Data-pool is a data-layer for node apps and single page application
Data-pool (@peter.naydenov/data-pool)
is a data-layer for node apps and single page application (SPA). Data-pool will simplify data maintanance with :
- Immutable data stores;
- Caching data records from Api requests;
- Optional TTL for each data record;
- Optional update schedule for each data record;
- A mechanism to fake Api request response;
Install for node.js projects by writing in your terminal:
npm i @peter.naydenov/data-pool
Once it has been installed, it can be used by writing this line of JavaScript:
import dataPool from '@peter.naydenov/data-pool'
const dataPool = require ( '@peter.naydenov/data-pool' );
How to use it
Create a data-pool
const pool = dataPool ();
Now you are free to add and manipulate stores and data. For more details read the 'Methods' section
set : 'Create new record'
, get : 'Returns existing data, or requesting it from related API'
, addApi : 'Associate one or more APIs with data-pool'
, removeApi : 'Remove associated API. Single API only'
, list : 'List stores with data'
, has : 'Checks if store or store-key exist. Returns a boolean: true/false'
, importStore : 'Add data as a store'
, exportStore : 'Export store as a data'
, on : 'Watch for store changes'
, setDummy : 'Define dummy source-data for store-key. Should be a function that returns a promise.'
, removeDummy : 'Remove dummy source-data.'
, setTTL : 'Set a TTL for a store-key record.'
, removeTTL : 'Remove a ttl record'
, setUpdate : 'Set recurring updates for specific API related record'
, removeUpdate : 'Remove recurring updates requests'
, setNoCache : 'Specify store-key records that should not have cache'
, removeNoCache : 'Remove no cache setting per store-key'
Creates a new data record in data pool.
pool.set ( storeName, key, data )
* Arguments:
* - storeName: string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string or tuple(required).
* if it's a string -> data identifier
* if it's a tuple -> first element is the data identifier,
* second is the extension.
* Extension should be available because some Api calls can return different
* results and we want to keep instead of overwrite them. Example: "getProduct"
* method can return product specification but we have a lot of products. We want
* to keep them in data-pool as a separate objects.
* - data: Any(required). Provide any data that should be saved;
* Returns: void
* /
pool.set ( 'demo', 'name', 'Peter' )
* 1: No store 'demo':
* Will create store 'demo' and will set property 'name' to 'Peter'
* 2: There is store 'demo':
* Will create a property 'name' for store 'demo'
* 3: There is store 'demo' with a property 'name'
* Will overwrite the property 'name' with 'Peter'
* /
Returns a requested store/key. If there is no value and there is associated Api, will send request to the Api. Dummy values per store/key will overwrite the Api if they exists.
pool.get ( storeName, key, ...other )
* Arguments:
* - storeName: string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string or tuple(required).
* if it's a string -> data identifier
* if it's a tuple -> first element is the data identifier,
* second is the extension.
* Returns: Any<Promise>
* /
pool.get ( 'demo', 'name' )
.then ( r => {
// r = 'Peter'
Register api in data-pool as source of information. Api name will become a store name and api methods will become keys. Key as a tuple represents methods that can return more that one result and records will need specification. For example - key:[ getProduct, 2443 ]. getProduct can return all items in the system, but extension specifies the exact product ID.
pool.addApi ( apiList )
* Arguments:
* - apiList: object(required). List of Api that should work into data-pool
* Returns: void
* /
// we have api for users(userAPI) and api for products(productAPI)
pool.addApi ({
// userApi has method 'getDetails'. Here is an example how we can call that method
pool.get ( 'user', 'getDetails' )
.then ( r => {
// r will contain result of userAPI.getDetails()
Removes conection of data-pool to api. Removes all 'updates' related to these api methods.
pool.removeApi ( apiName )
* Arguments:
* - apiName - string(required). Api name that should be removed;
* Returns: void
* /
pool.removeApi ( 'user' )
// Will remove association with userAPI from prev. example
pool.get ( 'user', 'getDetails' )
.then ( r => {
// Relation to the api is removed but store still exists!
// 1. If store has record for 'user','getDetails' -> will return the result
// 2. If there is no record -> will return null.
Returns list of all existing stores.
pool.list ()
* no arguments
* Returns: string[].
* /
// If we have association to userAPI and productAPI, and we have called once a
// pool.get ( 'user','getDetails' )
const list = pool.list ()
// list => [ 'user' ]
Accociation of the productAPI with data-pool will not create the store automatically. Store will be created when we have data for it.
Check if store or store/key exists.
pool.has ( storeName, key )
* Arguments
* - storeName - string(required). Name of the store.
* - key: string or tuple(optional).
* if it's a string -> data identifier
* if it's a tuple -> first element is the data identifier,
* second is the extension.
* Returns: boolean.
* /
const hasStore = pool.has ( 'user' )
// hasStore => true
Converts a javascript object to data-pool store.
pool.importStore ( storeName, data )
* Arguments:
* - storeName - string(required). Data will become a store
* - data - object(required). Any data
* Returns : void
* /
const data = {
name : 'Peter'
, age : 48
pool.importStore ( 'yo', data )
pool.get ( 'yo', 'name' )
.then ( r => {
// r === 'Peter'
Returns a store as a javascript object
pool.exportStore ( storeName )
* Arguments:
* - storeName - string(required). Name of the store for export
* Returns : object
* /
Data-pool events are triggered on store's data changes.
pool.on ( nameOfStore, callback )
function callback ( key, oldData, newData ) {
// ....
* Method 'on' Arguments
* - nameOfStore - string(required). Listen for changes in the specified store.
* - callback - function(required). Fn will be executed on every data field change;
* Returns : void
* Callback Arguments:
* - key - Name of the changed field
* - oldData - field value at until now
* - newData - field upcoming value
* Returns : void
* /
Set a dummy source of information for specific store/key. Used for testing and development purposes. If Api is not ready we can provide expected data as using a dummy function. To get back to real api call remove the dummy. Dummy will always overwrite default source of information.
pool.setDummy ( storeName, key, dummyFn )
* Arguments:
* - storeName: string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string or tuple(required).
* if it's a string -> data identifier
* if it's a tuple -> first element is the data identifier,
* second is the extension.
* - dummyFn: function. Function will be executed always when we have
* specified storeName/key. Function should return a promise.
* Returns: void
* /
Cancel dummy source of information.
pool.removeDummy ( storeName, key )
* Arguments:
* - storeName: string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string or tuple(required).
* if it's a string -> data identifier
* if it's a tuple -> first element is the data identifier,
* second is the extension.
Set a 'time to live'(TTL) to specific store/key.
pool.setTTL ( storeName, key, ttl )
* Arguments:
* - storeName : string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string(required). Data identifier
* - ttl: number(required). Time to live in ms.
* Returns: void
Cancel TTL for specific store/key.
pool.removeTTL ( storeName, key )
* Arguments:
* - storeName: string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string(required). Data identifier;
* Returns: void
Set interval to update record for api related stores.
pool.setUpdate ( storeName, key, interval )
* Arguments:
* - storeName: string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string(required). Data identifier;
* - interval: number(required). Interval for next update in ms.
* Returns: void;
Cancel automatic update for api related stores.
pool.removeUpdate ( storeName, key )
* Arguments:
* - storeName: string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string(required). Data identifier;
* Returns: void
Use 'setNoCache' method with api related stores. Set store-key
as no-cache and every data request will hit the api.
pool.setNoCache ( storeName, key )
* Arguments:
* - storeName : string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string(required). Data identifier;
* Returns: void
Cancel no-cache request.
pool.removeNoCache ( storeName, key )
* Arguments:
* - storeName: string(required). Name of the store;
* - key: string(required). Data identifier;
* Returns : void
'@peter.naydenov/data-pool' was created and supported by Peter Naydenov.
'@peter.naydenov/data-pool' is released under the MIT License.