## Installation
ES imports
npm i @perplex-digital/athlon-cookie-bar
Import the registration of <athlon-cookie-bar>
import '@perplex-digital/athlon-cookie-bar';
The component takes two arguments: umbraconodeid and culture Option | Type | Default | Description ------ | ---- | ------- | ---- umbraconodeid | string | null | Umbraco node id (GUID) culture | string | null | Umbraco culture
<athlon-cookie-bar umbraconodeid="xxxxxxxxxx" culture="en"></athlon-cookie-bar>
Interaction with cookies
There are several objects/methods exported which you can import anytime and use to interact with the cookies or the choices that the user made.
- config: PlxCookieConfig
- Exports the config that is set.
- setConfig(config: PlxCookieConfig)
- Change the default configuration by specifying a new config object.
- validate()
- Validates the current config.
- accept(suppliers: Array)
- Accept the cookie with an array of suppliers.
- acceptAll()
- Accepts all suppliers.
- acceptNecessary()
- Accepts all necessary suppliers.
- getAcceptedSuppliers()
- Gets the cookie value and returns an array with the accepted suppliers.
- hasSavedPreferences()
- Checks if the cookie is set.
- isAccepted(supplier: string)
- Returns a boolean value.
- getStoredHash()
- Gets the hash* that is stored at the end of the cookie string.
- onSave(callback: Function)
- Add a callback function that will be excecuted when the user saves the cookie.
- onAccept(supplier: string, callback: (acceptedSuppliers: string[]) => void, getInitialValue: boolean)
- Add a callback function that will be excecuted when the user accepts the cookie.
- getData(force?: boolean)
- Fetches and returns the data from Umbraco.
- getCategories()
- Fetches the data from Umbraco and returns the cookie categories.
- getSuppliers()
- Returns an array of cookie suppliers from Umbraco.
- getHash()
- Fetches and returns a hash of the current cookie settings from Umbraco.
- getHash()
- Fetches and returns the cookie text from Umbraco.
- getHistory()
- Returns the history that is stored in the localstorage as an object.
* Hash: is used to detect supplier changes in Umbraco. Whenever the cookie values are changed in Umbraco, a new hash is generated. This feature is disabled by default since version 2.1.0, updated in 2.2.0 and can be enabled by setting config.useHash.
import { getAcceptedSuppliers } from '@perplex-digital/athlon-cookie-bar';
const acceptedSuppliers = getAcceptedSuppliers();
if(acceptedSuppliers.includes('youtube')) {
// Load YouTube.
console.log("YouTube loaded");
Config (PlxCookieConfig)
type PlxCookieConfig = {
cookieName: string;
cookieExpirationInDays: number;
cookieDomain: string;
historyKey: string;
baseUrl: string;
umbraconodeid: string;
culture: string | null;
useHash?: boolean;
// Default config:
const defaultConfig: PlxCookieConfig = {
cookieName: 'PerplexCookieConsent',
cookieExpirationInDays: 365,
cookieDomain: window.location.hostname,
historyKey: 'PerplexCookieConsent',
baseUrl: 'https://umbraco.athlon.com/umbraco/api/cookies',
umbraconodeid: '',
culture: null,
useHash: false,
Styling can be overriden by using CSS custom properties. For example you can do this in you CSS:
athlon-cookie-bar {
--plx-cookie-bar-bg: #ececec;
--plx-cookie-bar-max-width: 2200px;
--plx-cookie-bar-layout-padding: 4rem;
@media screen and (min-width: 48em) {
athlon-cookie-bar {
--plx-cookie-bar-layout-padding: 8rem;
REM values
The main Athlon sites have their root(html) font-size scaled down to make 1rem equal to 10px. This cookie component uses mainly REM-values. If you would like to change that to pixels, we would advise you to override the following CSS custom properties.
athlon-cookie-bar {
/* Button */
--plx-button-font-size: 1.6rem;
--plx-button-icon-size: 1.8rem;
--plx-button-padding: 1.7rem 3rem;
--plx-button-min-width: 20rem;
/* Cookie bar */
--plx-cookie-bar-layout-padding: 4rem;
/* Cookie settings */
--plx-overlay-margin: 8rem auto 6rem;
--plx-overlay-close-spacing: 2rem;
--plx-overlay-close-size: 3rem;
--plx-overlay-close-icon-size: 2rem;
--plx-cookie-settings-panel-width: 64rem;
--plx-cookie-settings-panel-padding: 8rem 4rem 4rem;
--plx-cookie-settings-tab-font-size: 1.8rem;
--plx-cookie-settings-tab-font-weight: 600;
--plx-cookie-settings-tab-padding: 1.4rem 0;
--plx-cookie-settings-category-font-size: 2.4rem;
--plx-cookie-settings-font-size: 18px;
--plx-cookie-settings-supplier-gap: 0.5rem 0;
--plx-cookie-settings-button-icon-size: 1.8rem;
--plx-cookie-form-toggle-height: 3rem;
--plx-cookie-form-toggle-border-width: 1px;
@media screen and (min-width: 80em) {
:host {
--plx-cookie-bar-layout-padding: 4rem 8rem;
--plx-cookie-settings-panel-padding: 8rem;
@media screen and (min-width: 120em) {
:host {
--plx-cookie-bar-layout-padding: 4rem 16rem;