/99760654/177479825-5709d5df-a6e9-4abc-a70e-f66e064da036.png" width="200" /> <h1>Pinocchio.js</h1> Generate fake (but realistic) values for testing </div>
⚛ Supports All Frameworks
Pinocchio.js supports all web frameworks. Meaning, that it fits right in with your React ecosystem.
Note: I don't recommend implementing Pinocchio in your production build. Although, it is a very helpful tool to use in development.
⚡ Blazing Fast
Pinocchio.js is blazing fast (faster than others). It isn't many files, and requires next to 0 dependencies.
📦 Installation
You can install Pinocchio.js from the npm
# npm
npm install @pinocchiojs/core
# yarn
yarn add @pinocchiojs/core
# pnpm
pnpm add @pinocchiojs/core
📚 Documentation
🚧 Documentation under construction
Our documentation is currently under construction.
🎁 Usage
It's quite quick to get started with Pinocchio.
import * as pino from "@pinocchiojs/core";
console.log(pino.person.fullName()); // --> Roderick Aswin
console.log(pino.person.email()); // --> [email protected]
// Custom email domain
console.log(pino.person.email("hotmail.com")); // --> [email protected]
If you aren't using ES6 import/export, you can use the CommonJS require statement.
const pino = require("@pinocchiojs/core");
console.log(pino.person.fullName()); // --> Roderick Aswin
console.log(pino.person.email()); // --> [email protected]
// Custom email domain
console.log(pino.person.email("hotmail.com")); // --> [email protected]
Note: The usage only showcases a little of what Pinocchio is capable of. You can read our documentation to get started.
👥 Contributing
Public contributions aren't allowed yet. Although, if you are interested in joining the Pinocchio team, we build other software instead of just this. We would be glad to have you as a volunteer team member.
🛠 Issues/Bugs
If you find any issues or bugs, make sure to leave them in the issues tab and our development team will gladly fix them.