Configuration files for ESLint, and optionally TypeScript plugin
This is just a repository for my ESLint settings, with TypeScript (TSLint) plugin. I separated ES and TS, in case I need to make a pure JS project someday… I also separated semantics (possible errors, best practices, etc.) from style (formatting) rules. The latter has only rules that can be fixed by a formatter like Prettier. I deeply dislike these (I am used to do finicky formatting myself, and formatters can lead to inconsistent formatting because of line length), but I might work on a project where one is needed, and maybe these files can be useful as a base for people liking formatters too.
You can install it by putting in package.json something like:
"@philhosoft/ts-eslintrc": "^1.1.0",
Take .eslintrc.js, which is just an example of usage, customize it as needed. It extends the files from node_modules, and thus can work out of the box. Further customizations of rules can be done too (I have a personal taste for [ 'spaced arrays' ] and Allman brace style).
v. 1.1.0 - Adjust rules, factor out some settings. v. 1.0.1 - Remove initial dot for included files. v. 1.0.0 - Initial implementation.