Saves your work as you type (automagically!). No need to press commands or switch windows. Perfect for file watchers
A Brackets extension that saves your file as you type. No need to constantly press Ctrl/CMD + S. It helps you achieve a perfect workflow with file watchers (Gulp, Grunt, npm, CodeKit...).
Simple demo gif:
How does it work?
Brackets-autosaver hooks to key presses. To avoid triggering a file save command on every-single-keypress the extension waits 400ms (or any other delay of your choosing) from the last key pulsation.
So once you're finished typing a few words or a simple correction, then it saves the document (always the one you just edited).
Is it always on?
Nope. You can turn this feature on and off easily from the File menu. So just check or uncheck File -> Enable auto saving.
How to install this awesome thing?
Like any other Brackets extension. Either look for it within Brackets extension manager or download this repo and drop it on Brackets.
Feel free to open any issues, I'll take care of them.