A Vue.js component for creating an app from an ESRI web map
layerboard (@philly/layerboard in npmjs.com)
layerboard is a framework for creating app that are portals for viewing and downloading data from the City of Philadelphia.
For example, Openmaps is built using layerboard.
Also, StreetSmartPHL is built using layerboard.
Check out the wiki for usage documentation.
Example Sites
See the examples Openmaps and StreetSmartPHL.
Release Notes
1.0.0 - 12/17/2019
- Uses new major releases:
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 2.0.0
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 2.0.0
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 1.0.0
0.0.37 - 10/23/2019
- fixes linting issue
0.0.36 - 10/23/2019
you have to use the following (at minimum) with this:
"@vue/cli-plugin-babel": "^4.0.5", "@vue/cli-plugin-eslint": "^4.0.5", "@vue/cli-service": "^4.0.5",
0.0.35 - 10/9/2019
- Uses pvc 1.0.42, allows LegendBox class to be passed in
0.0.34 - 10/9/2019
- Uses update to L.esri.Webmap to add datetime to popups
0.0.33 - 10/8/2019
- Uses new releases of @philly libraries which fix bugs:
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.41
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.27
0.0.32 - 10/8/2019
- Attempted bug fix for streetsmartphl
0.0.31 - 10/7/2019
- Uses new releases of @philly libraries which ran upgrades:
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.40
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 1.0.41
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.26
0.0.30 - 9/6/2019
- Adds lines to store.js to handle new "fullScreen" changes in pvc
0.0.29 - 9/6/2019
- Uses new releases of @philly libraries which ran upgrades:
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.37
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 1.0.36
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.24
0.0.28 - 8/26/2019
- Allows you to set initial imagery in the config
0.0.27 - 8/9/2019
- Uses new releases of @philly libraries which use axios 0.19.0:
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.36
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 1.0.35
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.22
0.0.26 - 7/11/2019
- Uses new releases of @philly libraries which use axios 0.19.0:
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.33
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 1.0.33
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.20
0.0.25 - 6/2/2019
- Uses new releases of @philly libraries which use axios 0.19.0:
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.31
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 1.0.31
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.18
0.0.24 - 5/30/2019
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.30
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 1.0.30
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.17
- Allows you to use a footerContent parameter in your config, which lets you include as many popoverLink and Anchor components in your footer as you need.
- Allows you to use a customComps parameter in your config to include your own components in a project.
- Allows you to set up an initialPopover to put an alert modal on your site when it loads.