a script that downloads the sample repo and installs locally
@pepperi-addons Typescript Template
A template for creating a pepperi addon with an angular app for the client-side & a typescript nodejs app for the server-side
- debugging server side right in vscode
- a build script for creating all compiled files for addon
- a publish script for uploading the addon
System Requirements
node --version
> 12.0.0
npm --version
> 6.0.0
Install by running
npm init @pepperi-addons
npx @pepperi-addons/create
Project structure
The following is an overview of the project structure.
The node_modules folder is in use by npm
|Folder | Description | | ---: | :--- | | .vscode | vscode tasks & launch | | client-side | an angular app that is the UI of the plugin | | server-side | a typescripe node.js app for writing an addon API | | publish | all files to be published to the addon are created in this folder | | publish/api | the api endpoints created | | publish/assets | put any assets you might need for the front end (eg. translation files, images) |
Additional files
contains information for publishing the addon
put the var API secret key here, for publishing the addon. Make sure not to commit this file. How to get the secret you ask? It's a secret!
This file. You can file info here regarding your project.
To debug your addon in Visual Studio Code
, press F5
or Run->Start Debugging
You can then checkout your API at http://localhost:4400/api/foo. Be sure to supply a JWT for it to work.
To view the addon UI, open https://app.pepperi.com/settings/your-app-uuid/editor?dev=true
If you haven't created the addon yet you can use our placeholder plugin: https://app.sandbox.pepperi.com/settings/a8f4698f-eb75-4a75-bdf6-1524eb9f6baf/editor?dev=true
Open the browser inspector to make sure that the editor file is served locally
When you are ready to publish your addon. Update the addon.config.json
file, with your addons info (AddonUUID etc.). Change the AddonVersion
to 1.0.0. The publish script will automatically bump the version patch number every time you publish the app. (eg. the next version will be 1.0.1).
To publish your addon you will need the secret-key. It is unique per addon. Put it in the var_sk file.
Then run:
npm run publish-addon
Addon API
An addon API is a javascript file that exports functions that can be called through the api.
For example in server-side/api.ts
we export a function foo
like so:
export async function foo(client: Client, request: Request) {
const service = new MyService(client)
const res = await service.getAddons()
return res
This function will run for the following API call: https://papi.pepperi.com/v1.0/addons/api/a8f4698f-eb75-4a75-bdf6-1524eb9f6baf/api/foo
You can acess the API call method, query and body in request.method
and request.body
You can add as many files as you like in both typescript & javascript. These can require
other files & packags. The build script will create a output file for every endpoint specified in: addon.config.json
Endpoints field.
To debug these api's locally, just press F5, and call: http://localhost:4400/api/foo
Addon Editor
The editor is the addon's UI and is developed as an Angular app.
This project is far from being complete, and is missing in tooling, documentation, examples and more. We are also interested in creating other templates like a html-css-js front-end with a vanilla node.js backend. You are welcome to contribute at: https://github.com/Pepperi-Addons/create-addon
Please create your on addon in a repo under: https://github.com/Pepperi-Addons so that we can all learn from each other