The Outline Components for the web link component
The Outline Core Link component
| Property | Type | Description |
| linkHref
| string
| Link url |
| linkRel
| LinkRelType
| Link rel |
| linkTarget
| LinkTargetType
| Link target |
| linkText
| string
| Link text |
| Method | Type | Description |
| isURLExternal
| (url: string): boolean
| Check to see if the link is external, pass target="_blank" and rel="external" if so. Returns true if the link is external. |
| linkRelRender
| (): string \| undefined
| You can override Rel manually, but if not, we'll set it to "noreferrer noopener" if the link is external.Tabnabbing vulnerability 🤯TLDR: when a link has the attribute target="_blank", always add ref="noreferrer noopener"https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/HTML5_Security_Cheat_Sheet.html#tabnabbing |
| linkTargetRender
| (): string \| undefined
| You can override target manually, but if not, we'll set it to "_blank" if the link is external. |
| Name | Description | |------|------------------------------------| | | The default slot for this element. |
CSS Custom Properties
| Property | Description |
| --outline-core-link-color
| default: The default link color. |
| --outline-core-link-color-default
| decoration: Text decoration for the default link. |
| --outline-core-link-color-hover
| decoration: Text decoration for the link when hovering. |
| --outline-core-link-transition
| property: The CSS transition property to use for the link. |
| --outline-core-link-transition-timing
| function: The CSS transition timing function to use for the link. |
The Outline Core Link component
| Property | Attribute | Type | Description |
| linkHref
| link-href
| string
| Link url |
| linkRel
| link-rel
| LinkRelType
| Link rel |
| linkTarget
| link-target
| LinkTargetType
| Link target |
| linkText
| link-text
| string
| Link text |
| Method | Type | Description |
| isURLExternal
| (url: string): boolean
| Check to see if the link is external, pass target="_blank" and rel="external" if so. Returns true if the link is external. |
| linkRelRender
| (): string \| undefined
| You can override Rel manually, but if not, we'll set it to "noreferrer noopener" if the link is external.Tabnabbing vulnerability 🤯TLDR: when a link has the attribute target="_blank", always add ref="noreferrer noopener"https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/HTML5_Security_Cheat_Sheet.html#tabnabbing |
| linkTargetRender
| (): "_blank" \| "_self" \| "_parent" \| "_top" \| undefined
| You can override target manually, but if not, we'll set it to "_blank" if the link is external. |
| Name | Description | |------|------------------------------------| | | The default slot for this element. |
CSS Custom Properties
| Property | Description |
| --outline-core-link-color
| default: The default link color. |
| --outline-core-link-color-default
| decoration: Text decoration for the default link. |
| --outline-core-link-color-hover
| decoration: Text decoration for the link when hovering. |
| --outline-core-link-transition
| property: The CSS transition property to use for the link. |
| --outline-core-link-transition-timing
| function: The CSS transition timing function to use for the link. |