Context control of shortcuts based on keyboard and mouse events
Shortcuts (@peter.naydenov/shortcuts)
Describe all page activities as list of shortcuts wrapped in contexts. Switch among available contexts.
Library has a plugin system to extend the possible shortcut names
/event coverage
. Plugins role is to convert DOM events to shortcut strings, then the core part will trigger the action functions related to the shortcut. At the moment we have 2 plugins:
- converts keyboard events to shortcut names;click
- converts mouse events to shortcut names;
Planned work on the plugins for scroll
, drag-drop
, input-change
, etc...
Shortcut Description Rules
The shortcuts definition includes a context name and a set of rules(object). The rules are a set of key-value pairs. The key is a shortcut name and the value is a function or array of functions, to be executed when the shortcut is triggered (action function).
// { context: { shortcutName: actionFunction } }
// or
// { context: { shortcutName: [ actionFunction1, actionFunction2 ] }}
// Shortcut definition object:
contextName : {
shortcutName : function () {
// do something
, shortcutName : [
function action1() {
// do something
, function action2() {
// do something
// shortcutName after v.3.0.0 have a plugin prefix. - 'pluginPrefix:shortcutName'.
// For example: 'key:s+alt' - for 's+alt' shortcut that is handled by 'key' plugin.
Load a shortcut definition by calling load
// for es6 module projects:
include { shortcuts, pluginKey, pluginClick } from '@peter.naydenov/shortcuts'
// for commonjs projects:
const { shortcuts, pluginKey, pluginClick } = require('@peter.naydenov/shortcuts')
const short = shortcuts ();
// Load a needed plugins
// short.enablePlugin ( pluginCode, ?pluginOptions )
short.enablePlugin ( pluginKey )
short.enablePlugin ( pluginClick )
// Load a shortcut definition
short.load ( shortcutDefinition )
Shortcuts are working only if contex is active. To activate a context call changeContext
short.changeContext ( contextName )
To deactivate a context without starting other context, call changeContext
method without arguments.
short.changeContext ()
Shortcuts context has note
that works like sub-contexts. Every shortcut function receives a context and note as arguments, so you can have fine control over the context.
short.setNote ( 'special' ) // set note to 'special'
short.setNote () // remove the note
The idea of note
is to minimize the number of contexts if they are very simular. You can use same context but change the note
and control the shortcut execution from inside of the action function by checking the note
contextName : {
shortcutName : function ( {context, note} ) {
if ( note === 'special' ) {
// do something
Context and notes are available inside action functions but you can check them from outside too.
Check current context by calling getContext
short.getContext ()
Check notes by calling getNote
short.getNote ()
Plugin 'click' Shortcut Descriptions
Mouse event name is build from the following parts:
// click:<mouse button>-<number of clicks>-<modifier key>-<modifier key>-<modifier key>
// example:
// click: left-2 -> for double click with left mouse button
// click: right-3 -> for triple click with right mouse button
// mouse button options: left, right, middle
The modifier keys ctrl
, alt
, and shift
are supported. They are added to the mouse event by sign -
// example:
// click: left-1-ctrl -> for single click with left mouse button and ctrl key pressed
Order of describing click event and modifier keys is not important.
// example:
// click: ctrl-left-1 -> same as above
// These 3 descriptions are equal:
// click: left-1-ctrl-alt-shift
// click: alt-shift-left-1-ctrl
// click: left-1-shift-ctrl-alt
Multiple clicks are detected automatically by time interval between clicks. The default interval is 320ms but you can change it by setting mouseWait
click plugin option.
short.enablePlugin ( pluginClick, { mouseWait: 500 }) // set the interval to 500ms
Read more in section Options
Define a Click Targets
Target HTML elements for shortcuts
are defined by data-click
attribute. The value of the attribute is the name of the target. Example:
<button data-click="id">Click me</button>
<!-- target name is 'id' -->
Attribute is customizable by setting clickTarget
click plugin option. Read more in section Options
If current shortcuts context contain definition for 2 or more clicks, this may slow down the execution of single shortcuts because shortcuts
will wait for the time interval to detect multiple clicks. To avoid this for specific targets, you can set data-quick-click
attribute to the target element. Example:
<button data-click="id" data-quick-click>Click me</button>
<!-- target name is 'id' and will not wait for more then 1 click -->
Using a tag is a special case. It's always recognized as a target, and always with attribute data-quick-click
. No need to set it manually. Example:
<a href="#">Click me</a>
<!-- Recognized as a target and will not wait for more then 1 click -->
<!-- Take care for the action from shortcut `click: left-1`. -->
Clicking on tag will execute default browser behaviour. In your click:left-1
action function you can take the control. Example:
contextName : {
'click:left-1' : function ( {target, event} ) {
if ( target.tagName === 'A' ) { // To prevent default action on <a> tag
event.preventDefault ()
// do something...
Plugin 'key' Event Descriptions
Keyboard event description contains a key name and a modifier keys if they are used. The modifier keys ctrl
, alt
, and shift
are supported. They are added to the keyboard event by sign +
// example:
// key: ctrl+alt+shift+a -> for key 'a' with ctrl, alt and shift keys pressed
Keyboard event description support a shortcut sequenses. These means that you can press a sequence of keys to trigger a shortcut. The sequence elements are separated by sign "," ( coma ):
// example:
// key: a,b,c -> for key 'a' then key 'b' then key 'c'
// key: g+shift,o,t,o -> for key 'g' with shift, then key 'o', then key 't' then key 'o'
Order of describing keyboard event and modifier keys is not important, but sequence elements are:
// example:
// key: a+ctrl,l,o,t -> a with ctrl, then l, then o, then t
// this is equal to:
// key: ctrl+a,l,o,t
// but not equal to:
// key: ctrl+a,o,t,l
Keyboard sequence is detected automatically by time interval between key presses. The default interval is 480ms but you can change it by setting keyWait
key plugin option. Read more in section Options
There is a way to disable automatic sequence detection and mark the begining and the end of the sequense by using a keyboard action functions. Read more in section Keyboard Action Functions
Special characters that are available for your shortcut descriptions:
- 'left' - left arrow key
- 'right' - right arrow key
- 'up' - up arrow key
- 'down' - down arrow key
- 'enter' - enter key
- 'space' - space key
- 'esc' - escape key
- 'tab' - tab key
- 'backspace' - backspace key
- '=' - equal key
- F1 - F12 - function keys
- '/' - slash key
- '\' - backslash key
- '[' - open square bracket key
- ']' - close square bracket key
- '`' - backtick key
Warning: For keys with two symbols(look at the keyboard), in shortcut description use the lower one. Examples: Use '=' instead of '+', use '/' instead of '?', etc. Modifier keys are available for special characters too.
Warining: Some of the shortcuts are used by OS and the browswer, so they are not available.
Action Functions
Action functions are called when a shortcut is triggered. There is a difference among plugin action functions. Arguments are slightly different.
Keyboard Action Functions
Description of key
plugin action functions is:
function myKeyHandler ({
context // (string) Name of the current context;
, note // (string) Name of the note or null if note isn't set;
, dependencies // (object) Object with dependencies that you have set by calling `setDependencies` method;
, wait // (function). Call it to stop a sequence timer and write shortcut sequence without a timer.
, end // (function). Recover the sequence timer;
, ignore // (function). Call it to ignore the current shortcut from the sequence;
, isWaiting // (boolean). True if the sequence timer is active;
}) {
// Body of the handler. Do something...
Mouse Action Functions
Click plugin action functions can be described like:
function myMouseHandler ({
context // (string) Name of the current context;
, note // (string) Name of the note or null if note isn't set;
, dependencies // (object) Object with dependencies that you have set by calling `setDependencies` method;
, target // (DOM element). Target element of the mouse event;
, targetProps // (object). Coordinates of the target element (top, left, right, bottom, width, height) or null if target element is not available;
, x // (number). X coordinate of the target element;
, y // (number). Y coordinate of the target element;
, event // (object). Original mouse event object;
}) {
// Body of the handler. Do something...
Description of the methods of shortcut instance:
load : 'Load and extend a shortcut definition.'
, unload : 'Remove a shortcut context with all its shortcuts.'
, enablePlugin : 'Enable a plugin.'
, disablePlugin : 'Disable a plugin.'
, mutePlugin : 'Mute a plugin. All events for the plugin will be ignored.'
, unmutePlugin : 'Unmute a plugin. All events for the plugin will be listened again.'
, changeContext : 'Switch to existing shortcut context or shitch off the context(if no argument).'
, getContext : 'Return a name of current context or null if there is no context selected'
, emit : 'Trigger a shortcut or custom event programmatically.'
, pause : 'Stop listening for shortcuts.'
, resume : 'Resume listening for shortcuts.'
, listContexts : 'Return list of available contexts.'
, listShortcuts : 'Return list of shortcuts per context.'
, getNote : `Return a name of current note or null if note isn't set`
, setNote : 'Set a note to current context.'
, setDependencies : 'Set dependencies that will be available in action functions.'
, getDependencies : 'Return a dependencies object.'
How to 'pause' and 'resume'?
When you want to stop execution of shortcuts, call short.pause()
. It's equal to short.pause('*')
. Will stop all shortcuts in the active context. Stop for single shortcut is by calling short.pause('shortcutName')
. To resume shortcuts execution call short.resume()
. It's equal to short.resume('*')
. Will resume all shortcuts in the active context. Resume for single shortcut is by calling short.resume('shortcutName')
// pause all shortcuts in the active context
short.pause () // will stop all shortcuts in the active context
short.resume ( 'shift+a' ) // will resume only 'shift+a' shortcut
short.resume ('*') // will resume all shortcuts
Shortcut receives options
during the start. Here is the list of available options:
onShortcut : 'Callback function that is called when a shortcut is triggered. Default value - false'
const short = shortcut ({onShortcut: (shortcut) => console.log(shortcut) }) // Log in console each triggered shortcut
Plugin 'key' options
keyWait : 'Timeout for entering shortcut sequence in ms. Default value - 480'
, streamKeys : 'False or a callback function that is called when a key is pressed. Default value - false'
Plugin 'click' options
mouseWait : 'Timeout for entering multiple mouse events. Default value - 320.'
, clickTarget : 'Data attribute name to recognize click items in HTML. Default value - click' // data attribute 'click' means attribute ( data-click='someName' )
Plugin options are provided as a second argument during the plugin enabling. It's look like this:
short.enablePlugin ( pluginKey, {
keyWait: 500 // set the interval to 500ms
, streamKeys: (key) => console.log(key) // Log in console each pressed key
short.enablePlugin ( pluginClick, {
mouseWait: 200 // set the interval between multiple clicks to 200ms
, clickTarget: 'puk' // data attribute 'puk' means attribute ( data-puk='someName' )
onShortcut option
function onShortcut ({ shortcut, context, note, dependencies }) {
// shortcut - (string) Triggered shortcut name
// context - (string) Name of the current context
// note - (string) Name of the note or null if note isn't set
// dependencies - (object) Object with dependencies that you have set by calling `setDependencies` method
streamKeys option
function streamKeys ({ key, context, note, dependencies }) {
// key - (string) Pressed key name
// context - (string) Name of the current context
// note - (string) Name of the note or null if note isn't set
// dependencies - (object) Object with dependencies that you have set by calling `setDependencies` method
'@peter.naydenov/shortcuts' was created and supported by Peter Naydenov.
'@peter.naydenov/shortcuts' is released under the MIT License.