Squirrel component library
Pequity Squirrel component library
VS Code setup
Install Volar
For Vue 3 development we need a newer VS Code extension.
You can search for "Volar" in VS Code extensions (cmd+shift+x)
or navigate to "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Vue.volar and install it from there.
Create a new workspace just for squirrel
Since this is a Vue 3 project, we have create a new separate workspace for it, so that tools like Vue language features (Volar), ESLint, Prettier etc, work as expected.
- File -> Open folder -> point to
- File -> Save Workspace As... -> save it to your favorite location as e.g
Disable Vetur for this workspace
We need to disable Vetur (the Vue language extension for Vue 2) so that Volar is able to take over.
- Navigate to VS Code extensions on the left panel (cmd+shift+x)
- Search for "Vetur", click on the found entry, a details view will display on the right pane.
- On the right pane click on the arrow on the right of the "Disable" dropdown and click "Disable (Workspace)" This will disable Vetur just for this workspace.
- Restart VS Code
VS Code workspace settings
Create squirrel/.vscode/settings.json
with contents
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
Project setup
npm install
Start the dev server
npm run dev
Compile for production
npm run build
Preview the production build locally
npm run preview
Run unit tests
npm run test:unit
Lint files
npm run lint
Lint and auto-fix files
npm run lint-fix
Run typescript checks
npm run typecheck
Customize configuration
Adding path aliases
When a new path alias is required (e.g @/folder
), it has to be added to the following files:
- tsconfig.app.json
- tsconfig.jest.json
- vite.config.ts