Drag and drop files and folders on the tree view to move or copy(pressing ctrl) them
Enalbes drag and drop of files and folders on the tree view.
Getting Started
- Open Extension Manager by clicking the building-blocky icon on the right side of Brackets or File -> Extension Manager;
- Search for Move Files;
- Click Install;
- Done =)
Click and drag (holding the mousedown) files and folders to other locations, drop to move.
The dragging file will be colored 'darkred' and the drop holders will have an semi-transparent dark blue background.
Hold ctrl to copy files instead of moving (must be held upon mouse relase/drop)
- Files are never overwrited. Copy is canceled if same name file already exists and copy will rename the dropped file.
- If a file or folder is dropped on top of a file, the move or copy will be made to the folder of that file (use this to move/copy files to the root directory)
- There's no multiple selection, do not bother trying to hold shift for now =)
For Dev / Git Install
The required dependencies are not on this repository. Install them from the command line.
Go the the extension folder path inside the node folder and run npm install
, like this
cd Brackets/extensions/user/
mkir alemonteiro.brackets-move-files
git clone https://github.com/alemonteiro/brackets-move-files alemonteiro.brackets-move-files
cd alemonteiro.brackets-move-files/node
npm install
You can fork and use your own repo as well.
- Fixed some path and logic issues on move and copy
- Changed event listener from MouseMove to MouseOut/MoveOver
- Changed drop background from black to blue (better visibility)
- Ajusted log output and check if NodeDomain is ready
- Added more log to console
- Updated read.me