Brackets extension for file sync between local and remote via FTP, Connect to server via SFTP protocol is now available. Show Release Note: https://github.com/kooohei/brackets-synapse/wiki
Brackets Synapse
Synapse is an Adobe Brackets extension. You will be provided with useful functions such as you can edit a text file directly on a remote server. May the code be with you :-)
Extension Installation
- Choose ** File ** > ** Extension Manager **
- Search "synapse" via the search textbox.
- Click the "Install" button.
Watch the Extension Installation video
Append Server setting
Register your FTP, SFTP account to the extension.
- Click the "+" buttonon the top of the panel.
- You should input the Host, Port, User and Password.
- Switch the forms after you have chosen FTP or SFTP.
- FTP: Any empty input is not allowed.SFTP: choose if the auth method should be KEY or PASSWORD. Select a private key file and input the passphrase if needed.
For the private key file OpenSSH format is supported. "Current Directory" (optional): initial directory upon the connection. "Exclude files" (optional): CSV file with filepaths to be ignored by Threeview.
"Append server settings" video
Update Server setting
- Click to "Show Server list" icon on the left of the "Append Server settings" icon.
- The list of your FTP accounts will be displayed into the Server List panel.
- Click the "Edit" button.
- Click "Update" when you're finished.
Refresh files
- Open the context menu by right clicking on the target folder.
- Click "Refresh"
Rename and Delete
** Rename file, directory **
- Open the context menu by right clcking on the target node.
- Click "Rename"
** Delete file, directory **
- Open the context menu by right clcking on the target node.
- Click "Delete"
Create new item
- Open the context menu by right clicking on the directory you want to append a node.
- Click "New Directory" in "New Files"
- Enter a name for the node.
If the server you're accessing contains more than 30,000+ files you'll get this error due to Bracket's limits: