Use it when single javascript application should control multiple vue apps.
Visual Controller for Vue
Install visual controller:
npm i @peter.naydenov/visual-controller-for-vue
Initialization process:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VisualController from '@peter.naydenov/visual-controller-for-vue'
eBus = new Vue ()
, html = new VisualController ({eBus,Vue})
// Ready for use...
Let's show something on the screen:
// Let's have vue component 'Hello' with prop 'greeting'
html.publish ( Hello, {greeting:'Hi'}, 'app' )
//arguments are: ( component, props, containerID )
Visual Controller Methods
publish : 'Render vue app in container. Associate app instance with the container.'
, getApp : 'Returns app instance by container name'
, destroy : 'Destroy app by using container name '
VisualController.publish ()
Publish vue app.
html.publish ( component, props, containerID )
- component: object. Vue component
- props: object. Vue components props
- containerID: string. Id of the container where vue-app will live.
eBus = new Vue ()
, html = new VisualController ({eBus,Vue})
html.publish ( Hi, { greeting: 'hi'}, 'app' )
Render component 'Hi' with prop 'greeting' and render it in html element with id "app".
VisualController.getApp ()
Returns vue-app associated with a container. Provides access to the methods of parent vue-app component.
let controls = html.getApp ( containerID )
- containerID: string. Id of the container.
id = 'videoControls'
, controls = html.getApp ( id )
if ( controls ) controls.pushPlay () // use methods of the component
else { // component is not available
console.error ( `App for id:"${id}" is not available` )
If visual controller(html) has a vue app associated with this name will return it. Otherwise will return false.
VisualController.destroy ()
Will destroy vue app associated with this container name and container will become empty. Function will return 'true' on success and 'false' on failure. Function will not delete content of provided container if there is no vue app associated with it.
html.destroy ( containerID )
- containerID: string. Id name.
Other details and requirements
- Components templates must have "id" on the top wrapper element associated to "containerID" prop.
<div :id="containerID">
- Every component receive at least two props: [ 'containerID', 'eBus' ]. Use
to provide screen-events back to the software.